Lifestyle Relationship Hacks

Interesting And Random Questions To Ask A Girl You Just Met

random questions to ask a girl you just met

You meet a girl physical or online. Before you begin to ask her those online dating questions. You will want to get to know her a bit, and so you need the best random questions to ask a girl you just met!

Ordinarily, you would expect that the same questions posed to you should also be the questions you ask her right? What if she does not want to take the initiative, and ask questions? It means the onus therefore lies on you to break the ice. YES!

I have met with a lot of girls who told me they get turned off by guys who lack the proper communication skills to keep a convo up! While some guys make the mistakes of being straight to the point when look for random questions to ask a girl you just met, a number of guys will just begin to ask flirty questions! Before you can even decide to ask flirty or freaky questions to a girl. You need to read up my post on freaky questions to ask a girl.

While a lot of guys have been left frustrated and embarrassed after speaking to a girl for the first time, I would say that a lot of the reactions you get from ladies are usually stemmed from the type of random questions that you ask. Sincerely guys, knowing the right random questions to ask a girl you just met will save you from the insults and embarrassment you get from meeting a girl and taking the friendship to the next level.

See!  Part of the random questions to ask a girl you just met you include fun questions. From time immemorial, ladies have be known to love fun guys. Guys that can string up fun conversations and make them laugh. You want to have an idea of random questions to ask a girl you just met? Add fun and interesting questions and I bet you, you will get a second, third and fourth date with her!

Before we move on to our random questions to ask a girl you just met,Have you seen my collection of amazing messages?

  1. Cute good morning text messages to send to him or her
  2. Good morning love messages 

I also have some other amazing collections of messages you can also use as good morning messages: 

  1. Good night messages to your love
  2. Daily inspirational love quotes for your lover 
  3. When a man loves a woman quotes
  4. 30 dirty and freaky paragraphs to send to your boyfriend
  5. I love you so much messages for boyfriend or girlfriend
  6. I am sorry messages to boyfriend
  7. Love message for long distance relationship
  8. Romantic love messages to wife

I am sure these messages may give your creative styles of asking random questions as well.

I have out together an amazing collection of fun, interesting and random questions to ask a girl you just met!

Fun and random questions to ask a girl you just met

1. What is the funniest Nigerian movie you have ever seen?
2. What is the one thing you will never do to a guy on a first date?
3 What is your favorite junk food?
4 Do you do home made meals or you prefer to eat out?
5 What is that one craving you wanted when you were a kid but you never laid your hands on?
6 What is the most amazing thing someone has ever done for you?
7 Let’s say they ask you to bring a member of your family back from the dead? Who would it be?
8 If you were asked to lock up someone in YABA LEFT. Who would it be?
9 If you were given the opportunity for time travel and was told to travel to the past. Where would you want to go, and what would you want to change about your past?
10 If you were told to go back to JSS1 for 10 million dollars, will you?
11 What would you refuse to do for 50 million dollars?
12 If you were home on a rainy Saturday morning. What movie will you love to watch?
13 If you were asked to tell a fast food restaurant you dislike their food, which would you pick?
14 What is that one thing you can never share with another?
15 How do you sleep at night? face up or down?
16 What annoys you the most in a guy
17 What annoys you the most in church
18 What annoys you the most in a fast food restaurant
19 What is your favorite TV station
20 What is your worst local TV station
21 What is the best and most inspiring local movie you have ever seen
22 What do you do to relax your nerves
23 Which household chore do you loathe the most
24 What will you be never caught doing?
25 What part of the world do you wish to travel to if you were given the opportunity right now?
26 What is your most favourite novel
27 What is your most boring novel
28 What is your most creepy novel
29 Where would you want to go back to for an holiday yet again!
30 What is your best hotel in Lagos
31 Do you like french kissing?
32 What is your most favourite kid cartoon
33 What is your scariest movie scene as a kid
34 What makes you more confident as a lady
35 What is the greatest pain you have ever felt?
36 What was your favourite game when you were in basic school
37 What was your favorite game when you were in high school?
38 Who is the celebrity that you have always wished to meet
39 What is your most favourite TV-sitcom as a kid?
40 Who was your favorite Nigerian movie actor as a kid
42 Who was your favorite Hollywood movie actor as a kid
43 Who was your role model growing up
44 What language would you love to learn
45 What profession have you always admired even if you did not really have a flair for it
46 What do you think about homosexuals and bisexuals
47 What do you understand a s friendship
48 How will you define family?
49 What is the creepiest thing you have done as a lady
50 What was your favourite getaway location as a kid?

