Lifestyle Relationship Hacks

Are Love Messages & SMS Still Important?

are love messages still important

Are love messages still important? It was 12:01 on the 4th of September 2017 and I woke up just as I usually do in the early hours of the morning and automatically reached out for my phone.

Well not before a call came in. “Happy anniversary my love” the low sensual voice I’ve come to adore breathed out. I couldn’t remember the rest of the conversation, it was a short one but what I do remember while blushing was the message that greeted me as I unlocked my phone.

It was the most beautiful love message I’d ever seen and it was my first love message. I couldn’t get over it. I still cannot get over it. My eyes water as I remember those words he carefully typed out. It was then I realized the importance of love messages.

Nobody had ever done that for me before and that singular act of love made me want to fall in love more than I already was (which was a lot).  Just that message on that day and the week became one filled with roses. For the first time I knew someone loved me and I was on his mind and I am as important.

That moment, my insecurities melted away and although we had issues and flaws that we hated, all that went away. I realized that despite our schedules and not always being together I loved this man and I’d always love him for as long as he allowed me to. Picking up my phone I typed mine and I’d never forget the look in his eyes.

Are love messages still important?

Relationships are hard work because we do not only depend on our emotions but also on our decision to stay in it. We must constantly work towards being in love and staying with that one person. Sometimes we tend to get tired or frustrated and in the present world people just stand up and leave at the show of any turbulence.

Funny thing is some arguments could have been prevented or averted by just a “hey baby, I just wanted you to know I’m a little busy but you are always on my mind and I love you” text.

I for one like to be told or reminded that he has feelings for me, simple statements like that makes me more daring, more responsive and more loving. Love messages are still so very important to me because psychologically, we are emotional beings and emotional attachments help us perform better and even feel better.

One text message can change the entire day for someone so why not let that be a sweet heartfelt and thoughtful one to your significant other?

– Jedidiah ChristWealth

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