
Critical Birth Conditions You Need to Know About

Critical Birth Conditions You Need to Know About

Finding out you and your partner are going to have a baby is one of the best feelings in the world. Your relationship is being taken to a new level and you’re going to have a new arrival in the home in a short 9 months.

This time can be testing, cravings and hormones become a tough battle, and preparing the home for a new baby is often stressful. There are other things you need to think about when having a baby other than what color the nursery is going to be.

Health is a hugely important thing with both the mother and the baby, ensuring you’re doing everything for a healthy pregnancy is a must.

There are occasions where things might not seem straightforward, critical birth conditions are something every parent worries about. Here we take a look at some of those critical birth conditions and what you should know about them.

What Are Critical Birth Conditions?

Around 1 in 33 babies that are born in the United States are born with a birth defect. It’s a problem that develops when a baby is developing in the womb.

They can be minor or in some cases more severe. Birth defects can affect appearance, physical & mental development, and organ function.

In most cases, birth defects are present within the first three months of pregnancy which is when the organs are initially forming. Some of these defects are completely harmless, whereas others will require long term treatment.

Lack Of Oxygen (HIE)

Something that’s common amongst birth injuries is related to when the baby doesn’t get enough oxygen. The prolonged oxygen deprivation (also known as intrapartum asphyxia) has the potential of causing serious injuries to the brain of a baby.

One of these injuries is known as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). The lack of oxygen causes brain tissue to be damaged and is known as a leading cause of death amongst newborn babies.

The professionals at DiamondInjuryLaw.com explain that 40-60% of babies with HIE can die during their first few years of life, those that don’t often develop problems such as cognitive impairment, seizures, developmental delays, and in the most extreme cases, cerebral palsy.

Oxygen deprivation isn’t something that’s straight forward and there are many risk factors that contribute towards the issue.

These can be treated easily with medical care, however, medical professionals don’t always take the right steps to mitigate the situation which is why it’s important to understand the details of the condition.

Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital heart disease is often referred to as a congenital heart defect, it’s a heart abnormality that is present at birth. It affects either the heart walls, the heart valves, the blood vessels or a combination of all three.

There are numerous types of heart defects that range from simple conditions that won’t cause any symptoms to far more complex issues that can cause severe, life-threatening symptoms.

Cleft Palate & Lip

This is a condition where there is a split, or opening, in the lip of an infant. On occasions, the opening can be large enough to reach from the mouth to the nose.

It’s a condition that occurs in the womb, during the baby’s development, when the roof of the mouth doesn’t close properly. It can affect different parts of your palate as it’s made up of two different sections, the soft palate, and the hard palate.

The soft is made up of soft tissue and is located at the back of the mouth, whilst the hard palate is located in the front of your mouth on the roof which is the hard bony section.

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome, also known as Down’s syndrome or trisomy 21, is a condition where a child is born with an extra chromosome. More specifically, their 21st chromosome.

The condition causes physical and mental development issues or delays, and some other disabilities.

The majority of these disabilities are lifelong and can even shorten life expectancy. This doesn’t mean, however, that people with Down syndrome can’t live a long, healthy, happy, fulfilling life.

There are huge amounts of support for those with Down syndrome and the families around them.

Cystic Fibrosis

CF is a serious condition. It’s genetic and causes severe damage to the respiratory and digestive systems. The damage often occurs because of a build-up of thick, sticky mucus in the organs.

CF affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat, and digestive enzymes. These fluids lubricate various organs and tissues and help prevent them from getting dry and infected.

Those with CF don’t have this function as the fluid becomes thick and sticky. This leads to build-ups and clogging which causes infections, respiratory failure, and malnutrition.

Those with CF don’t have the longest life expectancy, so it’s imperative to get treatment immediately.

Learning your child has a birth defect doesn’t mean they aren’t going to live a healthy and happy life. Do everything in your power to ensure they’re comfortable at all times, whether that’s in life, in their head, their body, their happiness, even their sadness.

It might be a scary time, but it’s one you’ll need to step up for.

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