Lifestyle Relationship Hacks

10 Reasons Why We Need Relationship Counseling Service In Nigeria

relationship counseling service

5. Relationship counseling can help in reducing the high rate of domestic violence in romantic relationships

I am very sure you agree to this, don’t you?

6. To help revitalize emotional connection between Nigerian lovers

Without emotional intimacy, relationships will sink. No matter the amount of sex you could have, emotional intimacy is all you need. It is the connection, the ultimate one.

On the path to developing closeness emotionally, it is important that we learn how to come about a fitting balance between suprresing our anger when it is on the verge of turning into hostility and expression, when our held-back anger needs to be given an emphatic voice. There is a lot of debate about the advantages of expressing versus bottling up emotions, particularly those that are labeled negative, but beyond the gap between these two camps is another approach. We can make amazing room for both expression and non expression, so that expression will stop being harmful, and non expression will stop leading to repression.

If we want more depth and connection in our relationships, we are going to have to develop more emotional intimacy with our partners. It is that simple and that challenging.

Connecting only through our heightened emotions is no longer enough—we also need to find, and keep finding, relationship-deepening connections through all of our emotions. And there is no way we can do this if we are not significantly intimate with our partners when it comes to emotions.

So, Deedee’s relationship counseling service comes in here. Our counselors can help you and your partner detect if you are being emotionally connected and intimate enough. And if you are not, they can help with advising you on things you could possibly work on to improve your emotional intimacy level.

7. To help in reinstating commitments among Nigerian couples.

A lot of people would agree with the idea that honesty is the best policy. It is indeed! Policies, however, are not always followed. Even those that we believe in and support! Regardless of how much we may desire to live a life of integrity and truthfulness, in which we practice what we preach, and live in accordance with our inner values, it’s likely that there will be times that we will miss. Nobody is ever perfect. Every relationship is going to have problems.

Great relationships, however, require a high level of integrity and trust in order to survive. When a violation of trust, occurs, it is important for us to examine the conditions that contributed to the situation and to engage in a healing process that will restore trust to the relationship. A betrayal is a broken agreement, that is considered dangerous to the integrity of a relationship. When a partner betrays the other, the level of closeness and rapport between them instantly drops. Betrayal can harm and even end a relationship.

Counselors help in resolving these commitment breaking issue called betrayal. The person betrayed will need the betrayer to apologize and fully reinstate commitment back into the relationship. Sometimes, the couple can’t handle these all alone without screaming at each other. A qualified third party mediator like a relationship counselor can come in here to help mend the wounded relationship. Deedee’s counseling service can help you in this kind of problem. Be sure to count on us.

8. Relationship counseling service helps in improving the overall happiness level of relationships in Nigeria

9. And as a result, happier and all-round healthy kids are born out of such relationships. So, we can have more and more healthy and happy next generations!

10. When happy couples, happy kids are produced as a result of efficient relationship counselling, a happier nation will be the product in the long run! And we all want an happier Nigeria isn’t it?

How do I find effective relationship counseling service in Nigeria?

You can contact DeeDee at Where you can book a counselling session with him. Whether you want email counselling or telephone counselling. DeeDee’s relationship counseling service is available to receive you. Just send an email to the address and you are one step away from having a better love life through effective relationship counseling.


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