Dee Love Paragraphs

Wednesday Morning Prayer(s) for Your Loved Ones

wednesday morning prayer

Looking for Wednesday morning prayer(s)? Then you are at the right place. I say this Wednesday morning prayer(s) to God and I hope you find it useful for you.

The beauty of the morning is that it creates the perfect moment for you to talk to God. It allows you focus on the plans for the day and gives you the opportunity to think on your activities for the rest of the week. There are different ways of saying your Wednesday morning prayers and I am going to share a couple of them here.

Wednesday morning prayer of thanksgiving

Dear father, I give you thanks for another chance to life for waking me up today. I appreciate the fact that you brought in the sun so that I can bask in it. The sounds of the birds chirping all around is what I love and the breeze that your provided soothes my body and soul. You are an amazing God, and your mercy is what keeps me going. Your grace over me has made it possible to achieve a lot in recent times. I want to thank you for another wonderful opportunity to join the bustle of this life. I love you king of glory. Thank you for everything.

Wednesday morning prayer for strength

Oh Lord my God, I pray today that you will give me the strength that I need to remain capable for you in this life. You are aware of the things I have been facing, the struggles I have dealt with and those that are still on their way. Help me in my weakness oh Lord, life me up and let me stand. Forgive me if my sins will make me stumble and and help me to live more in you and for you. Let your name be glorified in my life. Amen

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