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Lowkey Proposal Ideas For You

Lowkey proposal ideas

Low-key proposal ideas: Until you understand women’s psychology, you may not learn how to win their heart. Quite a number of men think that by shouting at or forcing women is the magic to making them succumb to their wills. This ideology is totally wrong and in fact, violent and therefore should be classified as women abuse. I shall be discussing ideal ways to propose or relate to a woman to accept you as a lover or a husband, but I want you to have one fact in a heart that, leniency is the key to any woman’s heart.

What are the decent ways to propose to a woman either for marriage or dating? Though, this article will focus on the marriage proposal. The scope rises and falls there.

Lowkey Proposal Ideas 1 – Ultimate Search Marriage Proposal

There was a day I was surfing the internet and then ran into a beautiful proposal video. I was astonished for what I saw in the video. For this reason, I promised I will feature the story in one of my articles one of these days. Great! I will be fulfilling my promise today.

The couple was in a bush searching for something I could not tell until the end of the video. Just as you are curious now, trying to figure out what it is they were searching for; I was also in suspense that fateful day. The would-be husband was there guiding her on how to find something he didn’t tell her what it was, rather he told her he has a gift for her. The lady in question was equally excited and curious to know what this precious gift could be.

I thought it was over, not until I saw the lady, removing something like a box, a big sized box though, and then she removed a small paper from inside it, a bit dirty that demanded that she should dust it first, otherwise, she will hardly be able to read a world from it. She dusted it and read these words from the bible that says “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1. She was still confused but was finding it more interesting. The boyfriend kept encouraging her to search further until she finally saw another box, now smaller, compared to the first one. She opened the new box and then saw a new silver ring. As soon as she saw the ring, the boyfriend quickly went on his knees and proposed marriage to her. She was excited and accepted.

This is a humble way to propose to a woman, decent and interesting manner. You don’t need to show a woman how important you are. This, I call ‘evil ego’ coming from some men.

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Lowkey Proposal Ideas 2 – Take her to a Coffee Shop and Propose to her

Women and men love beautiful things, this is a natural fact we cannot deny, no matter how we pretend. Your country, no matter how small it is, must have one of the most beautiful places to visit. Just as I suggested on this subheading, it could be a beautiful coffee shop early in the morning. Shower her with lots of beautiful love lines, they could be carefully memorized or if you are already an expert at saying romantic words without any difficulty, you are extra good to fly.

I had a quick interview with one of the ladies in my working place, before writing this line of the article. Gloria is an easy going girl so it will not be a difficult task for me to handle. I asked her, how will she feel if a man proposed to her in a coffee shop? She replied “It is not bad. The lady will be excited, some ladies might even cry, due to the presence of people around while the guy is on his knees, enchanting those beautiful words, will you marry me? she will be overwhelmed with joy.” In her opinion, you will understand that women love it being romantic rather than being vague. Arrogance does not win a woman’s heart; you need to be humble in your proposal to a woman.

Lowkey Proposal Ideas 3 – Use your Skill as a Start Point to Propose to her

One of the key factors that make women fall in love with their men is that the man has a special talent she can’t find in other men. It could also be that the man has this special character that can’t be found anywhere else. Such is the way of women. You can’t just predict them. If you are lucky enough, a woman can fall in love with you, just because you can smile well. Hahaha, this is funny, but what can we say? That’s their nature.

This is the same, strategy you can use to propose to her for marriage. Is it a guitar you know how to play very, what about being skillful in playing with a football? Are you good at playing basketball? Whatever skill or talent you have that attracted you to her is just the perfect means to make the proposal work.

Do you know what to do with your talent while proposing to your fiancée? Let’s assume you are a guitarist, take your girlfriend to an open place, where you know people there love music. Since you are a good guitarist, after some few cool romantic words to calm her soul and spirit, start to showcase your talent until you have successfully gathered peoples’ attention to you. Ensure that the song you play is a love song and it speaks of the romantic moments both of you have shared together.

I mean those moments that is permissible to be shared with people. As soon as people have been entertained and she is now excited that you are the reason why people gathered, go straight to your knees, remove the ring from its box, gently grab are finger, and insert it, by accompanying your action with the magic words “Will you marry me?”.

Lowkey Proposal Ideas 4 – Propose to her on her Birthday

One of the most exciting days in the life of a woman is her birthday especially when she is celebrating it. This is the meaning of understanding of the woman psychology I mentioned earlier; this day is a good target for a successful proposal. She is a creature of emotion; take advantage for a better future together.

