Counseling Tips

Counseling Psychology Masters Programs NYC

Counseling psychology masters programs NYC

Counseling psychology masters programs NYC – I have written a previous article on masters degree programs. I mentioned some relevant points that will guide you to the fulfillment of your dream career in professional counseling in psychology. You can observe the article title Online Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology (link this article, Dee Dee).  This current article will serve as another means to further expatiate on the field of psychology that requires you to obtain a masters degree before you can be licensed to practice it.

Let us quickly observe the 25 ranking Master Degree Programs in Psychology so that you may select the one best fit for your career.  It is known that over the past fifteen years, there has been a shift in the field of psychology that has led to increasing number of masters degree holders to provide the necessary care for those who are in need of mental health counseling. It is no longer a new thing that colleges and universities are now offering masters degree programs in psychology to meet this end means of mentally disturbed individuals and groups. The curriculum has been structured to cover both the theoretical and practicum aspect of the field.  The institutions that offer these courses have made it in such a way that you must make research under several hours; you will conduct analyses, and then acquire clinical skills by working with clients under the supervision of a professional and experienced counselor.

You must be familiar with the thesis, this is normal with the masters students. This, I am insinuating that it is another requirement in many universities. As a Masters of science student, you will conduct a research-based thesis, and if you are pursuing a master of arts, will complete a literature review based thesis. You will also be given the opportunity to present your findings over the periods of learning and practicing your would-be career.


GWYNEDD VALLEY, PA is a Catholic university that is located in Pennsylvania. It is known that the school counseling program demands that you study 60 credits courses in total, but the entire credits are split evenly between core curriculum and certification courses. Your Coursework will be delivered online however, you will have to go through two-weekend residencies as required. Once you have done at least one practicum and three internships under hours of supervision, you will be allowed the opportunity to do your fieldwork.  There is some specialized coursework that includes the following topics:  in disabilities, English as a second language and intervention techniques.  The program meets the standard of ASCA National Model guidelines, and graduate can obtain their licensure in Pennsylvania. Another major requirement is that you will have to have the grade of a 3.0 GPA or a score of 292 on the GRE before you can apply. You will submit a personal statement and then attend a personal interview.

Counseling Psychology Masters Programs NYC – ONLINE MASTERS OF ARTS IN COUNSELING

Edinboro University is one of the universities that offer a masters in counseling along several specializations as you may demand. The art therapy degree has been confirmed to have met the requirements for the national Art Therapy Credential. You don’t have to panic if you have the intention to enroll online with this university since the college counseling program and school counseling program are accredited by CACREP. One other pass mark about this school is that the clinical mental health and clinical rehabilitation degrees are hybrid programs. As a student, you will complete a supervised counseling practice, a practicum, and at least one internship before you can be licensed to practice the knowledge acquired. A total of 60 credits are also required for this degree; this means there will be first 30 credits in core coursework and second 30 credits in the specialization courses. Before you apply, ensure that you have a writing sample along with official transcripts and then submit when asked. If you are Art applicants, you must submit an online portfolio and must have earned credit in psychology and studio arts.


This course is a 36-credit hour school counseling program and can be completed fully online at Creighton University at least two years. There are three tracks that are available for the course namely: elementary school counseling, secondary school counseling, and PreK-12 guidance counseling.  You will learn about current issues and carry out two internships. The course equally has core coursework that includes the American School Counselor Association model, data-driven perspectives, and social justice in school counseling. If you are without a teaching certificate, you will be required to complete two additional practicum and three courses in school culture and education.  Note: This course of study meets the requirements for school counselor certification in Nebraska.


This program will provide you an international focus through the curriculum and international professional institutes that is designed for it at Lehigh University. The program specializes in interventions in school, community, and family therapy, though the degree is in school counseling and prepares graduates for employment in schools and other settings. The program covers topics in multicultural counseling for the global community, counseling in international settings, and counseling individuals with special needs. One thing I like about this school is that it delivers lecture both in a synchronous and asynchronous method. You will have to complete two internships during your final year.

Counseling Psychology Masters Programs NYC – ONLINE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HUMAN SERVICES

This program can be attended at Post University. This university offers a masters of science in counseling and human services degree entirely online, this is a good development for you say hurray! It has been made possible for you to choose concentrations in various academic fields such as clinical mental health counseling, alcohol and drug counseling, and forensic mental health counseling as much as possible. The school management made it so that each of the programs is ended after you must have done your capstone, internship, and practicum experience under the supervision of an experienced professional. The school allows alternative credits for admissions so that you can earn credit toward degrees for your previous work experience, coursework, or examination scores. The University was accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.


