Dee Weddings Stories

Destined from Heaven? Read This Naija Love Story of Two Dayos

naija love story

We caught up with Dayo on Twitter where he shared the beautiful pictures of his engagement to Dayo; namesakes, right? Their Naija love story is all you need to start your weekend on a breeze. Read and say your prayers!

naija love story

Adedayo shared his Naija love story:

She used to be my customer at one of the leading financial institutions where I work. So we got talking after she was introduced to me as Her company’s representative. Afterwards, she was transferred to their new office in Ikeja hence, we lost touch until after a year plus. On this faithful day I intended to call a lady – Ekundayo, we meet at Ghana in 2016 with respect to our pending conversation not knowing I called Oladayo. She picked up and we got talking for about a month. She was an answered prayer to me. Before you know it we had our first date and the rest is what you see today.

I appreciate the fact that Adedayo is a child of God that I could testify to. Which was my first point of attraction to her. She is caring and open minded too. Her smile is contagious, passionate for the things of God and sincerity.

Our love story wasn’t a case of love at first sight, we grew into LOVE as we grew fond of each other.

naija love story

Speaking of relationship issues and challenges and how they were able to deal

Definitely, we have on one occasion or the other. For example, She couldn’t understand why I react to issues sometimes. So I realized that I need to make her see reasons why I act and take certain decisions. You know men handle issues differently from women. So I decided to discuss and explain. Also, get us to read a book which gave absolute solution by John Gray – Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.

Why I decided it was time to propose

naija love story

The moment we agreed to take our relationship to the next level, I made my decision without wasting time. I actually proposed to her on her birthday which I believe is the best birthday surprise and gift I could give her.

Prior to this proposal, we had dated for seven months.

Definition of love

naija love story

Life is all about love. To me, it’s an unconditional commitment, sacrifice and intentional acts to make someone not only happy but for one to become a source of joy to another.

In a world of relationship chaos and trending baby mama, I have this to say

Date wisely, ensure you are mature spiritually, financially, social, emotionally and mentally to marry. It’s also important you watch out for God factor above all and fall in love with your partner.

Adedayo also shared her Naija love story

naija love story

Actually, I have known Adedayo since 2016, the company I work with as at then always send me to make a deposit at the bank where he works, but we were just friends, so few months after we met I left the organization.

Fast forward to March of this year, I saw his call and when I pick up it was funny to realize he wanted to call one Dayo from Ghana but he ended up calling me, cos I bear Dayo and that how we got talking.

I saw him as this spirikoko brother, that doesn’t socialize.

Although I was attracted to him based on his love for God and his deep knowledge of God’s word.

He asked me out in April, and I said yes.

Why? because he fits into my kind of man, loves God. He has a good job, his good looking and calm, because I am stubborn and I know very well that, I won’t be able to cope with an angry man.

There were relationship issues no doubt. For example, he doesn’t like talking about issues, even when I offend him, he will rather keep it to him self, but after alot of persuasion, I was able to make him realise the good in telling me when I did something wrong and thank God he changed.

There is this way Dayo looks at me that excites me. he made me understand love more by just the look in his eyes.

He proposed to me on the 28th of October and I said yes because I love him and I know there is no better person to spend the rest of my life with than him

Definition of love

My definition of love is peace from within, when you are with someone and you have peace within you anytime you think about that person, I call that love

Advice for lovebirds

My advice for them is they should put God first. Trust each other, cos love without trust is no love and never forget that marriage is honourable and the bed undefiled.

What a beautiful love story. On behalf of the Dee Weddings Team, Congratulations on your togetherness and may God lay his hands of blessings on your home. We dedicate this beautiful ‘Simi’s – “Lovin” to your family:


Now that you have read this story, wouldn't you check out more amazing contents from the best relationship blog in Nigeria?

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    December 21, 2018 at 7:44 am

    Ooshey!!! So mushy. Love is a beautiful thing. I wish you two overflowing love and peace for years to come. Happy for you guys ❤

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