Relationship Hacks

Fertility Herbs in Nigeria

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

Looking for Fertility herbs in Nigeria? Then check out this highly insightful article.  Many issues of infertility have given the medical profession a course of deep research to find proper solutions and solve the cause, but beyond some sense, some infertility issues can’t be corrected medically.

As we may sometimes have the cases of damaged wombs either due to intake of hard substances or previous intentional harms like D&C which might have resulted in womb damages, but also some cases might not have even been womb related, like, where the sperm doesn’t get to stay in the ovules after lovemaking, or a situation where the male partner has watery sperm, low sperm count, weak erection, or the woman is not in her ovulation period, etc. and many other reasons for this infertility. But the good news is that nature has given remedies to any of these issues which might have been affecting us in one way or the other, and these gifts often called herbs to work effectively, though some might have not been scientifically proven result has shown they work even better than some medications.

Getting pregnant after marriage or getting pregnant is every woman’s dream but when this doesn’t happen as expected, then emotions start to stair up under a very tense atmosphere, leaving the woman or the man, sometimes both couples under depressive moods.

Estimated that one out of every six women is affected by women infertility and this accounts for one-third of all fertility problems. A woman is said to be infertile when she finds it difficult to get pregnant. For a woman to be diagnosed and confirmed infertile; she must have been unable to get pregnant for one year without success if she is less than 35 and 6 months if she is above 35. Some medical conditions can cause infertility in women like ovulation problems which include irregular ovulation cycle, premature ovarian failure or ovarian sufficient which is characterized by the inability of the ovaries to produce sufficient eggs. Other conditions that can cause infertility are hormonal imbalance, excess prolactin, hypothalamic dysfunction, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

While on the other hand several things can cause fertility problems in men and they include low sperm motility, low sperm count, abnormal sperm and sperm allergies. Sometimes, the causes of infertility are infections (particularly chlamydia, gonorrhea and tuberculosis). Also, sperm count or the density of sperm in the ejaculate may be lower than normal, which then proportionally decreases the number of sperm that reach the egg. In addition, stress, poor sperm quality, and motility also have a huge impact on fertility.

Because of this issues, I decided to go into full detailed research so as to provide you the best Fertility herbs available to us and in this process, I have found that fertility herbs in Nigeria are one of or if not the best of herbs recommended to boost your fertility.

The following are the Fertility herbs in Nigeria

1. Sesame seed

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

Maybe you should start adding sesame seeds (it’s a tropical plant grown for its seeds and oil used in cooking) to your diet regularly, it could help in fighting against male infertility to an extent. Experts and proper research have proved it could be an effective and safe treatment to improve sperm count and motility in infertile men.

In a study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences in 2013, it was found that after 25 infertile men between the ages of 27 and 40 were given sesame powder orally (0.5 mg) for three months. They showed significant improvement in their sperm count, in fact, the study further revealed that two of these men had successfully impregnated their partners without the help of IVF or any other fertility treatment, after consuming sesame for three months.

2. Dandelion

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

This is a small wild plant with a bright yellow flower that becomes a softball of seed called a “dandelion clock”. This herb is very rich in trace minerals, essential vitamins, and minerals; it helps in detoxifying the body of accumulated waste and toxins, when taken regularly it boosts fertility and increases the chances of a woman’s conception.

3. Banana recipe for conception

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

Did you know that consuming bananas can help improve your chances of getting pregnant? Banana is enriched with vitamins that help boost fertility. An imbalance of hormones affects the quality of eggs produced in females and semen produced in males, thereby affecting reproduction. So when you eat bananas, you are introducing vital Vitamins that would give your reproductive organs that extra push needed.

Blend two pieces of banana, one tin of liquid milk, two uncooked egg and one teaspoon of bicarbonate soda. Blend it very well and drink immediately after your menstruation cycle. Drink it once and on an empty stomach early in the morning after your menstrual cycle.

Bananas contain important nutrients for the TTC mum. They are:

  • Vitamin B6 which helps to regulate hormones.
  • Folate which helps prevent birth defects and in producing new red blood cells and DNA.
  • Magnesium which ensures proper blood supply to the Uterus, and produces a hormone called progesterone which is vital to the woman’s menstrual cycle.
  • Potassium is essential for muscle strength, pH balance, and muscle strength.

4. Ashwagandha

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

Also known as Indian ginseng, if you are a Nigerian, then you should know ginseng sweet. Ginseng; this herb is used to reverse infertility in women; it helps the reproductive organs to function properly, it ensures that hormones are in their proper levels, it strengthens the uterus and this helps in preventing miscarriages. To treat infertility with this powerful herb; add a tablespoon of the finely ground powder in a glass of warm water and drink it. It should be taken twice daily and continued till you get taken in. Don’t take more or less than have been recommended to avoid other complication (which in most times doesn’t occur)

Ginseng is also a medicine obtained from a plant root that some people believes helps you stay young and healthy.

5. Dates

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

A date is a sweet sticky brown fruit that grows on a tree called a “date palm”. Researchers have validated folklore claims that eating date boosts fertility in men. Egyptian researchers indicated that the consumption of date palm pollen improved the sperm count, motility, morphology, and Deoxy ribonucleic Acid (DNA)/genetic material quality with a concomitant increase in the weights of testis and sperm duct in a study published in Al- Mustansiriyah Journal of Science.

