Lifestyle Relationship Hacks


booty calls

Last week, we tried analyzing the difference between Booty Calls and Friends with benefit. For Melissa Agatha Hoon, one of‘s top 100 s*x bloggers since 2016, a booty call is when you call someone solely for “booty” or s*x. Your relationship with that person is based strictly and solely on hooking up. Whereas, a “friends with benefits” situation means that people maintain a more-than-casual friendship AND hook up. They interact and do activities together outside of the s*x act like regular friends would.

Some people may believe that friends with benefit can work for as long as they want it. The question is for how long do you think you can have s*x without emotional strings, you think you can stay so long without that feeling of togetherness and longing?

For me though, my best bet is six months, really. After six months, you should begin to re-analyze what you signed up for because bet it with me, it really starts to get confusing.

Most times, I have noticed that woman may want to renege from what they signed to want something more committed, however, the guy tries everything to want to be out of total and absolute commitment. He may eventually crumble when he realizes that he is over-dependent on the woman. The woman being very smart realizes that over-dependence and she begins to seek a more structured relationship.

At this point, the onus lies on the man to either join the train, hit the road or scram almost immediately. Man, sometimes being a very insatiable human will (most times) go for the ride, because you cannot imagine me having a great s*xual union for 6 months and just hop off like that! Mba! It will be highly implausible that the average man would give up.

Now the point here is not to draw into a relationship if you don’t want one. If you what you seek is strictly a friendship that is beneficial. Then I would suggest you re-evaluate the togetherness after 6 months.

Certain inside questions need to be asked, Do we discuss other personal issues apart from s*x?, Do I miss her more than just making love? If the answers to these questions are in the affirmative, Ask yourself a final one, if you would like her to be your girlfriend, If the answer to this final is Yes! Oh Boy!, just go ahead and make it official.

If your answers are negative though, cut it off straight away. Be very fast about it, Yoruba people will say ‘Do not attempt to even smell what you do not intend to eat’ Easy does it, aye?

Casual s*x, booty calls, friends with benefit are not like relationships. They don’t last forever. Be smart about it, if you don’t want it to elevate to a level where you never intended it to be. Cut it short!

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    Chukwuebuka ogbuchi
    June 5, 2016 at 8:18 am

    Friends with benefits sweet guys die but I think been in a relationship is better…

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