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Happy World Population Day To All Of Us

happy world population day

7 billion of us make up the world population, that is why we have a day dedicated as world population day, and I am wishing all of us earth inhabitants a happy world population day.

Observed on July 11 every year, the world population day is marked to raise a lot of dust abut issues relating to rising world population. An event which was established by the governing council of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has continually inspired a lot of interest from government, and the public in general.

In the United Nations words, devoting a day to tackle issues arising from increasing world population is extremely important to the survival of man, in this earth. It is also important that we use the world population day to check out how the world population can affect the economy and the society as a whole.

Interesting facts that you need to know about the world population day

According to Huffington post, every second of the day, 4.2 people are born and 1.8 people die, this shows averagely that birth rate is higher than mortality rate and so every second the world population is increased 2.4 persons every second. What a world population!

India holds the second highest world population, behind China. by 2030, it is expected by research that India’s population will surpass that of China. A population projection of about 1.7 billion India people. WoW!!!

The world population day 2017 theme is Family planning; Empowering people, developing Nations, which surprisingly co-incides with the Family planning Summit that is meant to hold in London.

About 52% of the world population is less than 30 years old, with 1.8 billion people between the ages of 10 and 24. Intesresting fact though!

Facebook as a social media community houses 1.39 billion users. This means that if Facebook was meant to be a country, it will be the most populous in the world. This is really really huge for Facebook!

Happy world population day

In Nigeria, we have made conscious efforts to see through our population issues like the set up of the National Policy on Population for Sustainable Development (NPP) in order to eradicate poverty, improve economic growth and protect our environment, but unfortunately incidents in recent times, especially the recent flooding issue in Lagos has made it show clearly that the funds released to sort out environmental issues were inadequate to solve the rising environmental issues caused by increased world population.

In Nigeria, we need to begin with family planning since conscious efforts need to be made to curb the increasing population growth in the country. We need to educate and enlighten all families on planning planning metrics in order to reduce increased population since that is where it starts from. Families need to know that there is simply no advantage in giving birth to children without hope of taking care of them. Vigorous measure must take place because a lot of Nigerians are not enlightened to the impact of the ever increasing population in the country.

As we take drastic steps to sort out our population issues in the country and in the world as a whole. I want to wish all of us a happy world population day. Let the awareness continue.




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