Dee Love Paragraphs

Happy Birthday Shout Outs To Lover, Best Friend And Family

Happy birthday shout-outs

Happy birthday shout-outs to best friend, sister, lover 

1. On this day, a gem was born, history was conceived and a new generation started. Little did the world know a star just landed on mother earth. The heavens rejoiced at your birth for you are a shining light that would illuminate the world and set it on fire. The flames of the inferno are enough to light a birthday candle. Happy birthday

2. The benefits of advancing years are that you get to infect others with your love. You get older and see life in a clearer form with the ills and thrills. As you get older, may that love keeps radiating in your life.

3. Unto the world a child was born, into this family, a birth was recorded and blessings was upon its shoulder for blessings and honour shall follow this birth. That was the word of the angels on your day.

4. Celebrating this day entails you surviving another 365 days of joy and happiness and that you have affected lives by making this world a better place. You have touched lives and life should touch you nicely. It is your day, your time and I celebrate with you as you add another year to your life. Cheers to a new year.

5. The warmth of sunshine, the happiness in a grin, sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and tranquility and the touch of lives all encumbers you as you celebrate your the date of your birth.

6. Yay, lest the sunshine quench your lamps
The racing joys and satisfaction of a life well-spent, life well-lived:
would serve as an illumination to brighten your life and make it worth living.
Today is your day and let your light shine to the nations. Happy birthday

7. The past is gone, the present is here, the future we look forward to. Your day is here and it starts another life phase for you and in the celebration, you should reflect on these stages (past, now and the future) and live for a life of value.

8. Happy birthday to the woman of my dreams, my pillar of support and the one who complements me. It is a new day for the center of my world and you are worth the goodies and the thrills on this day because you are a special person. Happy born-day to you my love.

9. Today is the beginning of another chapter in your life, a new life, and a new dawn. Will you start a new dawn with me sweetie? Will you make this day a special for not for only you but for US? Then we can safely say on each day like this that HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US

10. You remember the raging storms?
The dark night and days?
The times you couldn’t imagine you will survive
You thought you couldn’t pull through
But here you are in a new year
You survived!
You made it! And it your birthday!

11. I would partake in your banquet
I would whine and dine with you
Celebrate a special person
A wonderful personality
Let’s light the candles
Play the violin
Piano and drums rolling
For it’s your day
And we deserve to merry
Happy birthday.

12. Good people don’t just age
They get better in wisdom
Refined like a new wine
May you be refreshed as you enter a new year
Happy birthday

13. The recipe for a perfect birthday celebration should be all-round love with the grace sufficient to sustain you. May the courage and good health required to keep you going in this life journey never elude you. Happy birthday

14. A sister like a mother
A sister who sees me as her own child
I would celebrate you
For you are a woman who brings so much happiness in the lives of others and therefore deserves the joy and celebration of a new year in your life.
I would always adore you, dear sister
Happy birthday to you beautiful woman

15. To the world, you are one person
To me, you are the world, my world
Happy birthday heartbeat

16. I would sing you a song
A lullaby
Of how your life
Has been a definition of grace and everything new
You are worth more than just a birthday wish but a land of diamonds.
Happy birthday, darling.

17. From the foetus stage, she took the load
The developing form, she endured the pain
And the day of my birth, she suffered to bring me to this world
She was broken for my sake
Catered for my well-being
You are indeed my world angel
Happy birthday sweet mother.

18. They say today is your day
But no I disagree!
Every day is for you
For you are a special person who deserves all the love showered every day. Have a wonderful birthday.

19. Refrain from tallying the candles but see the illumination they give. Weigh not the years but the life within. Have a wonderful year ahead. Happy birthday.

20. Today brings to your life a new start, a new life and a time to go for new heights and reach for the skies. A time to set new goals and dream accomplishments. A time for you. Move for the dreams. Happy new day.

21. When others merry, you should in solemnity reflect on your life, your failures, and breakthrough. Let that be the purpose of the celebration. Happy womb escape.

22. White is the colour of an occasion
Black the colour of all days
But you carry in you the world since the morning of time
You carry hopes for a greater life in you
A destiny of greatness
The clock has started ticking
With a new day in your life
A new age
A new life
Happy celebrations

23. Those long years
Now advancing times
For you were a child
A toddler
Then a teenager
Now an adult
Times have passed
Things have changed
You are now a man
Now it’s the time to make it happen
Happy birthday buddy

24. Happy birthday to the the best mum in the world
Who sat and watched me grow
From infant
Who suffered so I would enjoy
Starved while I eat
You are such a lovely soul
An angel worth celebrating
Happy birthday sweet mother

25. My father, my mentor
My role-model
i bear your name
I represent your lineage
But in all I stand for your beliefs
You taught me how to be a man
How to stand tall among my peers
Gave me confidence
For your exude confidence
You are the best father in the world
And no one can take your place
So today I celebrate you
For you are indeed a man
A loving husband
A perfect dad
Happy birthday father.

