Lifestyle Relationship Hacks

100+ I Just Want To Cuddle With You Quotes

I just want to cuddle with you quotes

I just want to cuddle with you quotes, I want to lay my head on your chest, I want to snuggle close to you. Don’t you just need these cuddling quotes for your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife? Relationships usually go dry nowadays since we have forgotten that little things like sending cuddling quotes to our partners count. In the age of social media where a whole lot of relationships happen online, we have almost lost our traditional sense of making our love life tick.

I am here to bring these back!

A lot of people find it difficult in recent times to find the best quotes online, to suit their specific needs  with respect to finding quotes and messages. Not to worry, you are on the right blog and at the right page.

I love to cuddle my partner a lot. Not only does she feel safe and confident in the relationship. She also feels protected, warm and loved by me. This is the information I always want to send whenever I am cuddling my woman.

What information are you sending in your relationship? Does your man/ woman feel safe, secure and confident in the relationship? Then check out these I just want to cuddle you quotes and see if they really work on you enough to get you to use one, two or as much as you want to.

My 20 cute I just want to cuddle with you quotes

1 Whenever I am with you, I feel like there is really no one in this world. I feel totally oblivious of everything happening around me. I feel a part of me vibrate so hard wanting your body warmth so bad while I feel the other part of me in seeming rest and comfortably protected.

2 Please hold me tight. Please lie on me and lay your head on my chest. I want you to listen to the beatings of my heart and they speedily beat for you. I want you to touch me all over starting with my head, down to my chest, then to my arm, my waist and straight to my hands gently locked in them. I want us to sleep cuddled in a warm embrace and I want you to know you are mine and that I love you.

3 I would love to touch your hair. Let your fingers drive into my hair touching my scalp in a beautiful and romantic way. Wrap your warm and cute arms around me in a beautiful squeeze of adorable hug. Let me work my lips from your mouth to your earlobes, down to your neck and having my fingers stroke knobs on your boos like the guitar string. I want to kiss the edge of your nose, your eyelashes and your chubby kiss as we bask in the warm cuddle and embrace.

4 Kiss me not so hard, but in a warm and gentle way. What is this life without us having to savour the sweetness of togetherness. Let your thumb play over my lips, then may me lay on my back as you sit on top of me and cup my face with your warm soft hands. I want you to mouth the ‘ I love you word’ as we continue to stay together in bliss and harmony.

5 Your cuddle are for days. The warmth of your body are for years. They are beautiful and I long for them every day in different ways. Close your eyes, let me study your shapely body and be appreciative of the beautiful human cuddling me over and over again. You are beautiful and own a warm and fuzzy body. I love everything about you. You are special.

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