100 Intelligent Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met

1. How are you babe? Can I know more about your interests?

2. What’s your name, can I know you better than this?

3. Do you have a boyfriend? What happened to the previous relationships?

4. What has been the best interest of this week for you?

5. Do you like going outing at weekends?

6. How do you normally cope with new guys like?

7. Do you actually like where you work at all?

8. Is there anything bothering your heart about new guys?

9. Could there be a reason why you just have to leave your ex?

10. What are those things you don’t like which you feel every man should avoid?

11. How do you normally cope with sudden death of a loved one?

12. Are you the party type or you love being indoor almost all the time?

13. Do you love reading books? What kind’s fiction or nonfiction?

14. Where is the best place you ever went last?

15. Do you normally like eating chocolate?

16. People use to say women love a guy’s money more than they love him, do you agree with that?

17. What is your opinion about people’s relationships not working fine?

18. Could there be a reason why people are so tired of a relationship?

19. How do you handle a situation when it get tougher?

20. Why did you choose to be a teacher in your formal city?

21. How are you coping with the weather here?

22. Do you have any gist you feel we can chat together right now?

23. What is your opinion about my city boys?

24. Do you also believe that barracks guys are not truthful?

25. What is the best attitude you want to see in a guy?

26. What kinds of guys do you like the most?

27. What is your worst nightmare about new guys ever?

28. What is the best memory you would like to share with me?

29. Is it bad to ask a girl’s question?

30. What is your fear about this world?

31. What is your best television show

32. Are you one of the best students during your college days?

33. Have you ever engaged in an argument before that was so embarrassing I mean?

34. Have you ever learned a big lesson in life?

35. Are you the social type or the lonely type?

36. What is the biggest impact in your life and how did you come about it?

37. Why did you choose to quit your previous job?

38. I’m wondering why you didn’t hesitate to accept me?

39. Is there anything you will like to know more about me?

40. What has my relationship with you so far taught you about life?

41. For how long do you think is proper for a girl to begin to trust a new guy?

42. Did you see cartoons when you were young?

43. What makes you feel excited the most?

44. Who is that one friend you can never forget?

45. Have you ever been hurt by your best friend before?

46. What kind of attitude pisses you up the most?

47. What kind of sport do you like playing the most?

48. Are you actually interested in watching a football match?

49. Are you proud of your culture and what part of the culture?

50. Can you swim?

51. I am sure you must be a good cook, what is your favorite dish when it comes to cooking?

52. Can you tolerate a man that drinks?

53. Is there truly a worst or best thing being a girl?

54. Are you normally scared of childbirth?

55. Do you agree that a complete stranger can change your life positively?

56. How are you coping with the economy situation of our country?

57. Are you the quick to conclusion type?

58. How do you take good care of your room amidst stress and pressure?

59. How many kids would you love to have in your life?

60. What is that special skill no one knows about you?

61. Do you normally give charity to people?

62. What is your best friend’s name?

63. Are you comfortable with people that talk a lot?

64. Have you ever been embarrassed in public?

65. Was there one naughty boy during your elementary school that loves stealing your food?

66. Why did you choose to keep your ex pregnancy?

67. How was life when you lost your both parents?

68. Are you really the social type or you are under the influence of what people say about you?

69. Is there any way a person can really win your love though you don’t need to say it?

70. what song is your favorite at night and which is favorite in the morning?

71. What is your favorite strategy of surviving an epidemic?

72. What is the major change that has ever occurred in your life?

73. Is there any business you already have in mind which finance has always been the barrier?

74. Have you ever wished to live forever?

75. What is the major challenge in your life so far?

76. If you could turn back the hand of time, what will you like to change about your past?

77. Did you have a slang that motivated you during your college days?

78. What is your favorite love line in the zee world movie you said you love?

79. Do you believe in love at first sight?

80. Do you think it is necessary for a person to die for love?

81. Is there anything like true love in your dictionary?

82. Can you still trust a man that once lied to you?

83. Do you think sometimes we can tell a lie to save our relationship?

84. Are you happier now that we are together than ever?

85. Since we met, what good change have you experienced so far?

86. Have you ever missed a flight before and how did you react?

87. How many books have you read so far this year?

88. What is your favorite show of the year?

89. Can we have some long time discussion about our new meeting?

90. What makes you excited about this new friendship?

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Otii Jimmy vardy
    July 15, 2019 at 11:47 pm

    I really interested in ur random questions and still passing through thanks.

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