Dee Love Paragraphs

Great Prayer Points For The Church

Prayer points for the church

Prayer points for the church: Church is where we go and worship the Lord as it is our duty to do so. The Lord is good all the time and therefore we need to appreciate this grace in us. He is marvelous, mighty, and praiseworthy.

The best way to trust the Lord and to follow His word is to learn thoroughly about Christianity and follow the path of becoming more mature spiritually. This can be done both by prayers and by reading. If none of them is the best way of learning for you, you can turn to specially designed curriculums, such as a student ministry curriculum, to help you stay organized and explore more.

So use this opportunity to worship him through prayer points for the church. For such to happen, you have to be here.

Special Prayer Points for the church

1. I prophesy that the heavenly father shall conquer your problems this year and put your enemies to shame as He made Samson victorious over his enemies.

2. Say amen, as I pray for the endless favor of the Lord upon you. I beseech the grace of my father upon you this day to dwell in your life forever.

3. Let the blessing of the Lord circulate your entire family member, to wash away your sins and blessed you abundantly.

4. Father Lord: protect our family, lead us to the right path and protect every single step we take towards success.

5. Father, be with us, because you are the King of kings, Lord of lords the omniscience and the almighty.

6. Whatever you decide, no one can oppose, whatever you opposed no one can decide. O Lord, I call upon your mighty name, destroy the evil spirit around my home.

7. I lay my life on you, O Lord! From this moment on, I beseech your Glory upon me and my entire family member.

8. You are precious o Lord; your name shall be glorified forever. You are perfect and no one is like you. Lord, for this reason upgrade my well being this year.

9. My success is with you o Lord, your Honor is standard and no one can compete with you. You are the most magnificent; pour your love upon me.

10. We bless the Lord, we appreciate His favor upon us, as you achieve this new success for us, we shall forever be grateful.

Intercessory prayer points for the church

11. May your name be glorified o Lord; bless our mothers and fathers today and forever more. You the same today and forever.

12. I glorify you o Lord, gives us this day our daily bread, wash away our sins and bless us with a heart cleaner than the snow.

13. Make our life favor us, bless us with your mighty Hands, protect us and provide our daily bread now and forever.

14. You are the Lord of Lord, the heavenly father, Alpha and Omega. We stand here before you, to glorify your name. Bless us with your Glory.

15. If God says yes no one can say no, when He keeps his Legs on anything no one can lift it; o Lord, I praise you and beseech your protection over my life and properties.

16. As you embark for this journey, may the Lord see you through, protect you along the way and deliver you at your destination.

17. Father Lord! Lay your mighty Hands on our heads, give us your anointing and draw us close to your Glory.

18. We are beseeching the Lord this moment in time, we glorify your name. Father, let your will be done in our life.

19. Your chances of become great in life shall be expanded, you will never beg to eat and every single day of your life shall be glorified by the Lord.

20. Your case is different, so believe in my words as I prophesy in the power of the Lord to protect you beyond your imagination.

21. The Lord’s blessing is formulated for you, may you find it easy to achieve everything you needed in your life.

22. I bless the Lord to shower His glory upon you today and forever. You shall not die of hunger and poverty. Every single thing lay your hands shall prosper.

23. Father Lord, protect us against all evils, protect us from the inner and outer enemies of progress.

24. The Lord shall be with you forever. He shall be well with you now and forever. I beseech you with all the best.

25. Your success shall find no equal in this season or any other year to come. You will be lifted above your opponents.

26. You are powerful, the Lord has empowered you this night, close your eyes at this moment and worship the Lord.

27. May your day be blessed with what you least expected of the glory of the Lord; may you suffer no single pain in your life.

28. Your happiness will never cease until eternity. You will always find the easiest way to succeed in life.

29. Your life will be filled with lots of success and prosperity. You shall be blessed this season and the world shall celebrate you.

30. Your source of wealth will never be blocked by anybody, you will find your way out of every problem that comes your way.

Warfare prayer points for the church

31. Heavenly father shall increase your health and wealth. You shall be promoted in your work and your enemies will hide their faces.

32. Nothing will stop you from becoming the best in life; you will not cry to eat, you will not beg to wear and your children will benefit you.

33. I pray that every single step you take in life will be perfect by the Mighty Hand of the Lord. You will find no reason to fail in life.

34. Your success shall be secured by the mighty angels of the Lord. You will never regret coming to this world.

35. Every evil that is coming your way today shall be diverted away for you; you will not bury your child with your hands.

36. The Lord shall protect you beyond what you think. Your honor in this year shall have no limit. Happiness upon happiness, success upon success.

37. The smile of success shall overwhelm you. You will always find your way to get things done. I pray so because you are special, may the Lord treat you better.

