Dee Love Paragraphs

100+ Happy New Year Resolution Quotes

new year resolution quotes

Personal New Year Resolution Quotes for You

1. I shall not be lazy anymore, my words will be kept as I say them and procrastination will become an old fashion in my life.

2. I will be more hard-working, I will make sure I pursue my dreams in a strategic and systematic approach until they are all achieved.

3. I will cleanse my heart the more; I will be a focus on the goal I have in my front. My attention will be diverted from the love of too many women.

4. I shall be stronger both spiritual and physical; as for the spiritual aspect, I will become more devoted to God and as for the physical, I will engage in a gym.

5. I will become a better husband for my wife, and I will make sure that I study her to understand what she likes and what she dislikes.

6. I will take time to be more devoted to God so that my spiritual height will be increased. My goal this year will include becoming a new person with integrity.

7. I will leave the bad life I am living currently and then move close to God inch by inch until I finally embrace His light forever.

8. This year, I will make sure I achieve more; I will establish more business and then focus on building my family.

9. I promise to love my wife forever. I will make sure that her kids are taken care of and then I will not leave my parent uncared for.

10. I aspire to become the richest in my community; I will not compete with anyone but will gain my riches through legitimate means.

11. I shall let go whatever that is bothering me and then move on for things that really matter. I will avoid negative people and then choose my friends.

12. I will be more humble this year than ever; I will be serious with my education until I achieve my goal.

13. I have set many dreams; this year will be the ignition year for the entire goal I have been aspiring to reach.

14. This is my dream, to own my home, wife, children, and cars. I will make sure I try my best to teach my children religion.

15. This year, my home will be more devoted to God than ever. We shall engage in prayer and fasting this season until the Lord answers our prayers.

16. Lord, my desires this year are much, one them is to become a Doctor which I have been working on since these years. Please make it possible for me.

17. My prayer is to see my dreams been achievable for me, to see myself at the top of the world been celebrated.

18. I want to build an application through which people will be able to translate their languages into different ones of the world.

19. I will start a small business which will grow in the next ten years to a multimillion company. I will not give up until I achieve.

20. This year, it is either I become a multimillionaire through legitimate means or I perish. I must be focused on things that will lead me to my dream.

New Year Resolution Statements

21. The most sacredness of existence is to worship God alone; I want to be among the most devoted servant of God this year.

22. I wish to become a rich man with a serious mind; I want to be a coach that will build thousands of leaders across the world.

23. I am tired of being a coward and broke guy; my promise is to become a gallant guy with lots of money from a good business.

24. My New Year resolution is to redefine my attitude toward success and be more devoted to what I believe in.

25. I need a change and it is my dare focus; the goal I desire the most. For it to be achievable for me, I will need to be more interested in it.

26. You cannot reach your goal until you resolve to meet it. Find different strategies until you finally get down to the point of your goals.

27. Happy New Year to me; I understand the fact that I am still a broke bachelor but it is my ultimate goal to become a husband this year.

28. I will always be devoted to God so that He will draw me close to His Glory. I will become a respected person this year.

29. I shall be responsible soon. My dreams shall be achievable by His Grace. His Majesty will have to focus on me this year because I have set up to be close to Him.

30. As tomorrow marks the first page of the book of 365 days; I am going to write down just seven great realistic goals.

31. My undying focus this year will be to become a better person; to take good responsibility for my home.

32. I will always be positive in my thinking; those negative thought I used to have shall perish in no time. I give my word.

33. I vow not to be careless again because it caused me a lot last year; I will now be more serious about reality.

34. This is my motivational statement this year” Success will only come your way if you really want it to come”.

35. Goodbye to poverty; never you come to my door again. I am a changed person and my mission is to leave a great legacy in this world.

36. I want to have a great impact on the life of the orphans; I want to take them to the next level as a means to glorious life.

37. Focusing on what is right is my new watchword; it is my new beginning until I finally reach my goals.

38. New ideas are out there in there millions not discovered yet; my focus will be to dig out an idea and make it work for me.