The total credits for completion are 82; Touro University offers this course Worldwide and has licensed professional clinical counseling degree. It can be concluded with a 500-hour practicum and 100 supervision hours to acquire in-depth knowledge of the mental health programs.  The institution has proven to be philanthropist because it is a nonprofit, therefore; the tuition does not cost much just $500 per semester. The institution offers discounts if you are a military member and your family included. As a new applicant, you will not pay admission fees but must it required that you present your undergraduate transcripts showing a minimum 2.5 GPA.

What can I Do with a Master’s Degree in Psychology

You may be thinking of what you can do with your certificate after the completion of your masters program. I am here to guide you to the next step. Every profession has its own practice centers and the earning that involved.  I may give some brief information concerning the job opportunity on this line, but the next sub-topic will handle the job aspect of the masters degree programs.

Masters in Clinical Psychology

Masters in Clinical Psychology: This is termed as a terminal degree, that is, you will not need a doctorate degree after the completion. If you are lucky, as a master of this program, you will be allowed in some states to provide psychotherapy and psychological assessment under the supervision of a licensed clinical psychologist to an individual or group of your patient.

Masters in Experimental Psychology: The degree is of two options, that is, it can serve as a terminal degree or as a course that prepares you for a further graduate study.  The programs will prepare you for careers in research. You equally decide to focus on a specialty area such as cognitive psychology, human factor, developmental psychology, or social psychology.  At the end of this degree program, you will be employable as research assistants, lab managers, and market researchers.

Masters in an Applied Psychology Area: if you are a masters degree holder in applied psychology area, you have a greater chance to find a job quickly. This is because the U.S. Department of Labor has suggested that job opportunities are strongest for students of your area of specialization such as industrial-organizational psychology or forensic psychology. At the end of the course, you would have been prepared to work directly in your field of specialty, however, if you wish to switch to the line of teaching, you can find a job in colleges and universities.

Sometimes, talking too much on one focus can be boring. Let us switch over to the jobs aspect of the masters degree programs. The above-explained programs are the most common types, so I assumed that it has served the purpose of this article; to enlighten you about the courses and the university that offers them. This question below will have to arise:

What are the Job opportunities with a Masters Degree in Psychology?

Jobs at Colleges and Universities

If you realized that the competition for your career position is too high, and you can’t endure the pressures anymore, you can switch to teaching positions in the colleges and universities.  You can, in fact, apply for Academic advising, career counseling, and academic recruiting in higher education.

Jobs in Local, State, and Federal Government

You can look for a job with the local, state or federal government so that you can work in their centers as a counselor. The fact is that the government constantly employs individuals with a masters degree in psychology to perform research for the centers or provide their patients with psychological therapy.

Jobs in Business, Sales, Marketing and Advertising

A masters degree in psychology can also help prepare you for careers outside of psychology. To be précised, Psychology graduates are needed by employers because they are highly skilled in interpersonal and written communication. You can be employed as a marketing researcher if you are very good at research and statistics.

 You can equally work in any of the listed positions below:

  • Human resources manager
  • Project manager
  • Advertising agent
  • Public relations representative
  • Employee trainer
  • Store manager
  • Market researcher

What Aspect of Field of Psychology makes money most?

Since our discussion on this article is based on masters degree programs in psychology and will have to be acquired before you can practice as a professional counselor in all the field of psychology, I will have to introduce the highest paid psychology careers, so that it will motivate you to choose the right choice.  I can argue that no career in psychology is less paid, they are all paid well but the reason for choosing this title is because your earning is depending on the career itself. I have gathered some lists of some highest paid careers in psychology for you. Here they are:

  1. A Psychiatrist counselor earns an average salary of $216,090 annually.
  2. Industrial-Organizational Psychologist average Salary annually is $102,530.
  3. Neuropsychologist average annual Salary is $93,440.
  4. Engineering Psychologist average annually Salary is $90,340.

Job Outlook for Master Degree in Psychology

The Occupational Outlook Handbook has it in the record as published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, that the employment of psychologist will likely rise as expected at a rate of 19 percent through the year 2024. This rate is amazing because it is much at a faster rate compared to the normal occupations.

The handbook also has it that people with a masters degree will as well face competitive challenges for most of the positions which will force most of them to search for an alternative job.

All of the information above can guide you to select the best career for yourself. You can always return to read our articles for a better understanding of professional careers you intend to apply for.

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