
Truck Accidents: Common Causes and Prevention

Truck Accidents: Common Causes and Prevention

Nowadays, vehicles are much safer than before with various technological advancements and safety features. However, you cannot rely completely on vehicles to keep you safe on the road.

According to a report from the World Health Organization, more than 3,200 people lose their lives every day due to road accidents.

Other than fatal crashes, people suffer from between 20 million to 50 million non-fatal injuries every year. Fortunately, a World Report regarding Road Traffic Injury Prevention has shown that road traffic accidents can be prevented with actionable safety measurements, as many causes are common, predictable, and avoidable.

Annually, there are over 500,000 reported accidents involving trucks in America. Truck driving is a highly demanding profession, in which truck drivers need to be mentally and physically strong for long-distance journeys.

No matter how skilled you are as a truck driver, it is always important to reflect on the common causes of truck accidents and possible ways to prevent them from happens.

Most common causes of road crashes involving trucks and how to prevent them.

Distracted Driving

Half a million people sustain injuries as a result of distracted driving every year. The legal experts at this website explain that countless activities can distract truck drivers’ attention from the road, including listening to loud music, texting, and checking navigation.

It is a common misconception that distracted driving accidents are only caused by teenagers, as anyone can lose focus while driving. A few seconds of distracted driving can cause countless injuries and damage and put you in serious legal jeopardy.

Avoid using phones while driving or use the hands-free setting if you absolutely need to make a call. A better option is to pull over when you need to talk on the phone as talking can significantly reduce your concentration level.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), using your phone for 5 seconds while going 55 miles per hour is equal to driving the length of a football field with your eyes blindfolded.

Furthermore, if you are driving your truck somewhere you don’t know and using maps to navigate, it is important that you place your phone in a holder at eye-level or use voice instructions.

Driving Hungry or Thirsty

Eating and drinking whilst you are driving can distract you, but equally, driving a truck whilst you are hungry or thirsty can have a negative effect on your physical, mental, and emotional state.

This can lead to driving mistakes or even road rage, which can easily result in an accident. Good nutrition can greatly enhance your body’s physical state and mind.

Especially when you are driving your truck on a long-haul journey, health experts recommend proper hydration as well as a well-rounded nutritional diet with fruits, veggies, and enriched protein items.

Sugar should be avoided in coffee as it can result in a sugar spike and then crash, which can make you feel drowsy.

Teas with liquorice root and eleuthero, as well as healthy protein bars and raw nuts, are recommended. Before a long-distance drive, taking calcium before bed can help you wake up feeling more refreshed as well.

Drowsy Driving

Truck Accidents: Common Causes and Prevention

More than 100,000 crashes are related to drowsy driving every year, according to the NHTSA. Another report estimated that over 1,550 deaths are caused by drowsy driving yearly.

Drowsy driving is a serious problem, in which three out of ten people surveyed admitted that they had driven while drowsy once in the last month.

For truck drivers, this problem is even more serious as trucks are heavy and so there is more chance of serious injury or fatality in the case of a crash.

Not to mention that long driving distances are highly demanding both mentally and physically.

Napping for as little as 15 minutes can effectively protect your body from fatigue and increase your alertness. Pay attention to your peak energy periods to best predict the times of day where your energy levels are at their highest and lowest.

Remember, fatigue-related and drowsy driving-related accidents tend to happen during low-energy periods, so avoid these danger zones and combat them with proper nutrition and rest.

Despite numerous safety measurements, sometimes accidents happen. It is important to remain calm and respond correctly if you are involved in an incident involving a truck.

First of all, make sure that you are safe and then check on the wellbeing of other people involved. Secondly, don’t leave the accident scene as this can result in various legal consequences.

The third step is to contact the police and medical assistance as well as your insurance company and legal representatives.

Remember to stay safe and calm while dealing with an accident in order to avoid legal consequences as well as further damages.

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