Dee Love Paragraphs

50 End of The Year Prayer Points For You

end of the year prayer points

What are your end of the year prayer points? Got any at all? It is the perfect time to allow God’s word to pass through you. It is the perfect time to share those end of the prayer points with family and friends as you all pray together. It is the perfect time to completely trust in God for a new year with new things and new possibilities. What will do right now if not to take advantage of these end of the year prayer points I have in here and raise your voice up to God.

Speak the word of faith and let the new year be yours for the taking.

Further reading: End of month prayer points.

10 End of the year prayer points for worship

1. Oh Lord my God, all the plans of the enemies against my family in the new year, all the plans that my family will never progress in life. Please God destroy them. Bring us all into our promise land, the land you have prepared for us in this new year. Let it be so dear God. Amen.

2. All the plans of the enemies to put to nothing all that I have worked hard for, father Lord please thwart those plans. Bring me to the place of my destiny and let my future be in your hands oh Lord.

3. I cancel all the handwriting of the enemies on anything that goes completely against God’s plans in my life. I cancel any form if covenant with the enemy in the name of Jesus.

4. Dear God, increase me in all capacity in this new year. Let my garden be so full that we will continue to glorify your name and presence in our lives. Make us better inhabitants of your kingdom in this new year. Amen.

5. Dear God, please help me prosper in this new year. Bless everything that I lay my hands on and let no enemy have dominion over me. Lift me high into the heavens on Lord, so that the hands of the enemy will never touch me. Support me all through the nights of the new year so that my mornings will be great again. Let your name be exalted. Amen.

6. Those that are against my promotion in my place of work, father Lord, uproot them from those positions of authority. Let your name be on our mouths every day of our lives. Be with us oh Lord and guide us every step of the way. Amen.

7. All the doors that the enemies have tried to open for me to fall into the deep pit of darkness. Father I pray that you close them up and lock them shut in the name of Jesus.

8. No weapon of the enemies in my life shall come to prosperity in Jesus name!

9. Father destroy all the plans of the enemy that is up against me in this new year in Jesus name.

10 Cancel the activities of those that have gathered in the dark places to take advantage pf me spiritually. Let your name be exalted in Jesus name!


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