
7 Laser Liposuction Facts You Might Not Know

Laser liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat cells from the body. It is also considered to be one of the most effective ways to reshape your body by removing excess fat deposits. Liposuction has been around since the 1970s, and it is still one of the most popular surgical weight loss procedures.

Many people see it as an alternative to invasive fat removal surgeries like abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and this procedure works especially well for removing small pockets of stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise might not be able to get rid of. But before you jump right in, here are 7 unknown facts about laser liposuction that you might not know yet.

1)  Liposuction Is Now Often Administered With Laser-Assisted Technology.

Lasers can be used to destroy fat cells and also tighten the skin. It works by using high-energy light beams that pass through your skin without damaging it.

Unlike suction, there will be no risk of blood spots or bruising on the treated area, as mentioned at lightrx.com, because the lasers are fired from outside your body. It is also quickly becoming the preferred method to remove abdominal fat, due to its quick recovery time and little risk of side effects.

2) Liposuction Is Not Always Suitable For Everyone.

People with conditions such as diabetes or those who have undergone organ transplants might need to be cautious about liposuction, even the laser one. Since the lasers can cause blood vessels to close, people with these conditions might actually suffer from depleted blood supply if they choose this method of treatment.

If you are unsure whether or not laser liposuction is right for you, you are advised to seek advice from your healthcare provider.

3) Most Liposuctions Are Performed By Plastic Surgeons And Dermatologists.

Although general practitioners can also perform liposuction, it is recommended that you go to a doctor who specializes in the procedure.

This is because any doctor trained for plastic surgery or dermatology should have enough training and experience to operate by themselves. Laser liposuction is considered to be an advanced procedure that requires medical expertise.

4) It May Take Some Time To See Your New Look.

You might not look like you’ve lost weight after the surgery. This is because there are no exercises or dietary regimes that can be recommended to help with the recovery process. After surgery, your body goes through an extreme trauma which means it needs time to recuperate before things go back to normal.

This means you need to wait for about six weeks before doing any strenuous activities. But remember, it is important to follow the advice of your doctor if he or she tells you that you are not yet ready to exercise or start a diet. You are at risk of injuring yourself otherwise.

5) The Resulting Fat Will Not Be Permanent.

Liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss. This surgery does not burn fat in the body, but only sucks it out through a tube. It might be removed from your body, but chances are it will just accumulate again when you are eating more than usual to compensate for lack of exercise after surgery.

The main goal of laser liposuction is to remove subcutaneous fat that has been accumulated around your abdomen, inner thighs, and flanks. For removing visceral fat which is found deep inside the body surrounding the internal organs, you might need a more invasive procedure called abdominoplasty.

6) You Will Have Small Scars.

The small incisions caused by the lasers are imperceptible to the naked eye, but you should still expect small scars on your skin after surgery.

These are called ‘pits’ by plastic surgeons because of their round shape and should fade over time without any problems. Your doctor might recommend you to use aloe vera or Vaseline to keep these pits moist during the healing process.

7) Liposuction Has Risks.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that carries risks such as the formation of blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolisms. Sometimes, patients might also develop infections in the treated area.

Other risks of liposuction include poor reaction to anesthesia, hematoma formation (formation of blood clots), and skin necrosis (death of skin cells).

Laser lipo is becoming popular because the recovery time is fast and there are fewer side effects compared to other methods of liposuction.

If you’re considering having liposuction, then have in mind these 7 things. It’s better to be prepared and to know what can you expect after surgery.

Laser liposuction is becoming more popular since it is a faster and more effective way to remove excess fat deposits from the body. This procedure also carries risks, so you need to be cautious before deciding on this treatment for yourself. We hope this article was helpful.

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