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Difference Between Feeling Low And Clinical Depression

Difference between feeling low and clinical depression

Difference between feeling low and clinical depression – Low mood and clinical depression has been pressing issues for ages and most people don’t seem to get it right as the similarity between the two is uncanny thereby bringing about confusion. This article is aimed at clarifying the difference between low mood and clinical depression.

Finding the difference between feeling low and clinical depression

Starting with low mood, this term is often misunderstood as depression, but no, this is totally different from being depressed, it is in fact a temporary feeling that crawls up to you after an unfavorable event i.e. failure in class, loss of a loved one, problems in your work place, relationship issues etc. The feeling that comes after events like these range from disappointment to sadness, regret, loss of self confidence, shame, fear of facing people and a whole lot of them. This feeling is temporary as it can leave as quickly as you have it as when the challenges that are making you feel that way gets resolved, you have no other choice than to be back to your cheerful self as there is nothing to worry about any more.

Clinical depression on the other hand is the advanced stage of having a low mood, depression sets in when you are in a bad mood over something that happened and solution is not forthcoming, making you retain your low mood for a very long time thereby making your body used to being like that. Sliding into depression from a low mood takes little or no time while getting out of it takes time even with professional’s help.

As it is, there are no real difference between feeling low and clinical depression asides the period of indulgence. The main difference here is how long you allow whatever it is you are battling with eat you up, your level of attachment to such problem and your willingness to let go.

What are the symptoms of low mood?

In understanding the difference between feeling low and clinical depression, several researchers already agreed it is hard to actually pin down what brings about having a low mood. The feeling is believed to be caused by a combination of environmental, psychological, biological, and genetic factors. The most durable theories involve neurotransmitters, which are chemicals in the brain, causing an imbalance that leads to depression. So far, this theory has been difficult to verify.

Scientists are still studying the causes of bipolar disorder, but the consensus is that bipolar disorder is caused by several factors that work together. Because bipolar disorder tends to be inherited, researchers are currently trying to find a gene that can increase the risk of developing the disorder. A critical comparison of brains of people living with depression and those without the disorder shows that there is a difference between the brain imagery, suggesting that the structure and function of the brain may play a role in the development of mood disorders.

The symptoms of low mood are categorized into two main categories; emotional and physical. The emotional symptom includes suicidal thoughts and attempt, loss of interest in previously admired activities, anxiety, sadness, feeling of emptiness and pessimism. While the physical symptoms on the other hand includes restlessness, prolonged period of elation, fatigue, loss of appetite or excessive eating and insomnia.

What does it mean when you feel low?

Many people said they felt “heartless sorrows”, being “upset” and “never happy” and crying a lot. They felt watery and constantly low. The difference with common sadness seemed to be the intensity of those feelings and how constantly they resurface. One person said that he felt “sadness triumphs” in his life and that “nothing can fix it”. The desperation and the feeling that there was no way out of the pain was very common. People also described that they felt negative and one woman described herself as “a real hatred of me”.

On the contrary, some felt no emotion. One person said he was “unable to enjoy” an apparently happy and good life. They described the feeling “insensitive”, “nothing at all” and a total loss of interest and motivation in life. A man said “he had left the boil”. A woman has described herself;

“I have no emotions whatsoever, I do not feel happy not to feel sad, I only have the same face all the time.”

Feeling angry or “moody” was also a common feeling that many people had. They said they “stopped” easily and sometimes had bursts of anger or anger for no apparent reason. A couple had been in anger management sessions to try and learn ways to handle those feelings. Few of them had fights or problems with the police to be physically aggressive. For the others, the anger was more subtle and directed inward;

“I get angry every time I think I’m sad, it’s a mixture of bad mood and anger at myself because I’m sad.”

One woman felt that anger occurs too often as a personality trait, rather than a manifestation of low mood or depression. To understand the difference between feeling low and clinical depression, then you have to know what it means to feel know.

Is low mood a mental illness?

Depression is a common mental disorder that causes depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-esteem, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and lack of concentration.

The bad mood is different from feeling sad or sad. Misfortune is something everyone feels at one time or another, usually because of a particular cause. Someone going through a bad mood is experiencing the feeling because series of emotions like hopelessness, anxiety, helplessness and pessimism are all hanging around somewhere in the person’s brain and they seem not to go away.

