HOW-TOS Lifestyle Relationship Hacks


My flat mate Kenny accompanied me to my church for the very first time today, and guess what his reasons were. He is going to my church to find a girlfriend.

His premise was that decent girls are hard to find, and he knows my church ‘boasts’ of decent babes and so, he decided to follow me to church. I find his premise confusing anyway, who says the church is where you find the most decent girls or it is even ‘my church’ that his type of babes are? Anyway, this is not a gist for the now. Maybe later! Right!

No soon had we entered church than he saw this dark, pretty babe sitting right across us. Immediately he started fidgeting and his face was filled with anxiety. He couldn’t even concentrate on the sermon, and he did not allow me either. He was beginning to look in the babe’s direction and was fidgeting ‘uppandan’.

Eventually, we left church without my dear Kenny meeting the babe and starting a ‘convo’ with her. Jokingly I asked him why he failed to meet up with the babe. The only reason he could muster was that he did not know how to approach her in church.

Kenny, known for his prowess when it comes to meeting ladies and eventually wooing them had difficulty in the ‘how’ to approach the prospective babe ‘in church’.

I was shocked. As I pondered on this I realized it will be important to make a blog post, as I am sure if Kenny could have this issue. There are a lot of guys out there who face almost same predicament as well.

1. Approaching at the right time.

A lot of us are actually eager to meet up that we don’t meet up eventually. One of the reasons Kenny had was that he was too busy waiting for the right time that even the right time flew him by. What he failed to note was that, there is usually this time before or after the sermon to seek the babe out.

In my church, and in most other churches too. There is usually an interlude before and after sermon. Or even after offering time to approach a lady and strike a connection quickly. I guess Kenny was too engrossed with himself to notice the time fly by. Hmmn! Shocker!

2. Ponder on how you intend to start up the convo

Another reason may be because he never knew what to say to the babe, being the fact that he meets most babes at events and social gathering. My point is what is really the difference between meeting a babe at a party and meeting a babe in church?

Okay, the environment plays a huge role, yea? Fantastic, He could just start from talking about the sermon, the service or one particular gesture he noticed the girl make when listening to the sermon. You could even mention the fact that you are a first time visitor and there is something about the service that caught your attention. Just about anything to catch her fancy would do some good. Kenny probably wants to use party style to hook church girl!! Rubbish!!!

3. Ensure that eye contact is made

As soon as you have found the right time and thought about how you intend to strike a conversation. Make sure that she knows you are staring at her by making eye contact and then you could then walk up to her albeit in a casual manner. Make her aware that you are coming in her direction and politely introduce yourself. Please note that some girls can be mean though, but as a sharp guy, an impression is key and you need to realize that when you are thinking of what to say to ignite the friendly part of her.

4. Leave with an indication that you intend to know her more.

Ladies always love guys who leaves with an impression. You have got her attention, but chill! It does not end there. Just build the conversation, tickle her fancy.

The best way to this do this is to make her laugh. You have the chance and opportunity to build the connection you crave when you are very humorous. This paves way for a greater bond and displays your personalty, and that you are a very cool person to hang with. You can then end up the convo finally with a ‘See you in Church Next Sunday’. That settles it. Yea?

Guess what!!? I did this back then and it worked for me. So I explained to Kenny what he should have done, and as that meek guy who is interested in my church girl, he nodded in understanding. You bet he is following me next week, as I could see the excitement lit up in his face. Hehe.

Have you tired any of this before? Did it work for you? Or you have added opinions we all can relate to. You can drop in the comments section below. Help my friend get his dream church girl.

Yours In Love


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Lamidi rockeeb
    March 30, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    I am having crush on a girl in my church but I don’t no how too tell her or even how to start a conversation with her

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