Dee Love Paragraphs

200 Best Condolence Messages in 2020

best condolence messages

21 May God be with you and your family throughout this moment of sorrow. My prayers and thoughts go to your family. May God be with you at this time.

22 Please accept my deepest condolences at this unfortunate incident, always know that I am just a call away. Need anything at any time, do not waste time in reaching out to me. I will be at your beck and call during this trying times. God be with you dear.

23 I know God has a reason for making this happen now. My deepest condolences and sympathy to you and your loved ones. I pray that God provides the comfort and tranquility that you need as your family rest in the bosom of the lord. <ay God be with you and strengthen you.

24 I cannot really know what you are going through right now, but I just have an idea of the level of pain you may be feeling. I know what it feels like to lose someone, more so someone you were really close to. Be rest assured that he/she is resting with God. You will be fine darling. I am very sure of that. My deepest condolences. May God be with you!

25 In this hard-hitting time in your life, I pray for comfort for you as you pass through this sad time. My deepest condolences dear. God be with you!

26 Please accept my condolences at this trying time of your life, I need you to understand that I am here for you just in case you need me, and do not hesitate to call me out whenever I am needed at this trying time. May God console you my dear.

27 I am as sad as you are right now, because I know (name of deceased) so well. I pray that the almighty God console you and your family and God grants you the fortitude to bear the loss. May his/ her soul rest in perfect peace. My deepest sympathy!

28 I know it is usually painful when you lose someone. I knew how terrible I felt when I lost someone close to me. Here I am today better and stronger dear. I know you will be fine as well, just give it time. My deepest condolences dearie. May God comfort you!

29 When I heard about your loss, I was indeed sad and felt terrible. I know it is difficult to think straight right now, but know that God is with you and will comfort you now. Remember to pray for those that are alive for continued protect from God. My deepest condolences now. May God be with you my dear. I love you!

30 I am going to miss (insert the name of deceased). He is a such a good man, an amazing Christian and a very jovial and loving personality. May God grant us all the fortitude to bear the loss. My deepest condolences.

31 Now I know that God truly needed him by his side. See how he battled with that sickness. He was almost getting better, but we lost him to the cold hands of death. I know right now that he is resting with God and he will watch over us from heaven. My deepest condolences. May god be with your family.

32 I am truly sad, and I just wish he could rise again. But he has cheated us with death and I hope he is resting with God right now. My deepest condolences dear. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

33 She is just a caring and angelic person. Her personality is what we all pray for. But now she has left us to be with God. I am indeed saddened by your loss and I pray that you get yourself together and pray for her as she goes to meet God in heaven. My deepest condolences dear. May God uphold you!

34 I know that (insert name of deceased) lives forever in our hearts. I am sure that we are all going to miss him/ her but we are happy that he/ she is resting with God and protecting us from the evil of the world. My deepest condolences dear!

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