Bad mood can happen to anyone. Many famous and famous people who seem to have everything in their favor are fighting against this problem. Bad mood also affects people of all ages.

Half of people who have a bad mood will only experience it once, but the other half will reproduce. The time required for healing varies between six months and one year or more.

Living in a bad mood is difficult for those who suffer and for their loved ones, friends and colleagues. It can be difficult to know if you are depressed and what you can do about it.

A bad mood is like an uninvited visitor that just pops in as a result of physical disabilities, unforgettable events during childhood, unemployment, family challenges and other life changing events.

Common examples of depression related illnesses include various heart diseases, lower back pain and cancer. Pituitary damage, a treatable condition that often follows head injuries, can also lead to a depressed mood.

Sometimes, there may be no clear pointer to the source of your unhappiness, but whatever the root cause, identifying what can affect your feelings and what can trigger a bad mood is an important first step.

What is the first sign of depression?

People with severe depression do not all have the same symptoms, but may include:


When the feeling of sadness is a symptom of depression, it can include feelings of hopelessness and emptiness. You can discover that no matter how much you try, you cannot control your negative thoughts. You may find yourself crying for no apparent reason.


People who have lived long enough with and has allowed depression eat deeply into them might feel unhelpful and utterly useless. There depression might even come into play as a sign of their own weakness and they may be too self-critical.


Unnecessary anger, anxiety and agitation are common examples of behaviors exhibited by people who have been depressed for too long. Severely depressed individuals often express their depression through aggression or imprudent behavior.

Mental symptoms

If you have trouble concentrating, making decisions, or remembering details, these may be symptoms of depression. People with depression may feel that their thinking process has slowed down.

Physical Symptoms

Depressed individuals often suffer from severe aches and pains or digestive problems that do not appear to have other medical causes and do not respond to treatment.

Loss of energy

If you have depression, you may feel tired all the time. People with depression may feel that their physical abilities are slowing down.

Loss of interest

A common symptom of depression is the loss of interest in enjoyable activities such as sex, hobbies or social interactions. It may also appear as a neglect of their responsibilities and physical preparation.

Sleep Changes

Waking up too early in the morning, not being able to fall asleep or sleeping too much can be a symptom of depression.

Changes in appetite

Changes in dietary habits due to depression can cause you to eat too much or too little. An increase or weight loss of more than 5% of your body weight in a month is one of the warning signs of depression. Some people feel a loss of interest in food, while for others, food becomes a way to compensate for feelings of depression.

Suicidal thoughts

Constant thought of harming oneself is a serious indicator one is going through the depressed stage and such persons should always be taken seriously. If you are thinking of committing suicide, you need help immediately.

Symptoms of depression: without shame or weakness

If you happen to possess some of these ever reoccurring symptoms of depression and they have been there for more than a couple weeks, you should seek help. The best place to start is with your doctor.

What will happen if depression is not treated?

Untreated clinical depression is a serious problem. Untreated depression increases the risk of risky behaviors, such as addiction or alcohol. It can also ruin relationships, cause problems at work and make it difficult to resolve serious illnesses.

Clinical depression which is also known as major depression is a disease that keeps the body, mood, and thoughts entangled in a shackle. Clinical depression affects the way you eat and sleep. It affects the way you feel and around you. It even affects your thoughts.

Depressed people cannot just recover, heal and go back to being their normal self. In the absence of the needed treatment which includes antidepressants and / or psychotherapy, untreated clinical depression can last for weeks, months or years. However, proper treatment can help most people with depression.

There is growing evidence that clinical depression seriously affects physical health. The most recent studies exploring health and major depression have examined patients with stroke or coronary artery disease. The results showed that people with major depression who are recovering from a stroke or heart attack have more difficulty choosing health care options. They also find it more difficult to follow their doctor’s instructions and cope with the challenges that their illness presents. Another study found that patients with major depression have an increased risk of death in the first few months after a heart attack.

One viable and fail proof way of pointing out someone with depression is the sudden change in their sleep patterns. Although the most common problem is insomnia (difficulty getting enough sleep), people sometimes feel an increased need for sleep and excessive energy loss. Lack of sleep can cause some of the same symptoms as depression: extreme fatigue, loss of energy, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

In addition, untreated depression can lead to weight gain or loss, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, and irritability. The treatment of depression helps the person to control all these symptoms of depression.

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