Happy new month

Happy New Month October to Lovers on Deedeesblog

happy new month October

Happy new month October 2017 to lovers on Deedeesblog.

It is another dawn of a new month in October and I wish you an incredible new month already. Just as we have welcome the new month and the new month is upon us. What are your plans for the second ’ember month’ of the year

Spending with family, friends ad loved ones or just chasing after the papers? Hustle right though, and the rest of the October month will worship you. It is just three months to the end of the year. How has it been for you?

Encountered challenges? Faced pressure from family and friends? How about the new year revolution you had during your New year Happy new month January prayers? Fulfilled anyone already?

For the month of October though, I will be here to share happy new month messages that you will need to read and send to family and friends to wish them a happy new month October.

Why not spread the love of the new month to not just your family but to friends as well.

It makes sense that way, right?

I have as much happy new month October messages as possible that you can share. Remember that you can send your happy new month October messages in form of happy new month messages to my love, new month prayer messages, happy new month sms of love , new month sms wishes, happy new month quotes, happy new month prayers for family and friends.

You will love the messages that I’m about to share. You can also send your happy new month October wishes to me in the comment section below. make me happy! 🙂

Amazing happy new month October messages you should send right now

Three months before the end of the year, it is an awesome feeling quite alright. Share these happy new month October messages to the people you love.

Happy new month messages for October to you

What I have in me right now is joy. They thought we would not see October, but ere we are today to celebrate the new month together. I pray today that just as we have seen a new month in October, God will keep us till the end of the year again so we can sit back, relax and reminisce of how the year has been. Happy new month dear, enjoy your October.

My happy new month wishes for you in this October

What can we say to the almighty? All we need to shout is thank you to him. He has kept me and you till now. Despite all the challenges of the precious months, he kept us. Now we can sit in our corner and mouth hallelujah to him. Happy new month dear. Enjoy the month in the presence of the almighty.

My new month prayers for October

He has given you the eyes to read this messages in this new month of October. You will never lose your sight in the new month. You will encounter blessings, favour and goodnes of the almighty before the end of the year. I say Amen with you as you have read this message.Happy new month dear, may God bless your ways.

Happy new month to my love in this October

My love, I am grateful to God that you are here. I am sure that what you did not finish in the last month will be completed in this new month. The Lord will perfect your ways and make you go higher in all your endeavours. See what you need to do, learn to thank God more in this new month and he will bless you more in this new month. Happy new month to you darling. Go and shine!

New month prayers text message to my love for October

Ignore the past sweetheart because the past is gone already. Focus on the better days ahead and make it as fun as you want it. Be filled with passion , love and vigour to complete what you have already started. Continue to push yourself to be better than yesterday and trust me when I say God has got you already. You will step ahead of your enemies in this new month and God will propel you to be a force to reckon with. You are blessed already dear. Happy new month October to you.

New month quotes for October for you

Forget about what has happened to you in the past. As long as you remember it, it could be the hindrance to the blessings of this moneth. Commit your goals and strategy to the hands of God and he will perfect everything that you need. Continue to work hard, and try as much as you can, God knows a hardworking person and he will bless you in his own time. Have an amazing new month ahead dear.

Happy new month of October to you my friend

In this new month you will be promoted. In this new month, more opportunities will come your way. In this new month you will be blessed. In this new month, the glory of God will shine on you and your family. In this new month you will never have any cause to lack anything. All in this new month. Happy new month to you!

Happy new month text to my lover

Now is the day and time for renewed hope and renewed faith. The new month has beckoned on us again, telling us to continue to work and strive hard. Forget all about the troubles of the past month and cast all your cares on God. I say cheers to a new October, with new hope and opportunities that abound. Your month of praises and surprises is here. Happy new month to you.

Happy new month to you

Arise and shine, for the new month has come. This new month will be better than the last, only if you belief. You need to be fired up in this new month and say NO to disappointments and failure. This is your time to shine and shine you must. Happy new month to you.

Happy new month September to you dear

When we take a look back at the events of the last 9 months, we need to be grateful for the opportunity to see another new month. It has been an amazing and joyous ride, and this is why we need to look ahead with anticipation for the great things that is still to come. I will continue to pray for you dear, that God should provide for all your needs. When you need someone to talk to, know that I will always be here with the guidance and counsel you need to make your new month a fruitful one. May God bless you and be with you dearie. Happy new month to you my dear. Rise and shine!

Happy new month to you sweetheart

be patient and give more for God loves a cheerful giver. In this new month of October, remember to let your praises be more than your request for God loves someone who praises him more. Happy new month to you sweetheart. Go into the new month of October and conquer. God’s protection will follow you everywhere you go.

My new month message to you

It is never too late yet to achieve your dreams. Remember the God you serve, he is a God that is full of surprises, and he will surprise you even when you least expected. Your month is already in his hands, all you need to do is have faith and believe that he will do everything in his own time. This month will bring you the blessings, grace, favour and the protection of God. Happy new month to you dear, God will always bless those that believe in him. Enjoy!











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    Happy New Month Messages To My Boyfriend or Girlfriend - DeeDee's Blog
    September 29, 2017 at 1:36 pm

    […] it October yet? Check out these special dedicated Happy new month October messages that I’ve got in […]

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