Lifestyle Relationship Hacks

Wish You A Safe Journey Prayer, Safe Journey Messages

safe journey prayer

Safe journey prayer messages

1. As you embark on this journey, I pray that the way be cleared of evil men and road accident. The Lord shall see you through the trip until you arrive home.

2. Thank you Lord for everything He achieve in your life, may He always see you through your entire journey and never make you shame at all.

3. I am so sad that the love of my life is travelling out, may you find peace in this trip. May your mission be fulfilled in peace and harmony.

4. I will really miss your smile, giggles, play and many other things about you. You are special and it is the reason why I love you. Safe journey.

5. Be focus on what you are about to achieve. You will never fail in anything you are doing, and the Lord shall protect you all through the journey.

6. Thank you Lord for the gift of life, and I am committing the life of my family in your Hands, please, protect them all through the journey.

7. May the Lord guide your mission in this journey; protect you against the high way rubbers or any kind of accident until we meet again.

8. Wishing you a peaceful journey, may the Lord link you with a good heart and guide your driver to drive in the best speed that will take you to your destination.

9. May you find peace in this blessed journey, it shall make you excel and your success shall come with you. You are highly missed over here.

10. The truth is that I will miss you so much because I don’t have any other friend like you. You are so special and my happiness comes from seeing you. Safe journey.

11. God will always love you and make you a sound health. You will always find peace in your heart. As you embark in this journey, I pray that the Lord make you see the end of the journey.

12. You will always be happy in your life, and the Lord shall make you fill comfortable in this wonderful journey of your life. Have a precious journey.

13. As you prepare for this journey, I am praying that the Lord bless you with endless joy and make you a peaceful journey that will benefit you with success.

14. Thank God for sparing our life up till this moment, today we are about to embark on a journey which you already know before we thought of it, Lord lead us to the right path.

15. I wish you all the best in this special trip, may you achieve your mission of the journey and come back home with abundant wealth.

16. The Lord will protect you, give you all the best you need in this journey. I pray that your success in this journey shall bring lots of joy to you.

17. You will always be blessed in anything you are doing, and the Lord shall make everything easy for you. I love you. Safe journey my dear.

18. Loving you is a great joy in the heart. I wish you a lovely day ahead and pray that you meet us in good condition as we expect of you.

19. I will always miss you. You are a precious person and it is the reason why I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you. Have a safe journey.

20. Since the day you left, I have been so sad that the one I cherish with all my life. I love you with all my life and pray that you meet me anytime soon.

Long Paragraphs for a safe journey for lovers

21. I am so happy to hear that you will be coming over soon. This news has really touched my heart that I can’t stop talking about you to all my friends. I hope you will be coming with my beloved daughter? What about dad, hope he is fine? I will be expecting you as you prepare to come over. I love you. This is the reason why my prayer is to see you excel in life, now and forever.

22. Baby, I really miss you with passion. Since the day you left, I have not been able to sleep well, only your thoughts have been circulating on my mind. I think of you while sleeping, eating or doing anything on this earth. Your love has really occupied my heart. I love you and wish you a safe journey.

23. Whenever I look into your eyes, I see love in you burning like fire. Your eyes are full of burning desires to be with me. Same here lady. I have really missed you, in fact, I am so lonely and wish we can meet anytime from now. I love you with all my heart. Safe journey.

24. Thank you so much for being there for me, I was so happy when I heard that you will be coming home soon. I wish you a safe journey. May the road to your destination be guarded by angels of mercy; your stay in the plane shall be stress less and you will not have any reason to regret your trip.

25. You are special and it is the reason why I love you more than every other person in the universe. Your beautiful face always mesmerizes my heart and makes me feel more comfortable to be with you. I love you with endless passion. This journey will favor you beyond your expectation.

26. I don’t know how to thank you to show you how much your presence in my life has really changed me. Your words of wisdom never stop recurring on my mind. I wish you a safe journey and pray that your success will continue to grow until the end of time.

27. I hope to see you soon so that we can celebrate this wonderful event together, I can’t wait to reunite with you. May the Lord bless you with abundant love and make you one of the most successful people among your equals. I love you with lots of passion. Have a wonderful journey ahead.

28. Anytime I look into your eyes, I see my children and their mother. I hope to see you soon, pray that the Lord protect you for the rest of my life. I love you like a king loves his queen. I can kill for you in as much as your life is at danger from anybody whatsoever. I wish you a safe journey.

