Dee Love Paragraphs

I Don’t Want to Lose You Love Letters

I don't want to lose you love

I don’t want to lose you love letters – Do you know that these I don’t want to lose you love letters could also be reasonable as how much you mean to me text messages, I don’t wanna lose you quotes and sayings, scared of losing you love letters, I never want to lose you poems, scared of losing you love poem, I never want to lose you poems for him, scared of losing someone you love quotes, short love letters for her from the heart?

Then check it out as use it for any of the letters you want.

1. This is true

My love for you real
With you, I found my missing piece
Your love is something I would love to experience in a lifetime
Our relationship was designed by God, and I fell hopelessly in love with you
Your affection is what gets me high
You are different and I would not give you up for anything in this world
You have given me peace, love and hope
I will never take any of these of granted
I will forever remain grateful for the day you came into my life
I am here with the assurance that I will always love you today and forever
With you in my life, a bright future is certain
I will do all I can so I don’t lose you

2. I have met a lot of people in my life, but with you, it is different. No one can ever compare with how much impact you have made in my life. You have affected my life positively, and I am sincerely grateful to you for coming into my life. I wish I could sum up how you make me feel right now. You have made me a better person by just showering me with love and affection. I’m sincerely sorry if I have been a difficult person all year round, but I promise to be better from now henceforth. Your love is something that is sweet like a craving. I am so lucky to have you and I will continue to appreciate you every day forever. Every day we share together is another day I would love and appreciate. God has given me a beautiful gift, and the gift is you. I love you much my darling. We will always remain as one, today, tomorrow and forever. You have been a darling to me and you will always remain a darling. I love you so much, dearie.

  1. Dear love,

It is so unfortunate that we find each other divided. It is not good enough to talk about the condition of our marriage and that is why I am writing this letter to apologize to you. I don’t want to lose you for any reason, so please understand with me that I will never cheat on you until death takes me away. Remember the promise I made the day we were joined together, this is enough for me to fear God. Please, don’t listen to what our enemies are saying.

Just come to think of it, if I don’t love you anymore, it will be easy for you to know. I am a woman; I don’t have what I am trying to extort from you, so tell me why I will pretend to love you. It is for this reason I want you to forget about what people are saying about me and focus more on marriage.

It is because of this matter your health condition is worse now, I am not supposed to say this but for this reason, I will like to tell you that I am a good wife. I was brought up from a good home. You are my happiness, please, if I lost you to death how do you want me to cope in life? You are my pleasure, the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Now, I assume you should understand that I will never cheat on you, in fact, I heard that the DNA test carried out proved that all our kids are yours. Even with this acquisition, dear love, I still love you. I love more than I used to love you now. I cherish you beyond your imagination and will love to hug and kiss you where you are right now.

I want you to greet your mom for me, though I have called her some few minutes ago, she prayed for me and told me to forgive you. I told her that my beloved husband didn’t offend me. Please baby, standup and come back home to play the role of the good husband you used to be. I am yours all the time because your enemies have lost to you.

Lastly, I want you to know that you are the most handsome man in the field of love, you are the most colourful banner in the land of passion. I will be glad if you come back home now because in no time I will be coming back to my matrimonial home if you so wish. Please, dear, do not be shy to receive me, to err is human and to forgive is divine. So I have forgiven every trespass and pardon all the pains I went through because it is a challenge and I have accepted it already.

Take good care of yourself, eat well and stay physically fit until we resume our normal exercise in the bed. You know I love that too about you.

  1. Dear wife,

In as much as we fought, it doesn’t mean I don’t love you anymore. I am sorry for every pain I caused you. I am really sorry for the pain you might have passed through while I was mad at you. How I wish I was a bit patient, how I wish I was silent that day.

The truth is that I don’t want to lose you to anyone at all. For this reason, I am using this opportunity to tell you that no other woman is on my mind than you. I will be yours all the days of my life. I will be with you when you need me most so that you will be safe all the time by the grace of God.

Do you know that I was not around the other day you came around? I wouldn’t have done so to you because there is no reason to do so. I want to cheer you up with true love, so, don’t doubt me anymore if you can.

You are the most beautiful wife that makes me happy whenever I see you. You are the best mother for my kids and so losing you will become a disaster to me. No matter what, always remember that I will always love you until the end of time. I will be there when you least expected so that in return, I will not have to lose you anymore.

Come to me and find in my heart a peaceful abode because you deserve every love I possess in me. I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart. I feel like loving you all the time to put more light on your face.

One of the reasons why I don’t want to lose you is because you are the air I breathe, if a lover loses his oxygen, how on earth will he ever be able to live? Come close to me, hug your lover, kiss your husband and prepare his favourite.

Infidelity is bad, infidelity breaks relationship too fast and so, you need to understand that I will never betray your trust in me. I will ensure I stay loyal to you for the rest of your life. I will cherish everything about you and put a smile on your face. I love you so much and again, you have been so precious to me. I love you step by step.

Having been there since these days, I trusted you with all my heart. I realized that with you my heart may not be broken. Thanks for being a sincere and loyal wife. In fact, your patience is a great motivation to me and through you, I become so inspired to do greater things in life. I am happy loving you, I am lucky having you in my life.

To round everything up, please, always understand that I truly love you with all my heart and will never want anything to separate you and me. I will always be there when you need me the most.

Do you have more I don’t want to lose you love letters to share with us? Drop them in the comment section.

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