Relationship Hacks

Simple Proposal Ideas For Him

Simple proposal ideas for him

Simple proposal ideas for him: Sometimes, we find it difficult to propose to the person we love. Be it a man or a woman, the beginning is always tough. Although, in most cases, or cultures, it is believed that the man has to be the one to propose to the woman he is in love with. I don’t actually see what is wrong for a woman to express her feelings to a man she loves. This does not make her cheap.

In this article, I will be revealing some proposal ideas for a man to achieve the purpose of his intention towards the woman he sincerely loves. Just as you know, everyone needs a basic knowledge about a subject matter to be able to perfect it in the right way. As a man, who is willing to propose perhaps marriage to your fiancée and find it difficult to figure out the best approach to make it look more sincere and original; you don’t need to be scared, you are already at the right website for those fantastic ideas.

Simple proposal ideas for him 1 – Propose Marriage to Her in the Public

What else will be more romantic to a woman when you make her special? Imagine a situation where people are gathered around both of you and then suddenly you started your proposal in the presence of complete strangers? You can choose one of the well known public places around you to give her a surprise. It could be a hotel, national park, monument or any suitable place both of you can be comfortable with each other. You can ask someone around to take your picture, instead of posing with her, just drop your knee and propose to her. This will be a mind-blowing experience for her.

Simple proposal ideas for him 2 – The Surprise Show for Her

You know how women love to surprise and suspense; in fact, they can be moved to tears when caught by these two amazing powers of emotional drive. You will likely succeed in winning your woman’s heart if you can give her this kind of surprise. Have a choir, brass band, or drummers, or pianist show up for a surprise. Ensure that the squad sings her favorite love song and it should be in the public so that your proposal will look more like a festival to her rather than just an ordinary proposal. You can also suggest that the entertainers should incorporate your fiancée’s name into the song.

Simple proposal ideas for him 3 –  Get in Touch With a Stage Manager

You can arrange with the stage manager of your favorite production so that you will be able to propose to your fiancée after the curtain call. It is advisable that you should call ahead to ensure if it will be possible, otherwise, find an alternative.

Simple proposal ideas for him 4 – You can propose to your Woman at the Aquarium

This may sound somehow funny but it is a very interesting idea for a man to propose to the woman he loves. You can ask the drivers of an aquarium to put on a marriage proposal show in their biggest fish tank for everyone to see. You can write on the proposal card a short note like “Mary, will you marry me?” Once she sees it and noticed that everyone around also sees it, will be flabbergasted with emotion and accept if she is ready.

Simple proposal ideas for him 5 – The treasure hunt Strategy

If you have seen a treasure hunt show before, you will understand what I am trying to convey in this method of a proposal. Set your fiancée on a treasure hunt that ends with a card or a writing object that ends with your proposal. This method is also fascinating because she will be put in suspense, and then finally ended up discovering what she never expected.

Simple proposal ideas for him 6 – A sudden Celebrity Sings a Song

I personally name this method above. You can go out for a club in the night and ask for a microphone. Sing a love song for her and then after the whole song and excitement, propose to her before everyone in the club.

Simple proposal ideas for him 7 – News Paper Publication

In as much as you understand each other and are sure that at any time or anywhere you can propose to her and there will be no problem, you can adopt this method. Take her out for a dinner and then handover the Newspaper to her to read. You can stay behind her opening the Newspaper pages gently, page by page until you reach the page bought for the proposal ads.

Simple proposal ideas for him 8 – Propose on the Boxing or Wrestling Ring

Isn’t this a mind-blowing idea? Imagine after a big fight in which everyone was excited and then you come up on the ring as if you want to start another fight or comment on the just concluded one and suddenly, propose to your fiancée?

Simple proposal ideas for him 9 – A proposal in Flight Mode

Find a way to establish a flight for you. You can just travel from one state in your country to another. Arrange with the flight attendant to organize the loudspeaker for you to propose to your fiancée. Call her name, praise her and make her feel special.

Simple proposal ideas for him 10 – Mr. Cinema Proposal Strategy

After a romantic movie seen together, in the midst of people already thinking of been loved, you can propose to her. Your fiancée will love this especially if she is ready to get married. Even though she is not ready, she will turn you down in a handsome manner.

Simple proposal ideas for him 11 – Proposal on a Birthday

You can personally make her birthday cake for her. Plan with the caterer to hide the ring in a position that will make it fall down once the celebrant is cutting the cake. Ensure that she is the only one to cut the cake. As soon as she cuts the cake and the ring falls down, she will understand that you proposed marriage to her on her birthday.

Simple proposal ideas for him 12 – Call your Family and Friends for a Party

Since your family members and friends have seen and accepted her, you can call a get together a party for everyone to enjoy themselves. When you are sure that everyone is happy and satisfied, kindly come up and announce your marriage proposal to your fiancée.