38. I beseech the Lord to spare your life this moment. I pray for an endless success for you. I believe in you and so may the Lord accept you as His man.

39. Begin to jubilate, for I see that the Lord has blessed you this year. I saw a wife for you, I saw children playing around you.

40. I prophesy honor for you this year, I pray that the Lord will take control of your entire life affair and protect your interest.

Prayer points for the church in Nigeria

41. You will always shine above your enemies. You will not be delayed in anything you desire to win or anywhere you wish to reach.

42. May you find peace in your heart; your children will excel in life; your family members will benefit you forever.

43. You will be blessed forever. Your success will have no limit in this world. None of your colleagues shall reach you in height.

44. It will be well with you. You will be promoted this month. You will never serve your younger ones.

45. Today, I pray that the Lord should protect you against all evils, I see for you a bright future, and may the future be protected and preserved for you.

46. The chosen one of God will have no reason to suffer too much; you shall be blessed by the Lord. You will never beg for the rest of your life.

47. I want to use this opportunity to pray to the Lord to grant you your entire heart desires. You will smile beyond everything.

48. May your success continue to flow like ocean; may your happiness never cease forever. You are a king may your tenor last with prosperity.

49. As you emerge as the president of your organization, I pray that every decision you make comes with good result.

50. You are highly protected in the shade of the blessed blossom of the Lord. You will not fall before your equals.

51. You are great, may the Lord continue to make you enormous before the people now and forever.

52. Our father, you base in heaven and descend your honor upon us on earth, please give us this day the needed rain to grow our crops.

53. Shower your blessed rain on our land to fertilize, strike our problems away with your blessed thunder and shine light of success upon us with you mighty lightning.

54. Do not forget us, do not live us in hunger, take of us and never let us suffer in this world and in the hereafter.

55. Our Lord, we are lazy, cure us of its disease. We are poor, provide us with wealth. We are hungry, give us food. We are homeless, shelter us.

56. Their heavenly father, hear our voices as we cry unto you to make our provisions available for us. We are humble before you.

57. May your love upon us be function able, we are sinners please keep forgiving us, wash away our sins and never let us down.

58. You sheltered us when we were homeless, you protect us when we have no protection; Lord bless us now that we have no much means to livelihood.

59. Replace our sufferings we enjoyment; forgive our sins and blessed us with your Holiness. You are great, lift us above the rest of mankind.

60. Your Might is the greatest, no one has power save you; direct our noble course, protect our territories against our enemies.

Scriptural prayer points for church

61. You will always find peace in your heart, the Lord that rescued the people of Moses from the evil hand of Pharaoh shall rescue you from this sickness.

62. No sickness shall afflict you; no death shall reach you now. I pray that your success in life will continue to gush out like water gushes out of the rock.

63. Your heart shall be occupied with joy, happiness and success. You will never fail in anything you are doing.

64. May the Lord see into your issue today; may He finally find time for you and draw you to your success.

65. The light of the Lord shall continue to shine on you; the will of God will never stop favoring you for the rest of your life.

66. I pray that everything you ever wanted in your life shall be possible; your enemies will see you and be shocked.

67. You will be blessed today; I see for you by His Might and faith in Him that your dreams shall be fulfilled soon.

68. The pillar of your success shall not collapse forever; the bowl of honor that feeds you will not turn against until the end of time.

69. My Lord is my strength, I shall not beg but to excel in everything I do in life; I wish you the same now and forever.

70. Our success will have no limit; our happiness shall never cease and everything we ever have desire will never fail to occur.

71. I wish me a heavenly success, a breakthrough that will forever be a means to smile for me. I am blessed forever.

72. Sadness will not dwell in your home, happiness will find its course to your home and light up the face of every member of your family with smile.

73. You will be uplifted today, tomorrow and forever because the Lord is the same today, tomorrow and forever.

74. Happiness will be named after you, success will become your companion and tragedies shall be your distanced enemies.

75. May you excel in your doings; may you find peace and harmony in your home as I pray to the Lord in heaven to protect your forever.

76. Whatever it is that is impossible in life shall be possible for you; I beseech the Lord to push you ahead until you reach your goals.

77. O Lord, I stand here before you today, praising you and hoping that you answer my prayers today; wash away my pains and grant me success in my life.

78. I have no other person to run unto save the Lord, you are the only one whose love is better than that of a mother to her child. Bless us and achieve our goals for us.

79. Protect our heart against corruption, guide us against all evils; forgive us our sins and never allow our enemies to laugh at us.

80. Prevent our interest from turning into a laughing stock; forgive us our sins and replace our weakness with great energy to do things right.

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