Lifestyle Relationship Hacks Soul Lounge



Why you need to set relationship goals. Whatever you don’t have long term goals for, might not last.

Also whatever you don’t have goals and plan for might eventually fade away!!!.

Take it or Leave it! Have you taken?

Setting goals for your relationship helps you keep in check of what you are doing or have done.

A relationship that started as joke might eventually end as a joke unless something different happens along the line.

Imagine Dee getting into a relationship just in the name of sex! What happens?

Someone ends up getting dumped and hurt, because the goal of the relationship was for there to be plenty of sex.

Maybe you have seen someone who wanted to eat the cake of a long-term relationship just because of sex and had it?

Pray tell!

Not only is setting goals essential to our relationship but to every aspect of our lives. Relationships and love is designed by God to be a huge part of our lives, and people just fall short of maintaining consistency through proper goal setting, planning for their relationships.

Gone are the days when we think love is enough for your relationship to last forever!

Show me someone who lived in her marriage for so long because of only ‘LOVE’.

Relationships is now like Mathematics.

For the mature minds, I am sure y’all know that before you can even decided to venture into the ‘razzmatazz’ of lovey dovey togetherness, you need to be prepared to perform in correlation with your set goals which ultimately sums up to an healthy relationship.

It is better to take a critical look at your relationship to make sure you are moving towards what you need and sieving out what you don’t want.

The moment a relationship is not serving the purpose to which it was started in the first time, then there is the need for serious rethink and reconsideration.

That’s why you need to set relationship goals.

You can only know the success of a vision when a goal/goals set is/are met.

Before the start a relationship or at least at the very early start of it, you should set some goals.

What you intend to achieve on the short and long term is part of why you need to set relationship goals.

Even while it is good to set goals with your partner, it is always good to see why you need to set relationship goals for yourself.

I have added some guidelines as to why you need to set relationship goals, it may help you along that path to relationship fulfillment.

1. Make a list of what you are projecting with your partner.

What’s important to you about starting the relationship? Why did you want to start the relationship?

What’s are the reasons?

What do you want from the relationship?

Love? Companionship? Marriage?

The moment the relationship is not serving that purpose, you get to know what to do than just wallow in a deep ocean without knowing how you got there or where you are coming from and to where exactly you want to be.

2. Will this relationship fit into my plans?

Will dating this person fits into my life plan?

Will going out at this time and place fit into my life goal?

These are questions you need to ask yourself.

3. Seek for ways to achieve your set out goals with your partner

Don’t just have plans, share with your partner.

Hey Babe:

This is where I presuppose we are headed. These are my thoughts on reaching that point of grand togetherness and emotional fulfilment.

Set it out, lay it bare, trash the wants and work diligently towards it.

The best relationships we have nowadays are the those with well thought out plans to reach the goal in sight. You can’t just sit and scream.

‘I love my Boo’ 

I am sure we have all seen cases of I love my boo relationships crashing!

4. Where do I want this relationship to end

What’s your purpose for starting the relationship? To pass time? Or serve as a form of companionship or just someone to look up to?

Where do you want the relationship to end? As friends? Lovers? Maybe something deeper?

It is better to have desires for the relationship, know what exactly you want out of it.

It makes it easier to channel your focus in a direction that is worthwhile.

5. Set short time goals like where do you see this relationship in the next 6months, 1 year.

It keeps you in check and helps you to focus on your partner.

6. Talk about it with your partner.

It is also very advisable to discuss with your partner, just to be on the same page.

Plan together and set a time to revisit it. Maybe once in 3months or once in 6months.

It keeps you guys in check.

7. Talk to a counsellor/ mentor if possible for necessary advice.

It can be overwhelming at times, more reason you need a mentor to talk to about it all.

8. Celebrate victories.

When you achieve a major milestone in your relationship. Celebrate it!

Not the feferity celebration and louding on social media, but the subtle re-commitment between you and your partner. It is your world, celebrate it within that ambit.


Be sure your goals and list makes you happy and not borne out of selfishness but for the good of the relationship.

You see why you need to set relationship goals now?


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