39. New Year welcome, you are my year of success and prosperity. You are my year of love and passion for the man I love.

40. This year is a great one; it is a precious time that will need a new leaf on our pot; we focus more on what the Lord needs for us.

New Year Resolution Quotes for Success

41. My year of success has come, it shall not pass me by and my business will boost to the highest level.

42. May the New Year bring more success to our lives; may we live long to enjoy this life in peace and harmony.

43. If you cannot face your life challenges; it means you are not yet ready to set a New Year resolution.

44. Focusing on maintaining my body weight is part of success; I will not let this year go by not telling a good story about my new weight.

45. I might have been beaten last year but this year will never go by without me bouncing back from the shock of the past.

46. If you asked me what my New Year plan is; I will say to become one of the best brains the world has produced.

47. I want to shift my focus away from things that are not relevant to things that really matter. I want to become a new person with a new personality.

48. A strong character manifest when you can keep up with the resolution you made when the year passed.

49. I want to quit smoking this year because I realized that it does more evil to me than good. It kills me instead of giving me life.

50. My main goal this year is to find a better job or establish my own business so that I can employ others.

51. I have not been saving money, so my New Year resolution is to save more and spend less so that my goals will be realistic.

52. I will reach my goal of eating healthy food; I will quit junky food that will cause health problems for me.

53. I know I am not that fit but part of my success this year will include being physically fit to carry out my job.

54. I want to be a great decision maker with powerful moves to achieving my goals in life; I want to become a great actor in the history of this world.

55. I will reduce traveling this year as it does more bad than good. I will make sure I save more money rather than spoiling it on useless things.

56. This year is my year of physical fitness; it is a year to be more concerned about my health than every other secondary issue.

57. I want to build a good relationship with my kids and their mother. I want to train them on both life and religion matters.

58. I will be focusing more on sending my children to the best school ever; so that they will enjoy the taste of a good and sound education.

59. Part of success is for you to be able to maintain your marriage and family bond; this year, I will make sure I spend more time with my family.

60. Junk food will be forgone forever because an enemy should be treated as an enemy. Goodbye, see you in the forever time.

61. My New Year resolution is to visit 100 orphanages home to donate money and food to them. It is my joy to do so.

62. I want to dedicate my time to be giving money to a worthy cause every month. I want to be removing some token out of the wealth God has given me.

63. I am aspiring to stop eating oily food and then focus more on eating fruits and vegetables; drink enough water.

64. I think I have not been kind enough to myself; it will surely be my number one goal this year. I want to take care of myself better.

65. As it is good to have a human friend; it is good to have an animal friend. I will be getting myself a beautiful cat as a pet this year.

66. This year will be the year of the fulfillment of my entire promises; I will make sure I pay all my debts.

67. I won’t hesitate to take a good action; part of my plan will be to have a fiancée who will become my wife anytime soon.

68. Love letter they think is now extinction, as for me; I will write someone a beautiful, sweet and nice love letter.

69. I will make great events that will make great unforgettable memories. I will put a smile on people’s face.

70. I will buy a diary in which all my ideas, thoughts and experience will be written down for a better plan ahead of my future. I will stop being worried about the future.

71. I don’t know how to cook, but this year will mark the beginning of my cooking skill.

72. I want to be more devoted to God so I will get rid of this tattoo on my arms.

73. Looking masculine is a mission and vision; I will grow more mustache this year.

74. I will make sure I build my own house this year; not only that but also buy my car to drive to my work.

75. I will make it a routine to always read at least one book a month in order to build my capacity.

76. I want willing to become one of the most intelligent people in my generation.

77. My hope in this year is to be called a father; I will stand up in prayer and fasting until I achieve this very important goal.

78. I wish I have become a programmer at the age of seven but now, it is another opportunity to make it happen.

79. I will be more engaged in building my career and other’s until we both achieve our dreams this year.

80. I am planning to become the best mathematician in my local level and then move up to the international level.

Do you still have more new year resolutions quotes to share with us? Please drop them in the comments.

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