26. It’s my love birthday
I am excited!
Its my baby’s day
I am elated
All I ask for you is a perfect life in sound health, prosperity and in progress
Happy birthday, darling.

27. Happy birthday to an awesome person
A person of purpose
Who was given unto us to impact into our life’s
May that impartation never go dry
May you be fulfilled in everything you do.

28. For you have fought the dry north-wind
Survived the mad, wildfires of late December
You survived the sickness trap
Death Scare
You unfolded why you need to hang on
When the breeze came from the sea
A cold caressing wind,
Life sprung up in the wind
Reminding you why you need to survive
You are a survivor
You conquered sickness and short-living
And another year comes,
Reminding us of your birth
Happy Birthday.

29. My love, my heartbeat.
Every day is the celebration day for I have found a precious gem
For I found love in a lonely place
I found you and my world has turned around
You bring happiness to my life and today I celebrate you

30. I celebrate the day of your birth today and always.
Welcome to a new year my love.

31. You are phenomenal!
You are special!
Your life is an inspiration
Your birth is a blessing!
And that blessing is forever more
Cheers on your day.

32. Your birth is a miracle!
Your existence is a gift!
And your living is grace!
The world is a better place having you on board
Let’s burn the candles
Cut the cake
For your day is nigh
Happy birthday.

33. I have to call daddy and mummy
And thank them once again
For allowing themselves to be the vehicle you traveled right here to our mist
I also want to thank them for nurturing such a talent
For making us see the jewel in you.
I’ll call them, thank them for making us have you
But in the meantime, you deserve the celebration
You deserve the day
Happy birthday.

34. Our simple existence is as a result of an elaborate task
We eat
To stay alive
We sleep
To keep the nerves

35. For everything we do, we have a reason for.
So what is your reason for living?
Why are you alive to add another year?
Why are you blessed?
So today, think of all these and reflect on the coming years
As you are of age
Happy birthday.

36. Let’s the speakers blare!
And good music boom!
We should dance, merry and have fun
For we are not just celebrating this day
We are celebrating someone so special
We are rejoicing over your birth and it’s significance
We are celebrating you.
Have a blast!
Happy birthday dear.

37. Today marks the beginning of another year for you.
It heralds the start of a new life
A new age
It also sends a message
It tells us how close we are to our grave
And how we will all perish in Death
Ponder on these thoughts today in the middle of the wine and dine and have cause to count your days.
Happy birthday to you.

38. When you get older
You advance in years
In height
When you get older, you advance in wisdom and knowledge
You become more knowledgeable
Less assertive and meeker
It shows how important each coming day is
May you never be mocked in the remaining years of your life but have cause to be celebrated for your wisdom and a good heart.
Happy birthday

39. It is not by accident we are sisters
Not a mistake we got conceived by same parents
We sucked the same breast
Laid on the same back
Grew up together in sorrows and happiness
I have come to really admire your person
Your impact on my life while growing
The sacrifices you made for me
The yells, the scolds
So I would be a better person
I am really glad to have you
It is your day and no one else deserves the love shown
Happy birthday dear sister.

40. You make things something’s
You make ordinary extraordinary
You make better best
You perfect situations and things
This happy birthday shout-out is just for you
Happy birthday

41. May your rough roads get smooth
Your cries turn to smiles
Wail into laughter
May your paths be straight as you celebrate your day.
You deserve all the happy birthday shoutouts
Happy birthday to you.

42. I am short of words to say
Short of encomiums to pour
But to this amazing heart
I wish you the best of advancing years
Sending my happy birthday shout out to you

43. Happy birthday to my other half, confidant, gist partner, fight mate and my wife.
Even though we have come a long way, I still want more of you, more of your presence.
I cherish you on this day and beyond.
Cheers to a new day my love.

44. You are blessed!
Not just blessed but favoured
You are favoured to witness another day of your birth
Despite the seeming insurmountable challenges
Challenges that could have made otherS perish
You are highly favoured.
Happy birthday.

45. You inspire souls!
You help mold lives
You are are a mentor to many
Your impartation in our lives cannot be washed away
On this day of your birth, may you be blessed more to be able to positively affect lives and be a blessing to us all.

46. May your days be long on the earth surface
Happy birthday Sir.

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