Counseling Tips

6 Signs You Should Start Couple Counseling

Signs You Should Start Couple Counseling

Relationships are hard. And that’s a fact. Staying in a long-term, committed relationship requires dedication, love, empathy, understanding, and commitment.

However, many couples are struggling at some point in their relationship or marriage. While most of them might end up in a breakup, that’s the last thing we want to talk about in this article.

Here, we’ll focus on the signs that might lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, breaks in the relationship, and in the worst-case scenario, a break-up, or a divorce.

To avoid such situations, many couples go to counseling sessions to find the root of their issues, open up to themselves, learn how to communicate better, and save the relationship. Let’s check some of the most common signs the majority of couples face.

You Notice Indifference in Your Partner’s Behavior

When the relationship is set for failure, one of the partners usually starts displaying signs of indifference, distance, and lack of caring.

If your partner got to the point where you no longer argue, fight or care for each other, maybe it’s time to start counseling. There’s still a chance your relationship or marriage to be saved and restored to a more stable level.

Empathi is one of the best couple counseling agencies that is led by a team of professionals who will assist you with your issues, concerns, and problems.

And it’s a fact that most couples start feeling better by the end of the first coaching session.

How can you notice other signs of indifference toward your partner? Check out the bullet points below:

  • Not spending a lot of time together;
  • Not getting involved in each other’s lives and activities enough;
  • Not caring if your sex life is almost non-existent;
  • Fighting over small issues instead of communicating about them;
  • Not caring when your partner is upset;

Signs You Should Start Couple Counseling

Your Partner Starts Lying

Couple counseling might be necessary for situations when one of the partners starts keeping secrets from the other one.

This usually happens when the first person starts telling small lies that within time turn into bigger and more serious issues.

It’s an unspoken rule that complete honesty should rule your relationship or marriage, so when lies find their place in your relationship, it’s time to start taking things seriously.

Keeping secrets or lying imposes the feeling of guilt and that you’re doing something you’re not supposed to.

Lack of Intimacy

All couples (and we mean it when we say all) struggle to maintain intimacy in their marriage or relationship throughout the years.

If physical and sexual intimacy lacks between partners, it’s time to ask for help and find a couples counselor to burst the fire into flames once again.

The result of the lack of intimacy might be unfaithfulness. One of the partners can start developing feelings towards another person, connecting on a deeper level and sharing concerns and feelings he/she no longer shares with you.


While infidelity can be a hard thing to overcome, it often has its root and a reason why one of the partners did it. It’s often the result of a marriage or relationship breakdown, and the partners must understand it.

One example that can lead to infidelity, according to statistics, is when men do not feel enough respected by their wives. They are more prone to cheating and causing heartbreaks to their wives.

On the other hand, wives who are not cherished enough by their husbands often develop infidelity tendencies.

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Arguing More Than Before

Some of the major signs that cause issues in a relationship are fighting and arguing more than before. These small fights and arguments can be caused by the partner’s behavior or actions in the relationship.

The other partner might lack communication skills and you might end up fighting all the time.

Nevertheless, the issue is solvable and requires good communication skills from both partners. Often professional help is needed to recognize the perpetual from the solvable issues so the partners can work on their differences.

Financial Dishonesty

It might not seem like a big deal at the beginning, but being dishonest with your partner about finances is a major sign of a problem in your relationship. Finance dishonesty is a serious issue and should be handled appropriately.

It’s worth mentioning that this counts for long relationships where both partners are building a future together.

We are not implying you should have joint bank accounts if your relationship is still young and you are at the beginning of it.

Do Not Give Up, Call A Counsellor Right Away!

Couples therapy is one way of dealing with the issues in your marriage or relationship. You can solve many challenges and build a stronger relationship with your partner.

Putting the effort into going to therapy is the first step toward a healthier relationship.


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    M Barkhoski
    November 28, 2023 at 7:24 pm

    It’s true and I am facing three of the issues from this article. When a couple wants to dominate each other then there should be some issue. and I think then they need to go to counseling

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