Happy new month

Amazing Happy New Month Poems

happy new month poems

Happy new month poems for husband

21. I have never seen a God fearing husband like you before, and this makes me shed tears whenever I see you.

22. How lucky I am that I found you in my life; a very interesting human, full of love, happiness and kindness. Happy new month.

23. It is not this new month that makes me happy most but the fact that we shall be meeting once again. I love you.

24. You are indeed a special person in my life; I will always love you until the end of time. Happy new month my beloved.

25. There is no love like yours among other men, you are special, gifted and wishing for you all the best. Happy new month.

26. Be the best you want to be in this special month. I love you more than you can ever think. Happy new month.

27. Your love for me is a very beautiful phenomenon because it makes me feel better every single day of my life. Happy new month.

28. I wish you all the best; you are my beloved angel a sweet chocolate that will always be in my heart.

29. You are such an interesting person, and your love will forever be appreciated in my life. I love you and wish you a great new month.

30. Happy new month to the best husband in the world; I want to be with you until the end of life. Happy new month.

31. My wishes for you in this world come from the deepest part of my heart. The reason is that you a dream come true. Happy new month.

32. The day I set my eyes on you was a great day I will never forget in my life. Have a nice month darling.

33. Meeting you in my life is a mercy from the Lord; I have never felt at home as I do when you married me. Happy new month.

34. The day I set my eyes on you, I felt a deep relief in my heart and realized that you are the treasure that I want. Happy new month.

35. You are such a blessed husband, and the rest of my life I will adore you with a true heart. I just want to say a happy new month.

36. The way you treat me makes me feel special. It is my greatest luck that I found someone as special as you are in my life. Happy new month.

37. Wishing the very love of my life a sound health as we enter into a new month in good condition.

38. Wishing you all the best as you made it into another chapter of a new month. May you find endless peace now and forever.

39. You are my honey, the blossom of happiness that will always exist in my heart. I just want to love you forever.

40. Wishing my dearest love an interesting reason month ahead, your success will never cease to flow. Happy new month.

Happy new month poems for sister

41. Been my sister is a great blessing, I want to love you until the end of time. I must tell you that you are a gem. Happy new month.

42. I will always be proud of you because to me, a special person like you has not been born in this our generation. Happy new month.

43. I can do everything to let you understand that you are such an important person in my life; thank you for everything. Happy new month.

44. As this new month comes, I want to wish you a great moment which you will live to remember always. Happy new month.

45. May the impact of this great month shower endless love in your life; you are indeed the most beautiful sister in the world.

46. You are such an able sister to me, it gives me joy whenever I see a smile on your face. Stay strong all the way. Happy new month.

47. I just want to make sure that you are fine; I will always love you now and forever. Happy new month my dear sister.

48. With your love for me, I realized that you can do almost everything just to see me smile. Happy new month.

49. May your days be long, your honor is protected for the rest of your life; I wish you all the best in this month. Happy new month.

50. Feeling great with my dear sister, she is simply the best ever. I love you and want to wish you the most beautiful moment in this month.

Happy new month poems for brother

51. The way I see you give me joy, it makes me want to be yours for the rest of my life; happy new month my best friend.

52. I used to wonder how it becomes so possible for you to sacrifice everything for me. Anyway, I just want to say this month will favor you.

53. You are my dearest friend, a brother I can always boast of you all over the world. I wish you the most beautiful gift for me. Happy new month.

54. Wishing you the loveliest month ever, I beseech the Lord to make everything easy for you. You are blessed.

55. Have a nice day this month; I will always be happy that I found a great man like you as my elder brother. Happy new month.

56. I can’t possibly stop thinking about you, you are such an interesting person and your impact in my life will always be remembered. Happy new month.

57. It has been a while I set my eyes on a very lovely person like you. Day and night, I could not sight even one person better than you. Happy new month.

58. Just like the rise of the sun in the early hour of the day, you brought light into my heart. Have a nice month.

59. You are my heart or should I say, every second I remember you. I will always appreciate God for everything especially making you been my brother. Happy new month.

60. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, I want to always be with you so I can learn more from your wisdom. Happy new month.

Happy new month poems for mother

61. Mother is a gift that shouldn’t be played with, she is a blossom of love and well full of happiness and joy. Happy new month.

62. If I can boast of anything Dearing to me, it is my mother. She so much cares for me and wishes me all the best in life; happy new month.

63. I will never stop loving you because you have shown me the most interesting love a woman can ever show to her daughter. Happy new month.

64. I can’t stop thinking about you as a great mother; wishing the most amazing mother in the world a great new month.

65. As you smile yesterday, so shall you smile forever in peace and harmony of the heart. Happy new month.

66. I can’t stop loving you because you are a dear mother, I want you to understand that I will always pray so that the Lord will spare your life for me. Happy new month.

67. We want to always see you, no matter how old you become. Your face will always be a joy for me to see. Happy new month.

68. In this life, I have found something special and it is the love of a mother to her child, so amazing and strong. Happy new month.

69. As this month arrives, I am wishing you all the best you can ever think. I love you, my dear mother. Happy new month.

70. I will always love you for the rest of my life; you are the most beautiful mother in the world. Just want to say a happy new month.

Happy new month poems for father

71. A great father like you is the most amazing father ever seen in my life; thank you for training me to be wise. Happy new month.

72. I can’t stop thinking about the entire aid you gave to me; I used to wonder how it is easy for you to sacrifice everything. Happy new month.

73. I believe in one thing, and it is the fact that you gave me everything I ever needed as a child. I pray that this day is of favour to you.

74. As this new month comes, I pray that it favours you beyond how you ever imagined. Have a great month my daddy.

75. I hope you slept sound yester-night? I just want to make sure that you are at the best part of health. Happy new month.

76. I could not stop thinking about you since the day I left your home; I still struggle to forget the good moment we spent together. Happy new month.

77. Wishing my beloved father a great month with lots of success and breakthroughs, have one of the months beautiful moments ever.

78. I love you, wish you all the best and will always want to be yours forever. Happy new month my dear father.

79. I am will come close to you so I can learn more wisdom right before you so that my life will be guided with great thoughts. Happy new month.

80. I can’t pay you back because you are indeed a great father, you provided everything I needed for me; I love you and say a happy new month.

Got some more happy new month poems to share? Drop them in the comment section below!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Raji Joshua
    September 1, 2022 at 6:17 am

    Love your poems..
    It suits every purpose
    May your muse not get waned

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