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10 Exciting Places To Use A Remote Vibrator

Remote control vibrators are fun and with a bit of stealth, they let you take that fun to where you want.

Remote control sex toys can break free from the confines of the bedroom and make the whole world your playground.

It’s not simply about kinky stuff, but the freedom to have pleasure even in the most mundane of settings.

So get yourself a good remote vibrator a good remote vibrator and prepare for a fun time.

1. On A Roller Coaster

The thrill of a roller coaster matched with the vibrating excitement of the vibrator. Now that’s a ride to talk about!

Crank up the power and play with the controls a little to sync up vibrations with the motion of the roller coaster. Or simply enjoy the ride and let the vibrator buzz away and do its job.

If you tend to get noisy with stimulation, being on a roller coaster where everyone pretty much expects people to scream can be a good cover.

Of course, still, be mindful of the sounds you make, it’s best to stay stealthy. The loud noises of a roller coaster and the general noisiness lend themselves well to covering the sound of vibrations.

Have fun, and once the ride is done you can triumphantly declare ‘I have arrived.’

2. At The Supermarket

Shopping is fun, but there’s always a chance to make things better.

Walking in a big box store, pushing a cart, choosing between random items – there certainly is scope for a boost. Better yet, there is scope for play!

Let your partner take control of the remote as you both go around shopping.

There’s always room for adding some element of mystery if both of you choose to go down different aisles. The element of play, however, stays on top. It’s simple, stealthy, and fun.

3. On The Dance Floor

Who doesn’t expect to have some fun on the dance floor? It’s loud, noisy, and just the place to be when you have a remote vibrator.

If you have one of those vibrators that respond to ambient sound, you could double the enjoyment of your favorite song.

Or take the classic way and use the remote control for stimulation. In our world of technology, vibrators are getting ‘smarter.’

There is a possibility you could control a sex toy with a smartwatch or digital assistants like Alexa or Siri.

Having controls on these devices increases the possibilities and could make things more fun.

4. At The Movie Theater

Whether your taste in movies veers towards romance, action, comedy, fantasy, or something else, remote vibrators are a great companion. I’m partial to romantic movies, but pick whatever works for you. It gets a lot more fun if your partner is adept at using the remote.

Syncing vibrations to the mood of the movie is a more immersive experience!
You may want to be more circumspect in using a vibrator in a packed movie theater.

Unless you have a very quiet vibrator, there’s a good chance the noise will be noticed by fellow theatergoers.

Vibrating eggs work better, but if you have a clit vibrator that can stay silent, go for it.

5. While On A Picnic

A picnic is a wonderfully romantic setting. Make it intimate with a remote vibrator. Lay the blanket, the picnic basket, and the remote.

Well, maybe put the basket aside for now. As you go with the conventional picnic-y things, there sure is room for some more fun.

Even a somewhat crowded location won’t be a problem because the consistent background noise will drown any sound from the vibrator.

Better still, if you’re on a relatively secluded spot, there is no need to worry about the vibrator’s noise. It’s also a great place to begin for people starting out with public play.

There’s still a thrill, but you can indulge yourself without the risk of being conspicuous.

6. At Work

If picnics are a good place to start for beginners, vibrators at work are the domain of experts. It’s a huge risk and you surely don’t want to be caught, but it’s the risk factor that makes it more thrilling for many people.

Discretion and knowing when to start and stop are important parts of public play, more so for work.

Even though we profess our love for work, there are times when things can get mundane. It’s for those times when having a little zap as stimulation can work well. Slow day at work or someone crooning about inconsequential things in a boring meeting? Well, there’s a way out of that!

7. Be A Tease On A Date

Play your cards right, and this can be something extremely hot and satisfying.

A hot date turned hotter by the introduction of a remote vibrator. Once your date knows that you have a remote and that you’re willing to share, they’ll be dying to join in.

Well, don’t give up the control so easily, being a tease is part of the fun! Sharing a remote control on a date amps up anticipation for things to come later.

Building up to the moment is a powerful aphrodisiac in itself, and the remote vibrator can be a powerful touch.

8. At The Coffee Shop

Need a dose of some pick-me-up for your day? Get yourself another booster and carry along the remote vibrator. Coffee shops are generally noisy enough to keep the vibrator noise incognito. You can enjoy your cup of java with a really satisfying outcome.

9. At A House Party

Now this is risky business, because such parties can often be quiet. Plus you don’t want some expressions or a misplaced moan giving things away. But then it is perhaps the sheer irreverence of the act that makes it so desirable.

Yes it’s the pleasantries floating around that make me this happy. That’s a beaming smile guests at the party are sure to remember. Well, the merits of remote vibrator at a simple house party are worthy of consideration.

10. During Class

Yes, I’m listening to you professor. I just find the lecture so satisfying. Well, to be perfectly candid, do put more focus on the lecture. A remote control vibrator is fun that can go with you to all sorts of places, and it’s your job to use it responsibly.

Prioritize what you should be doing at the moment and if it seems right, well, put that remote into action! Yup, use it during class too, but remember the priority is the class.

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