Dee Love Paragraphs

Happy New Year Quotes to Share

Happy new year quotes

Happy new year quotes for you and your family.

Happy New Year quotes to husband

1. Happy New Year to the one I cherish so much, I will always be happy with you because you are indeed a great man.

2. I want to thank you for the kindness you show to me, it is not easy to find a man as wonderful as you are, may the Lord always help you whenever you are helpless; may you not find any reason to fail in life; happy New Year to the one I cherish with all my heart.

3. Since the very first day I set my eyes on you, everything I wanted in a man can be seen right before my eyes; you are indeed a wonderful gem that is uncommon in this world. I love you so much that I can’t stop thinking about you at all.

4. With you, everything I needed will be achievable because you are a divine mercy for me from the Lord of mercy. I thank God for bringing you into my world and pray that we last long with each other. Happy New Year my love.

5. There is no one that can stop me from loving you because we are meant to be by God Himself. I love you and it will always be so forever.

6. I wish you all the best in this special day of the year; may your heart desires never cease to be fulfilled for you now and forever.

7. It is my pleasure to wish you all the best in this wonderful day of the year; may you find rest of mind that has no bound now and forever.

8. I hope that this 2019 be a great day in your life, may the Lord always bless you with lots of love and endless success you won’t live to forget. Happy New Year. Sunshine shall always be your light in this precious year we entered, your success shall be strong that it will have no limit to your life.

9. Thank you for always been patient with me even though I showed some attitudes and yet you managed me as the woman that I am. I will always love you to the end of time; thank you always been a good husband and father. I just want to say happy New Year to my beloved angel.

10. You are very important in my life and it is the reason why I will always love you, your face is so beautiful that it mesmerizes heart and then brings comfort to my life. I wish you all the best now and forever. You are a great husband for any woman to have. Happy New Year to my beloved husband.

11. Thank God for sparing our life up till this moment, we appreciate Him for His grace and the enjoyment of this world granted to us as we sought. Lord, we pray that you make us enjoy the hereafter better. Happy new year to the love of my life, may you find this year as simpler as the tearing of a paper.

12. I have always wanted a blessed man like you who will love me and also make me happy anytime I am sad. Thank God you are the very man—my husband, anytime I wake up next to you, a smile of passion overwhelms my face because I am simply the luckiest woman on earth to have found you. Happy new year.

13. May the Lord continue to protect you because you are the one I wished to spend the rest of my life with and it came to pass. Thank you for the special love you show to me and the several sacrifices you made just to make me happy. I love you, cherish everything about and then want to say happy new year.

14. The first day I set my eyes on you, I realized that you are the right man for me, I knew that you are the joy that I have been waiting for; thank you for your love, thank for always been a good husband and wonderful father. I love you so much and it is simply the truth. I wish you all the best in this special day of our life. Happy new year.

15. I must tell you that no one can take the space I keep for you in my heart and no matter how far we are from each other, nothing will stop me from loving you because you are my second nature, the air I breathe and the love I cherish with endless passion. Happy new year.

16. Thank you my beloved angel, for the father of my kids and the only man I have ever cried for because it is worth it. I and my children are wishing you a great happy New Year because you have always been a good husband for me and a wonderful husband for them. I love you.

17. Thank you for the entire love you showed to me, thank you for the entire gift you bought for me and my kids, we will always be grateful to God for bringing a wonderful ma into our life; may the Lord spare your life for us and the humanity. Happy New Year my love.

18. You are the most precious person in my life, I love you and also appreciate the fact that God gave me the privilege to meet a special person like you in my life. I just want to say happy New Year to the most interesting man in my life. I keep on wondering how I came across a miracle like you in my life.

19. Thank God for everything and the gift of a good husband included. I will always love you for the rest of my life. You are the loveliest person in this wonderful world. Thank you, my love and your success will continue to grow till eternity. Happy new year to the one I love.

20. You are the most intelligent man I have ever seen in my life, the father of my beautiful daughters; I just want you to know you are the most cherished man in my life. I wish you all the best in this world. You are the most interesting person in my life. Happy New Year my angel.

New Year Quotes for Wife

21. Thank you dear wife, I will always appreciate you for everything you have done in my life and of that of my kids, I wish you all the best that this world can offer. You are the most precious man I ever met in this world. Thank you for the most interesting lover I have ever seen in this beautiful world. Happy New Year.

