Dee Love Paragraphs

200+ Happy Valentines Day Messages, Quotes, & Cards SMS

happy valentines day messages

Happy Valentines Day Messages – The season of love is here, and the timing can never be better in sending happy valentines messages, quotes, cards and SMS to your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband. The collection of happy valentine’s day messages you will find here will make you want to come back over and over again. As we move closer to the Valentines day, I am sure you have also put all the gift together to share with the one you love. Just in case you are still pondering on what gifts to get your man or woman, you can check here to see the various valentine gift idea to share with the one person you truly love here.

Ready for the happy valentines day messages? Check it out:

Happy Valentines day messages for boyfriend

Facebook Celebrity Shares Her Inspiring Valentine Story

Whether you just met your boyfriend, or you have been together for sometime, sending the happy valentines day messages should not be far from your phone or social media accounts. You can always go creative with sending your happy valentines day messages, depending on how thoughtful you are. You don’t need to over the top with expressing how you feel. Simple, and creative ways will definitely go a long way in showing the man you love that you really appreciate his affection and you are ready to go the mile with him anyway anytime. Check out this beautiful collection of happy valentines day messages for your boyfriend and let me know how you feel about them:

1. If God asks me what I wish for everyday of my life, I would tell to please grant me the request of making our love last forever. I will pray that our love last till the time when the sun stops shining and when the moon stops coming out at night. Happy Valentines day my love.

2. I am the most grateful, blessed, and happiest person on earth today, because my life with you is forever. Falling in love with you has been the best thing that has happened to me. Being with you is still like a dream and I don’t ever want to wake up from this beautiful dream of ours. Thank you my love for making me sunshine again. Happy valentines day to us.

3. My love, I appreciate it everyday when you ask what I need in my life. My response will always be you and our love. With love we can conquer all that comes our way. With love things will always grow and get better. With our type of love we will always deal with all challenges and move mountains. I love you forever darling. This is my happy valentines day quote to you. Happy Valentines sweetheart.

4. Our love is beautiful, different, classy, whole. Our love is heavenly, sincere and spiritual. I tell everyone everyday that the love we share is something out of this world because God knew me and you before bringing us together. I love you forever darling. Happy Valentines day

5. After many years together, we have weathered all storms and dealt with all issues with the help of God. This shows how far we have come and how long we still have to go. On this valentines day, I re-dedicate my love to you Boo. I pray we last forever. Happy Valentines day my love.

6. Love is forever and eternal. It is timeless and based on the convictions of the partners in love. Love eliminates all the concerns of the beginning and make things pan out well in the end. Love deals with all the irregularities that comes with two soulful individuals meeting one another and deal with all differences that can make a relationship hit the rocks. Our love is heavenly and I am grateful to God for bringing you here. I love you so much darling. Happy Valentine’s day to us.

7. You are my real life. You are my virtual reality. You are the water and you are the river. You thirst me everyday because you live in me and I live in you. You are my hope and my succour because you are God’s gift to me. You are my blessing and you are my grace. You are the forever that I want to love for. You are my man and I will always be your woman. Happy Valentines day darling. I miss you so much.

8. Whether you are near or far from me. That does not really matter. What matters is that our heart are intertwined into one and our souls connect from different locations. I love you my darling Boo and I know that God’s got us everyday. It is me and you forever darling. Happy Valentine’s day to us!

9. I miss you whenever we are apart, and I miss you more when we are together. I keep praying to God to bring you close to me so that I don’t get to miss you at all. You are not here on this valentines day but I know that our souls are together. I can’t wait for you to be back home again. I love you darling. Happy Valentine’s day!

10. I looked around when I thought someone screamed your name. Alas, it was just my heart longing for you and reaching out to you. Darling, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will never forget how you came into my life and swept me off my feet. Thanks for loving me in the best way you can. Happy Valentine’s day dear, May God continue to bless and keep you. I love you forever.

11. My memories of our past year fills me with nostalgia. I knew God has something in place for me when I met you. I knew he wanted to overcome the pain and hurt of past years with you and now I am sure he knew what he did by making our paths cross. You are a wonderful man, a blessing from God. I appreciate you on this valentines day and I promise to love you forever. Happy Valentines day darling. God be with you always.