Simple proposal ideas for him 13 – A Photo planned Surprise

Take her to the photo studio for a nice shot, once the photographer is about to take the picture, grab her finger and insert the ring into it. She will show the surprise expression as the picture is being captured.

Simple proposal ideas for him 14 – Mountain Climbing

If you are a mountain climber, use your profession as a means to propose to your fiancée. Tell her to come and watch how you climb the mountain. Tell her you can climb the Highest Mountain to show her how much you love her. You must have organized with your colleagues to provide a microphone for you to propose to her while she is steering at you up the mountain.

Simple proposal ideas for him 15 – Skydiving Proposal Method

This method when applied, she will never forget the event, the date, and the image. Print the proposal note large on the point you intended to land. Once she comes around to see you; will see the surprise proposal boldly written on the floor.

Simple proposal ideas for him 16 – Take her out to where you met her

Help her recall the memory of the day you met her, she will be curious to know why you took her there. Don’t tell her even when she asks. Tell her to open her eyes that you have a surprise for her. Once she closes her eyes, hold her hands and insert the ring in her finger and tell her to open her eyes.

Simple proposal ideas for him 17 – The Photo Memory Idea

Set aside a room in your apartment and fill it up with the pictures of the entire memories you have with her during fun times outside, beginning from the first day you met her until the present time. And then, after the last picture, there should be a hidden box under anything you can ask her to open to see what is inside. Once she sees and opens the box and finds an engagement ring, she will understand you are proposing marriage to her.

Simple proposal ideas for him 18 – You can call her for a night discussion

Especially if you are good at piano or guitar, play series of love songs for her, either the ones you personally composed or the popular ones. After the whole entrainment, you can propose to her.

Simple proposal ideas for him 19 – Food the proposal for her

Insert the ring into her favorite snacks but ensure that the material the ring is made of is not poisonous to avoid a stupid mistake.

Simple proposal ideas for him 20 – Door Step Proposal

You can also decide to make your doorstep the point of a proposal to the woman you aspire to marry; this will serve as a memory that could be unforgettable. As a woman that she is will be proud of telling the story of how you proposed to her to her friends.

Simple proposal ideas for him 21 – Take her to a Beautiful Fountain and Propose

Persuade her to accompany you to your favorite fountain, arrange for a smart short and knee down pulling her hand gently while you insert the beautiful ring in her finger.

Simple proposal ideas for him 22 – The Love in the Wood

Walk her through the safe place in the wood, play with her, make her laugh, tell her lots of stories. Don’t allow her to know your intention until you ask her to close your eyes. Put the ring in her finger and ask her to open her eyes.

Simple proposal ideas for him 23 – Office Proposal

Invite your fiancée to your office, where your colleagues her all present. Introduce her to them; tell them many good things about her in her present. Ensure that you make her happy and excited. Look at her facial expression, once she is already overwhelmed with joy, seize the moment and announce your marriage proposal to her.

Simple proposal ideas for him 24 – Go to a Love Garden for the Proposal

Search for the best love garden around you and take her there. You can also accompany your trip with some entertainers unknown to her. Let them sing her favorite love songs for her. If possible, tell them to tell your love story in the song.

Simple proposal ideas for him 25 – Propose to her on a Valentine Day

Just as we all know that valentine day is the day set aside across the world to celebrate love, you can pick your fiancée as your Valentine partner. You take her out for valentine party and propose to her.

Simple proposal ideas for him 26 – Spread flower from the Entrance of your room down to another room selected for the surprise

She will not have a clue about what you are about to do until you finally open up to her. This is also a special way of giving your fiancée a marriage proposal.

Simple proposal ideas for him 27 – Puzzle the Proposal

Create a puzzle chart for your fiancée and write “Will you marry me?” make sure she is interested in the game until she finally sees the words.

Simple proposal ideas for him 28 – Premium Screen Slide

In most cinemas, there used to be repeated sliding adverts; you can pay for a slide space to be shown before the preview. Make sure both of you go to the movie theatre as early as possible. She will be able to see the marriage proposal.

Simple proposal ideas for him 29 – Make your proposal at the airport

If you are the type that flies a lot, gather your family and friends at the airport one day and then make the marriage proposal to the woman you want to marry.

Simple proposal ideas for him 30 – Picnic Proposal

Organize a romantic picnic, and put the ring inside of the dessert, after enough meal, tell her to check the dessert to see the marriage proposal ring.

Simple proposal ideas for him 31 – The Snowman Proposal

Take her out to skate on the snow. When you are ready to let her understand your intention, pack the snow into the letters that form the sentence “will you marry me”? You can also use a beautiful color to spell the words “Will you marry me?”

Simple proposal ideas for him 32 – Propose to her during Holiday Cheer

The best time to propose to a woman is during holiday periods. You will have enough time to know her more, rapport with her and also grab the opportunity to propose to her. After the acceptance of the proposal, you will have extra time to take her out or discuss the marriage plan with her.

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