

I love babies. Do you? Okay, Let’s make some babies, Me and you! Yes YOU! ****grabs my Cold Coke and N100 Chin-Chin****

How do you feel when you see the joy of a newborn. How elated do you get?

I feel so happy and grateful whenever I hear of the gift of life in a family. Remembering the fact that I was once a chubby little prince, full of smiles and happiness and always eating off like there was no tomorrow.

So I was called to make a story with the dedication and christening ceremony of cute little princely prince and indeed happy I was to grab my Elektra and enjoy the ceremony.

You need to see and view life from my perspective. You need to recognize and accept the addition to life and living.

I have met a lot of people who does not feel indifferent about a new born. To  these category of people, the entrance of a baby into this world is just as normal as the talk of it. To me it really isn’t, life is indeed delicate and precious to us who value life and death!

Want me on your child dedication and christening ceremony? I am ever available to do the details and tell the story!

Did I enjoy the child dedication ceremony? You bet I did, yet I leave you with the picture deets and timelines to relish!


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