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7 Epic Lessons to Fix a Broke Lifestyle

Damilola Jonathan Oladeji is an AFRES Scholar with an MSc. Real Estate in view. He is a Christian, fiction writer and has written 3 Self-development digital book. A few of his titles include Life’s Chrysalis, Grey Wine, Bloody Ideologies, Discover Stories and Write Heart. His writings have been published in several leading digital magazine and blogs in and outside Nigeria.
In this post, Damilola shared epic lessons to fix a broke lifestyle. His thoughts are mindblowing. You shouldn’t miss reading this. Read and Learn!

I had to outsource a lot of my content jobs over the weekend so I could rest.

And yes, I gave the jobs to my friends and family who I know. Am I saying everyone should patronize their friends? No. 

My job allows me this kind of freedom to deliver work as I see fit. So long as quality doesn’t drop. I simply notified my clients of the developments.

Maintaining a high volume of clients while turning a profit has helped me realize that no one has to ever be broke in this digital age. Yet a lot of us are. Why?

Here are epic lessons that can help anyone fix being broke:

1. It’s mostly those of us who are still battling with poverty that struggles to pay or patronize friends & family.

2. My first boss as an IT student had almost all his children in the employ of his company at one time or the other. Their salaries were different from personal allowances even after they had finished school. This family is very comfortable as far as I knew. 

3. One of the things that fixed my business growth is this. Even my close friends get paid one way or another if I ask for their service. 

This is different from when I just need a favour that is unrelated to their business.

I have paid my sister to assist me with some content writing in the past. 

4. Most of the rich and influential people I have met always try to keep the wealth within their circles.

They respect their promises and financial arrangements with their close networks. They understand that their proximity to wealth would increase their wealth too.

5. So a truly wealthy person reinvests their profit in their children or close network’s business. They pay up their debts so as not to send their friends and family into distress and to avoid distrust and also to maintain creditworthiness.

But come to the circle of the poor. They are the ones always refusing to pay their close network for services rendered. They are the ones that would rather spend three times on strangers than they would have spent hiring their family. They are they ones who have no regard for creditworthiness. They are the ones that would give quality service to strangers but abandon or do crap jobs for their friends and family. 

6. In fact, poor people hardly build strong ties. When I used to be seriously broke, I noticed it took very little for me to burn bridges and slam doors.

It is poverty of the mind that makes a lot of us avoid familiarity.

7. Richer relationships foster wealth. I have seen this work for people ahead of me and so when I see people claiming “familiarity breeds contempt” I like to add “among poor people”. Because poor people are always trying to outrun one another.

They say, even if you win the rat race, you still will remain a rat.

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  • Reply
    May 14, 2019 at 8:51 am

    I love this article so much… I enjoyed every bit of it.
    I think another thing that might be affecting people nowadays is that they think because they know you they are entitled to whatever service or product you are selling. Eg. Entitled to discount, entitled to pay at their own time, and they don’t even feel entitled to refer people to you…

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