Dee Love Paragraphs

Freaky Messages for the One You Love

Freaky messages

Freaky messages to share – Sometimes, you want to add extra spice to your relationship. And you don’t know how to go about it. There are many ways in which you can add lovely caramel toppings to your relationship. That will make your partner even love you more. They will be so absolutely stressed out by the idea if you leave them.

So, leverage these freaky paragraphs and send them to your lover. They will love it. It’s assured!

Freaky paragraphs you should send

1. Your gorgeous face makes me feel like I am a king. It gives me more confidence among my friends because being with you forces them to respect me. You are this kind of get that is hard to get but it freaks them that we are together. Though I was scared to approach you too because you were looking too high for me but then I summoned the courage to meet a mountain of beauty and then I got her hands. I must be a lucky guy to have a beautiful lady like you in my life.

2. The way you were built is quite unique because, since the day I have been observing females’ physique, I have never come across the one that is as perfect as yours (laughing). Pardon me for that dirty talk but is just the truth. You are gorgeous than the lane, your beauty can make a hundred men run mad if care is not taken. Your eyebrow, though natural still looks more attractive than the ones stressed with makeup foundation. I used to think if you are a model until I finally became your lover, I realized that you are being natural.

3. A precious apple like you should be eaten with your seed. I discovered that every part of your body is sweet to taste, so tell me why I won’t just sign death warrant just to die enjoying you? You own me, I own you so let’s finish ourselves with pleasure upon pleasure. Let’s feel the impact of what it takes to love each other. We are meant for each other as an ocean is meant for the fish. We can still find endless pleasure on each other’s lips if you don’t mind and if it ends somewhere else, what’s the big deal, aren’t you my wife?

4. Whenever I am into serious mission, I used to be very careful so that I won’t see your beautiful eyes. These eyes are so lovely that they always get me into the mood whenever I set my eyes on you. So, if you really want me to have the brain of mine, then paint your face with black every day. Will you do that while I still enjoy you holding my brain? I love you with so much passion.

5. I will give you the best things of life in as much as you will bless me with your blessed body meant for me alone. I see you not only as a wife, but also as my lover so that we can show more love to each other. I see you as my best friend and a gorgeous queen that a man should have around him all the time. You are unique, mentally, physically and emotionally. Just put smile on my face with the blessing of beauty you carry along.

6. Whoever does not know knows no contentment. I love you gentle nature, easy going queen. You are just like a pool of sweetness and it is the reason why I want to always be where you are. I love you beyond what people think because you are just the heart that beats in my chest. I will always want to be where you are always. My blessed angel. I will love to have you tonight.

7. Come around so that we can see the moon together tonight. Don’t you like going out for a trip? Together we can reach the sky. Explore whatever is in the space and then feel relaxed after the whole thing. You are a queen of pleasure, so I want you to bless me with a game in the bed today. You are my wife, so eat me up tonight because I can’t just imagine myself being bored. I love you.

8. A glance at your face is more important than going to the cinema to see movies for hours. What significance do we have in that? I am just greatly satisfied with my angel. I want to see her always. I want my eyes to see the most beautiful things in the world and now a queen of beauty is right here at my reach. You are my happiness, my heartbeat and a pendulum of love and passion. You are always the best for me. I will love you till eternity. Take care my sweet love, I really appreciate you.

9. Your presence in my life is more like a world full of bliss. I can sign a life contract to be with you always so that I will live longer and younger. I am willing to feel the joy you have in you. That ecstasy of happiness that flows in you must be transformed into me. I always imagine a world that contains only you and me and the rest of the beautiful things created by God. I love you so much with a great passion. You put a smile on my face always and it is more reason why I won’t stop thinking about you even in a minute.

10. Every day and night, I have always wanted to tell you something—you are the one I wish I can take as a life comfort. The contentment derived from any moment shared with you cannot be found anywhere on earth. To me, you are just a complete blessing made for me alone. I don’t want to share your love with anybody whatsoever. I don’t use to be jealous until I met you.

11. Every beautiful woman needs a handsome man in her life. When I met you, I didn’t only see the physical beautiful in you but also saw a handsome attitude that can never be taken for granted. I see this gift of life that will forever be appreciated. I love you, and there is no doubt about this special feeling I have for you. I want you to become the kind of husband I have always prayed for.

12. Been in love is not as easy as people see it, finding true love is what really matters in a relationship. You have been there for me when I need you most, this shows that a night with you will be a fantastic episode. You are a great joy in this world for me because, when I feel like to be relaxed, you are always there to make it happen. I love you with so much passion.

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