Sweet happy Valentines day messages for boyfriend – valentines wishes for boyfriend

Nigerian Lady Pens Inspiring Valentine Love Letter To Her Boo

What do you wish for in your relationship? What are your hopes and aspirations? Do you believe that dreams can come true? Check out these happy valentines day messages and valentines wishes for the man you truly love and care about. Happy Valentine’s day to you. Have a blast with your man:

12. I crave for our togetherness and our love. I crave for your warm muscular body and the warmth of your soul. I crave for the very best of all you’ve got to offer me. I pray God keeps both of us alive to see the goodies that he has in store for us. I pray that you see me in a different light this year and I pray for the strength to support you in all that you do. I pray for the best of everything. Happy Valentine’s day to us darling. God be with you!

13. You are so amazing and I pray you stay in my life for as long as I live. I do not need the Valentines day to celebrate what you mean to me but since it is a day dedicated to all lovers all over the world, then I am celebrating with you and sending my best wishes ever. You are the greatest gift of God to me and I celebrate you on this amazing day. Happy new year to us. Happy Valentines Day baby.

14. I will never forget you because I will always love you. Even though you are far from me, our love binds us together and makes us better each passing day. I love our love and I appreciate all that you have done for me. I know I’ve still got so much to offer and I pray God gives me the strength to love you as much as I want to. Happy Valentine’s day to us.

15. Anytime, I stare deep into your eyes, I fall in love with you over and over again. You made the difference in me and you have shown me that love is not as stressful as a lot of people think or know. You have shown me how great and special love and loving is and I give thanks to God for bringing you to me. I love you so much darling. Happy Valentine’s day.

16. When you come to me with swollen eyes from all tiredness, I love you. When you come to me with your hair unkempt and mouth smelling, I love you. When you come to me with all the silly things you say, I love you. I love you because you are as weird and as special. I love you because you complete me in a weird kind of way. I love you because you are amazing and lovely. I love you because you are my valentine. Happy Valentines day darling. I love you everyday.

17. As busy as both of us are, we need to still hit ourselves with the gentle nudge that we are lovers. The Valentines day gives me the opportunity to appreciate everything you have done for me. Valentine’s day gives me the opportunity to let you know how special I feel with you. Happy Valentines Day darling.

Further reading: Loving You SMS to your lover this Valentine.

18. Love is just not enough word to tell you how much I appreciate you. love is just not enough word to show you what you mean to me. Love is just not enough word to tell you how crazy I am in love with you.

19. Anytime we kiss, I feel the splurge of excitement overwhelms like a car revving into acceleration. You have filled my life with amazing fireworks of love and I than God for making you mine forever. I love you so much darling. Happy Valentine’s day to us.

20. Every time I set my eyes on you. I feel my heart beat fast like the rolling drums of a Pentecostal church. You walked into my life and brought all the difference my heart needs. You are a crazy lover, yes you are because you have loved me in the most crazy way ever. Thank you for all the promises fulfilled. Thank you for all the heavy and mighty hugs, thank you for the wet kisses and the future you have shown me today. Thank you for being my Valentine. happy Valentines day my love.

21. You came into my life and the sunset its fire through the clouds. You came into my life and changed everything. You showed me that it is not yet over with love until it is over. Thank you for being my everything. Thank you for being my Valentine. Happy valentines day my love.

22. Valentine’s day is not just about sending sweet messages and saying Happy Valentine’s day my love, but it is more about showing how I feel and letting you know I am ready to go the extra mile with you. You have worked so hard to make us happen and I promise to love you with every but of me. Let your sunshine be after my rain. happy Valentine’s day boyfriend.

23. Till today, I still ask myself what I have done to deserve the crazy love I get from you. You are so crazy a lover and I am grateful to God for making you crazy. Happy Valentines day darling.

24. You are my soul’s haven. The one who guides my heart in all diligence and truthfulness. Happy Valentines day darling.

25. You are a winner anytime because your love won me and made me a different kind of lover. You have shown me affection and I need to show you more love. Thank you for being the world’s greatest lover. I celebrate you on this Valentine’s day. I love you always.

26. The met I met you will always be the day I will forever acknowledge and love. You have made me truly happy and special. Happy Valentine’s day to you darling. Thank you for being a great lover.

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