Features Relationship Hacks

The Love Triangle (Part 3)

love triangle

“Ermm  Yeah, I mean Yes, it’s fine. I don’t mind. I am at home.”

Judy totally lost control of herself that she almost burnt her cloth.

“Shit” Judy exclaimed.

“I hope there is no problem or is this a wrong time to call?” Austin asked.

“No, it isn’t. It’s nothing, I just almost burnt

my cloth but I’m fine.” Judy said as she unplugged the iron and went to the bed to sit.

“Oh! Sorry about that, my bad”. Austin said, confused about whether his call is at a bad time.

“No, it’s fine” Judy said, blushing, even though she didn’t get why she was blushing so hard at a guy she wasn’t seeing at that moment.

“I just called to check on you though, sorry I had to leave in a haste the last time we met. I had to run off to meet my campaign team members. So, do you have classes tomorrow?”

“Yes, I do, it’s the outfit I want to wear that almost got burnt”

“Ouch! Sorry about that once more.” Austin said with a soothing tone.

“It’s fine”

“I have to run now; I’ll call you later if that’s fine by you”

“Oh! Yea. Of course, anytime. It’s fine. Thanks.” Judy said slightly disappointed the call was ending so soon but super elated he called.

“Ok! Good night then”

“Good night”

After the call, Judy just wanted to throw herself on the floor for being so weak and naive.

“Jeez! I hope I didn’t come off as cheap.” Judy asked her cousin the next day.

“Of course not. Cheap ke! Na jonzing girls dey do that one o. Guys like Austin like girls that know what they want and go for it. Better no dull, Austin is one of the hottest guys in school and girls throw themselves at him all the time”

“Ehn! I know but…Ok. If you say so” Judy replied hoping she hadn’t ruined her chance.

Days passed and Austin and Judy got closer as the calls got more frequent, Judy always gisted him about school and everything else. In her head, they were an item.

“Stop joor. You know I stay with my cousin; I don’t know if she would let me sleep out. I haven’t tried it before.

“There’s always a first time baby” Austin tried to convince her.

“I know but…I don’t know. I’ll try shaa”

“That’s my baby. You know I haven’t had time to see you since because I’ve been so busy.  That’s why I want to make it up to you. Baby, I really miss you”

“I know. I miss you too”

“Babe, I’m just looking at your picture right now. Jeez! You’re so hot. Check your phone I sent you a pic”

Judy checked her phone and screamed softly.

“Oh! Just. Wow! Is that what I think it is?

“Yes, babe, you’re giving me a boner mehn. Jeez! You’re really hot, do you know that?”

“Well, I know I’m pretty. People tell me all the time I guess.” Judy said humbly.

“Well, you’re not just pretty but hot. From your pretty face to your perky boobs to your flat tummy, beautiful height, nice curves, then, of course, your sweet lips, that I can’t wait to taste. I bet they taste like strawberry and vanilla all together”

Judy who was smiling all the while had started rolling in bed.

“Stop joor, you want to make me shy now”

“It’s the truth and I can’t wait to tell you all these when we meet babe. Let’s make it this weekend”

“I’ll ask my cousin”

“Or you want me to ask her? You know she’s my paddy. I’m sure she won’t mind” Austin said, quite hesitant.

“Don’t worry, I’ll ask her”

“Cool, I hope no guy toasted you today o. Tell them you have a boyfriend o”

The moment he said this, Judy’s body was covered in goosebumps. This was the first time he was saying this.

“Does that mean they are now an item? Is he serious? Is this official? Did he just ask her out? Are they in a relationship?”

All these questions ran through Judy’s head, now more than ever she was gingered to see him this weekend.

To be continued…

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