22. I don’t want to be the one to lose you first; I will rather die to save your life and of my beloved children. I love you with a whole heart and there is no doubt about it. It is a great phenomenon. I love you so much. Thank you for the most interesting woman in this world. Happy New Year.

23. I used to think that good women have gone to extinction until I met an amazing woman like you—the most beautiful wife in the world. Let me say this prayer for you as you kneel before the Lord: success shall be yours forever. Happiness shall never miss your way and your children shall be of benefit for us both. Happy New Year.

24. I just want to say have an awesome New Year for those that are important to me; I have always wanted to let you know that no woman can take your space in my heart, however, I realized that action speaks louder than voice. I love you beyond extraordinary reason and wish you all the best in this world.

25. For the rest of my life, no one will be able to stop me from showing you how much you mean to me; I will never stop thinking about you till eternity. I wish you all the best and pray that the Lord continue to protect you for the rest of your life. Happy New Year to my beautiful wife.

26. I want you to feel the spirit of this season in peace and harmony so that you and your children will dwell in my heart as the honey dwells in the tongue and gives it a fantastic taste. I wish you all the best and pray that the Lord continue to protect you until the end of time. Happy New Year my beloved wife.

27. Thank you for always been a good wife who keeps the secret of her husband. For many years, I could not take care of the family because I lost my job and yet you never complained of once. I love you so much and cherish you with all my heart. Happy New Year, may the season favor you forever.

28. The Lord shall be your strength now and forever, and He shall make this season a favor upon you and your kids including me your husband. We shall live together in peace and harmony and nothing shall bring asunder between us until the end of time. I just want to say happy New Year to my lovely wife.

29. Thank you God for bringing a wonderful woman into my life, may your success continue to blow up like a balloon but never burst like it. I ask the Lord to protect you and put a smile on your face for the rest of your life; have a wonderful day ahead and enjoy this New Year in love with your kids. I love you.

30. I am happy that a strong woman is part of my life, I pray that the Lord keep us together forever, I beseech the Lord to guide us and bless us with our heart desires, Happy New Year to the most beautiful woman in this world. I love you so much and will always do for the rest of my life.

31. You are a blessed woman in my life, a woman with lots of happiness and joy in her heart, a blessed woman who never takes care of her husband with lots of love and respect. I wish you all the best in this wonderful day and pray that the Lord should continue to protect you with all the best. Happy New Year.

32. You are the most loving wife in the world. You are simply the most interesting angel in my life; I wish you all the best. I can’t stop thinking about you in this season and also pray that the Lord will continue to bless you now and forever. I love you with all my life. Happy New Year.

33. With you, I pray that everything will continue to go fine with us, we are so happy that the Lord protects you up till this moment. I wish you all the best now and forever. You are the most precious gift in this wonderful world. I love you and pray that the Lord should continue to bless you forever. Happy New Year my love.

34. May the Lord always bless you with whatever you need; may He cause your children to benefit you. The spirit of this season will always follow you to the end. I will always love you my dear angel, the most loving person I wish to spend the rest of my life. Happy New Year.

35. I wish you could search through my heart to see how much you mean to me; I love you so much that the greatest poet to ever live cannot write it down. Only God can explain the depth of my love for you and it is simply the truth. I love you beyond the sky. Happy New Year.

36. Thank you, the love in my life, you are the most beloved angel, you are the greatest one whom I wish to spend the rest of my life with, and so the Lord made it so. Happy New Year.

37. Thank you for the love you showed to me with passion and sincerity. I just want to say happy New Year to the most loving woman in my life. I wish you all the best in this world. May the Lord always bless you with whatever with comfort your soul; happy New Year.

38. Thank you for this wonderful day of the year, a new year for a new beginning and new happenings that will bring lots of fortunes to you.

39. Thank you my dear wife, I love you and wish you all the best in this wonderful season of the year, may your success continue to grow beyond the limit of success.

40. I just want to say, happy New Year to the most beautiful wife and mother ever seen with eyes. May your happiness never cease.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Lovemore Kaunda
    January 4, 2019 at 8:41 am

    Very encouraging, wonderful, beautiful beyond perfection

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