In Nigeria, Date palm is called dabiino in Hausa; ikekeleku in Igala, dibino in Kanuri and dobina in Nupe. Also, Iranian researchers in 2014 also suggested that date can be effective in improving sperm quality as well as the reproductive system of adult male rats.

In the study published in the Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine, they concluded that there were no side effects observed among the subjects after consuming date and that it can improve male fertility factors.

6. Nettle leaf

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

Another awesome Nigerian fertility herb for combating infertility is the Urtica dioica commonly known as “nettle leaf”. Nettle is also a wild plant with leaves that have pointed edges and are covered in fine hairs. This is a good remedy for infertility because it is rich in vital nutrients and chlorophyll that boost reproduction and make the reproductive organs healthy. It can reduce stress and combat its effects; it is also used as a uterine tonic, it prevents bleeding and promotes a healthy pregnancy. Take the tea made with nettle leaf twice daily to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

7. Cissus populnea (ogbolo or ogbono)

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

Known popularly as “Ogbolo”, it’s a fruit which harbours in it a seed which can be ground and used in the preparation of a soup known as “ogbolo soup”. Experts’ evaluation of Cissus populnea (Ogbolo or Ajara (Yoruba)) found that they have antimicrobial activity, which may cure some sexually transmitted infections that could be responsible for male infertility.

An investigation on these herbs used in folkloric medicine to treat male infertility the 2009 edition of Research Journal of Medicinal Plant showed that the essential oil from the stem powder of C. populnea and the leaves of S. radiatum inhibit the growth of several germs of bacteria origin and as such may correct male infertility factor arising from bacterial infection.

8. Bitter leaf

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

Vernonia amygdalina popularly known as bitter leaf is a member of the daisy family, it’s commonly called bitter leaf because of its bitter taste. Bitter leaf juice and tea helps in reducing estrogen in the body because high level of estrogen in the body prevents ovulation thereby causing infertility. Extract from bitter leaf balances the progerstone and estrogen levels. Hence, improving ovulation and fertility. Researchers have found that combining extracts of bitter leaf and scent leaf/ sweet basil combat the adverse effects of diabetes on male fertility.

How do you take this? Simple! Get the leaf, rinse it and then get a bowl or whatever you can use in washing it, pour into the bowl some quantities of water (3 to 4 glass cup) depending on the volume of leaf, then wash it thoroughly, squeeze out every water or nutrients from the leaf after which you filter it with a sieve so as to remove smaller particles of the leaves and then you can keep the extract (the leaves water) which you can either store in a bottle or anything you might have to use for storage. Once you’re done, the, you can take half a glass cup once or at most twice a day.

In 2013, researchers reported that bitter leaf improved sperm quality in rats treated with bitter leaf extract for a duration of 30 days in the American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

9. Banyan tree roots

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

This tops the most effective natural remedies used in treating infertility in women; it ensures the reproductive organs function well; it balances the levels of hormones and treats infections that can prevent conception. To use it in treating infertility; to a glass of milk, add two tablespoons of banyan root powder and take the solution on an empty stomach. This should be done for three consecutive days; do this after your period, do not eat anything after taking this solution for at least one hour.

Do this for a few months and remember that it shouldn’t be taken when on your period.

10. Moringa Oleifera (drumstick) leaf

Fertility herbs in Nigeria

Moringa is a natural herbal medicine that can be used to treat infertility in not just women, but men also.  The rich source of zinc can be taken to naturally increase male and female libido.  Research at the Bureau of Plant Industry found that a steady consumption of its fruit increases sperm count. They also said it: “helps to raise sperm count and mobility, which both translate to increased opportunity for the sperm to fertilize an egg”. Also, moringa is protective of damages from the side effects of medicines. In animal studies, researchers found it ameliorated the side effect of Paroxetine, a conventional drug to treat depression based on the 2016 edition of the Zagazig Veterinary Journal.

These are your top Nigerian fertility herbs which have been tested and trusted to boost fertility rate and conception. But it doesn’t stop there are also other natural remedies for infertility which weren’t discussed but I will list some.

Which are:

  • Asuwon Oyinbo (Cassia Alata)
  • Ginger Recipe
  • Bark and root of New boudia laevis
  • Epin (Ficus Exersperata)
  • Fennel
  • Chaste berry
  • Red raspberry leaf
  • Pomegranates
  • Apple cider vinegar Also called “the miracle liquid”

Applying any of these natural remedies or Nigerian fertility herbs is a step towards overcoming infertility. But your physical and spiritual efforts (prayers) shouldn’t be neglected just because you feel the herbs should perform the magic. No! you need to have consistent sexual intercourse with your partner, change meals to fertility boosting meals and avoid unhealthy lifestyles like alcoholic intake, smoking, and overeating. When you do this then the only thing left is to pray for a quick answer to accompany our efforts.

I look forward to hearing your testimonies as I know you would take in once you practice this advice with faith.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    November 19, 2021 at 10:57 am

    where can one get this herbs, especially nettle in lagos.

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