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Best Dosti SMS in English

dosti sms

Dosti SMS in English for you and your lover. You can also share this SMS as Dosti sms in hindi new, sms dosti yaad hindi, sachi dosti sms in hindi, best dosti sms in hindi, funny dosti sms, cute dosti sms, sachi dosti love, dosti sms in english.

Further reading: Happy new month prayer messages

Dosti SMS in English

I do not really have anything to say because I have been unable to find the right words to qualify what you mean to me. Dear you, making you close to me is the greatest truth I can ever say to myself. You are different and unique, wonderful and amazing.

I will never leave you alone. Neither will I make you lonely. You mean the world to me and I will make sure I stand by your side till the very end. Be true to you and be very intentional in your decisions. I will always be by your side.

Remember you owe your family and friends the duty of care. Remember them in all that you do, put them in your prayers and fill their lives with your love, passion and emotion everywhere you go.

Great Dosti SMS in English

You have the power in you to make positive impact. Why wait for people to push you to do what you can achieve on your own. Create your path, make you way, dig the hole of questions and you will hit gold sooner than you even think. You have the power to be more than who you are.

When people say No to your decisions, do not follow their No but create your YES, because only you can find your path to destiny. Only you have the power to your future. Only you can decide to say NO or YES. Do not every say NO because you were left reeling in disappointment. Keep working, your YES will come soon!

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