
Pitfalls To Watch Out For When Designing, Ordering, And Sending Your Wedding Invites

Your wedding invitations are one of the most important parts of your wedding planning process. They set the tone for your wedding, provide guests with important information, and can even serve as a cherished keepsake for years to come.

However, designing, ordering, and sending wedding invitations can be fraught with pitfalls. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the common pitfalls to watch out for when designing, ordering, and sending your wedding invites.

Not Ordering Enough Invitations

One of the most common mistakes that couples make when ordering online wedding invitations is not ordering enough. It’s important to keep in mind that each household or family will only need one invitation, but it’s always a good idea to order a few extra in case of mistakes or unexpected guests.

Be sure to also keep in mind any vendors or wedding planners who might need an invitation as well.

Not Providing Enough Information

Another common pitfall when designing wedding invitations is not providing enough information. It’s important to include all the necessary details, such as the date, time, and location of the wedding, as well as any dress code or RSVP instructions.

Be sure to also include any other important information, such as hotel accommodations or transportation options.

Including Too Much Information

While it’s important to include all the necessary information on your table cards for the wedding, it’s also important to avoid including too much information.

Your invitations should be easy to read and understand, so be sure to keep the wording simple and concise. If you have additional information to share, consider including a separate card or including it on your wedding website.

Choosing the Wrong Colors or Fonts

Choosing the right colors and fonts for your wedding invitations is crucial. They should match the style and theme of your wedding, while also being easy to read.

It’s important to choose a font that is easy to read and doesn’t require too much effort to decipher. When it comes to colors, keep in mind that certain colors might be difficult to read when printed, so be sure to choose colors that will be easy on the eyes.

Not Proofreading Carefully

One of the most important things you can do when designing your wedding invitations is to proofread carefully. Spelling mistakes, typos, or incorrect information can be costly and embarrassing.

It’s a good idea to have a few trusted friends or family members read over your invitations before you send them out to catch any mistakes you might have missed.

Not Allowing Enough Time

Designing, ordering, and sending wedding invitations takes time. It’s important to allow enough time for each step of the process.

You should start designing your invitations at least six to eight months before your wedding, and send them out at least six to eight weeks before your wedding date. This will give your guests enough time to make travel arrangements and RSVP.

Not Checking Postage Requirements

Finally, it’s important to check the postage requirements for your wedding invitations. Depending on the size and weight of your invitations, they might require additional postage.

Be sure to take this into account when ordering your invitations, and double-check with your local post office to ensure that you have enough postage to send them out.

Not Considering Accessibility

When designing your wedding invitations, it’s important to consider accessibility for guests with disabilities. This can include choosing a font that is easy to read, using high-contrast colors, and providing alternative formats for guests who may have visual impairments.

You can also include a note on your RSVP card asking guests if they have any accessibility needs and making accommodations accordingly.

Ignoring Etiquette Rules

Wedding invitations are steeped in tradition and etiquette, and it’s important to follow certain rules when designing and sending them out.

This can include addressing the envelopes correctly (using formal titles and proper names), including all necessary information (such as the names of the hosts), and sending invitations to guests in a timely manner. Be sure to do your research on wedding invitation etiquette to avoid any faux pas.

Not Personalizing Your Invitations

Your wedding invitations should reflect your unique style and personality as a couple. It’s important to choose a design that speaks to you, whether that’s a modern minimalist design or a more ornate and traditional look.

You can also add personal touches, such as a custom monogram or a favorite quote, to make your invitations truly one-of-a-kind.

Forgetting to Include RSVP Information

One of the most important pieces of information to include on your wedding invitations is how guests can RSVP. This can include a response card with a pre-stamped envelope, an email address, or a link to your wedding website where guests can RSVP online.

Be sure to include a deadline for RSVPs so you can get an accurate headcount for your wedding day.

Not Double-Checking Guest Lists

Before you send out your wedding invitations, it’s important to double-check your guest list for accuracy. This can include ensuring that you have the correct addresses for all your guests, as well as checking for any duplicate names or missing information.

You should also make sure that you have enough invitations for all your guests and any additional vendors or wedding planners.

Designing, ordering, and sending your wedding invitations can be a stressful process, but by avoiding these common pitfalls, you can ensure that your invitations are beautiful, informative, and error-free.

Remember to order enough invitations, provide all the necessary information, choose the right colors and fonts, proofread carefully, allow enough time, and check the postage requirements.

With a little bit of planning and attention to detail, your wedding invitations will be a beautiful and cherished part of your special day.

In conclusion, designing, ordering, and sending wedding invitations can be a complex process, but by avoiding these common pitfalls, you can ensure that your invitations are perfect for your special day.

Remember to order enough invitations, provide all necessary information, choose the right colors and fonts, proofread carefully, and allow enough time for the process.

By following these tips, you can create beautiful and personalized wedding invitations that your guests will treasure for years to come.

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