Let your proposal come to her in a surprising way. You can do that, either by requesting to sing for her secretly from the D.J. if the permission is granted, that is when you will grab the opportunity to finish the job you have been dreaming of.

Sing a beautiful love song for her, it could be one of the popular love songs, or the one personally composed for her. This day will be a great day in her life because she lists expected your action. The next thing after the last words of your song is to walk up to her, hold her hands and lead her to the middle of the stage, kneel down and propose to her.

Lowkey Proposal Ideas 5 – Propose to her in the Wrestle Ring

Wrestlemania show is one of the most attended shows in the sports world; thousands of people are gathered at every show. This will be a very good target, for a good proposal. You can organize with the wrestling manager, to give you the chance to act like a wrestler pretending to fight with one of the biggest wrestlers you know fighting him means a death warrant.

Remember, your girlfriend is seated at a corner, listening and watching all the dramas. Don’t worry, at this period, she is still wondering what has got into your head. Stage it well and ensure that it appears you really want to do the fight. Remember, there used to be time for wrestlers to run mouth with each other, boasting and insulting one and another? This is the time to do the deal. Allow the real wrestler to run his mouth first, but should not insult you. Just tell him to say, things like, I am gonna destroy you today.

You are not my type, all those crazy words from wrestlers, you understand? Got it! As soon as he is done, pick up your microphone, and ask the manager to display the picture of your girlfriend on the entrance screen, you want to show the world you can fight the world’s strongest for her.

Remember, you have paid for all this time, and have organized with the manager. As soon as her picture is displayed, begin to praise her in a romantic way.

You should concentrate on her reaction, as soon as you see that she is excited, you go down on your knees, and propose to her with your ring box as she comes forward from where she is, insert the ring in her finger.

This will be a memorable day for her. She will never forget that day. This means you showed her how important she is to you.

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Lowkey Proposal Ideas 6 – Propose to your girlfriend in a Moving Train

She is yours; of course, you can persuade her to go out with you on a train. The truth is that a moving train, especially in the morning, must have passengers moving from one point to another or in the evening time, returning home. The idea here is that you should ensure that there are a reasonable number of people on the train. If you are lucky since you know your people, I mean your country people, why don’t you start a love song, that is on trend which you know everyone in town actually having being singing and can’t just resist it whenever it is sung.

There was a couple this experience occurred to, they were traveling in a train, while suddenly, the boyfriend began to sing a popular love song, at first, she wasn’t cleared of the reason for such action from the boyfriend. Anyway, let me join him singing, she thought to herself.

She joined him, another man joined him in the song, just like when you light candle lights, everyone in the train receives the flame of the song and began to sing it loudly. The innocent girlfriend, now in deep excitement, was actually enjoying the fire set by her lover.

She could not believe what her eyes saw when suddenly the fiancé knelt down before her and proposed marriage to her. I have said it before that women love romance, so, you can adopt this style too, give your girlfriend a surprise she least thought of.

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Lowkey Proposal Ideas 7 – Why don’t you compose a Song for her in the Studio

I have been reading lots of proposal ideas on the internet, but have never come across this kind of proposing idea. Probably, people think less of it or don’t take it as important. There one fact about life, sometimes, things people take for granted, are worth more than a million dollars. Come to think of it, you have a girlfriend who loves music and eventually falls in love with you, just for the talent of music you possess.
Isn’t this an amazing opportunity for an idea to propose to her? Music is not your problem; you can compose an album in one day without single stress. Then why don’t you single a track for your beloved girlfriend before your proposal? She can’t just resist this temptation, the wordings, the sound and affection you exposed in the song, will work on her emotion. This is another point where the psychological aspect of romance plays another role.

Believe me, she will so much want and need you that day. Why do you think girls run after celebrities to feature them in their songs? Just to appear in a scene in a song video means more than a golden mountain to a girl. Now, your girl is getting this not for free but for the price she has paid loving you over the months you have been together. Now that you have confirmed that she is over joyous, speak soft words in her ears, and then, as usual, kneel before her and propose to her with your ring in her finger.

These are the ways I suggest that you should propose to women if you want a positive result. I want you to understand one point. If that’s the only point you will grab throughout this article no problem, it is enough for you. What is the point? It is to understand woman psychology and then work on it, there will be no failed proposal for you.

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