Dee Love Paragraphs

20+ God Bless SMS for you

God bless sms

In times like this you need to be grateful and that is why you need these God bless SMS. When you are tired, tell people God bless. When you are weak, tell them God bless. In as much as you tell people God bless, God will also bless you too.

God bless SMS for friend

He has promised you already that you will never have any cause to face the challenges of life alone. All you need to do is believe him because he will do all things according to his riches in Glory.

I asked from God today, amazing blessings, spiritual and physical upliftment. I asked him to please protect you and help make you safe. I asked him to bestow upon you peace, joy and happiness that is due you! God has blessed you already, keep calm and wait for it.

The almighty father in heaven will protect and guide you. He will never leaveyou at the hands of your enemies. He will make your life bigger and better everyday, and he will ensure that you get to your promise land in no distant time. God bless you.

When you feel so bad and sad. When you think things have completely gone wrong. When you feel there is no one else to listen to you. Remember that God is just there standing and waiting for you to call on him, and he will surely answer you.

I pray this day that the angels of God will protect you. You will never find any reason to be unhappy. The light of God almighty will shine on your path and you will never be filled with shame.

You may find it hard to know where the path of life will lead you, but as the Lord liveth, he is walking the path of life with you. Just continue to walk on! He’s got you!


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