29. I am so much interested in you. You are special and loving. I wish you all the best in this world and pray that everything you need shall reach your hands. My hope is to see you soon so that we can meet not to depart again. Have a safe journey.

30. Thank you Lord for everything you have done in my life; you brought into my life a wonderful woman who takes care of me and my kids. She is so awesome and beautiful. Her character is one of the most outstanding ones I have ever seen in this world. Have a safe journey.

Safe journey prayer messages for a friend

31. If I knew you will be coming soon, I would have announced to the world that a great man is about to pay me a visit. However, I am overwhelmed with joy that we shall meet once again. I love you.

32. You are my best friend, the most amazing one in this life for me. Thank you for your help when I need you the most. You are simply the most interesting friend I have seen ever. Safe journey.

33. This journey shall be of great benefit for you and you shall not regret it. Your vision and mission for the trip shall come with ease, and in the end, put a smile on your face.

34. I just want to say, safe journey to my wonderful friend. I wish you a safe trip to your destination. May your Lord protect your way home.

35. I love you as a friend and it is my pleasure to learn that you are traveling out for your business; I wish you a safe journey and lots of lucks on your way down there.

36. I cannot stop thinking about the fact that you are on this journey today. Anyway, I am still confidence in you. I ask the Lord to guide your way home.

37. Thank you for attending my wedding, if you didn’t come, what can I say or do but because you care and respect me, you came all the way from a far distance. Safe journey my beloved friend.

38. I will not stop thanking God for giving me the privilege to meet an outstanding person like you in life; you shall not get tired of this world. Safe journey my dear friend.

39. You are simply the most trust worth friend I have ever met in life and it is the reason why I chose you as my best friend. As you are on this journey, I pray that your health be sound throughout.

40. Thank you for your support in the just concluded wedding. I hope you return home safely with your family. You are so special and my prayer for you is long life and prosperity.

Long safe journey prayer messages for girlfriend

41. I wish I can see you every day of your life so that we can spend more time together. I don’t know how to thank you for supporting me when I need you most. I love you beyond imagination and pray that everything you need will be granted to you by God. Have a safe journey.

42. You are a loving person, a nice lady and my one in a million ladies. You have become the most precious girl I have seen ever. I want to see your face soon. I want us to hold hands and feel the passion of the love that exists between us. I wish you a safe journey.

43. I wish you could check my heart to see how much I am in love with you. Even, if there is any other woman more caring or loving than you are, she can’t replace you in my heart. You are the most precious treasure in my life and I will always love you for the rest of my life.

44. Thinking about you will always be a great experience in my life but to see you right before me, is the most beautiful experience that pleases my heart the most. I wish you all the best in this journey you embark. May the Lord achieve your mission for you?

45. You are the kind of woman I wish to spend the rest of my life with. You are cool and the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood. How I wish you have been here with me, perhaps I will have been the happiest guy in the world. I await you and pray for a safe journey for you.

46. Thank you Lord for the gift of life, may you find rest of mind in anything you do. You are simply the most precious woman in my life. I ask the Lord to help you achieve the good purpose of your journey and separate you from evil passengers that may cause havoc to you.

47. May you continue to be blessed with lots of wealth and health. You shall find no regret in this wonderful journey you are into. You shall be blessed in the end and smile shall circulate your face as though a radiant light emanating from a brilliant lamp.

48. Thank you for showing me a great love and understanding. This has become my strength, joy and happiness. I will never stop loving you until the end of time. I will always cherish you no matter the condition that may arise between us. Safe journey my dear angel. May your face be touched with a smile.

49. Accident-free journey to my beloved girlfriend, a beneficial journey to the one I cherish from the nooks of my heart all through the cranny of my innocent mind. I wish you a safe journey; may you meet a great helper who will change your status and mine forever.

50. There are evil men on the road, may your car never come across them. I pray that the angels of guardians shall always be with you all through the journey. I wish you all the best in this world.

Now that you have my collection of safe journey prayer for your loved ones. Pick a couple and send to them wishing them a safe journey!

Have a safe journey prayer and I wish your loved ones a safe journey.


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    Wahoooo… This is a great post, I so much love it.. Keep up the good work @deedeesblog

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    What lovely prayers, thanks for the beautiful collections, I will love to send one to my love.

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