Dee Love Paragraphs Lifestyle

A Sweet Paragraph To Send To Your Girlfriend

a sweet paragraph to send to your girlfriend

Who does not love sweet paragraphs? Not Me, and this is the reason why I will always find ways of sending a sweet paragraph to my girlfriend, so if you are looking for a sweet paragraph to send to your girlfriend, you will not want to miss this post.

What is a sweet paragraph to say to your girlfriend?

You might be asking the question, what is a sweet paragraph to send to your girlfriend

Sweet paragraphs are just love letters, love messages, short or long love text messages that you send to your girlfriend when she is around you ( OR NOT ). Every young woman out there craves attention from her man. Every woman wants to have an idea of the extent of the love her man has for her. Every woman wants to know how much her lover appreciates and values her love. I therefore agree with you when you say;

I buy her expensive gifts

I take her outs on treats and daycation.

Isn’t that enough show of love already? Yes I totally agree that it is, BUT do you know the impact that words have in a lady’s love life? it is the cheapest and most affordable way of capturing the depth and essence of love and loving to your woman. When you pass across sweet I love you paragraphs to your woman, you are conveying the extent and depth of your feelings in a way no one and nothing can. Not even your expensive gifts or expensive vacations can capture the true feelings of love like the sweet paragraphs.

Before we move on, I’d love you to see other amazing love paragraphs that you can copy, tweak, send or share with your lover, family, friends or even colleagues. There is love in sharing isn’t it?

Freaky paragraphs to send to your boyfriend

Freaky paragraphs to send to your girlfriend

Dirty and freaky paragraphs of love poems

Back to a sweet paragraph to send to your girlfriend, when you want to speak your feelings out or say what is in your heart, I would advise that whenever your woman is not around you at that time you caught that bug, you should quickly pen it down in a note and send it across to her.

You know what some romantic guys do of late? They pen down their love paragraphs and leave them in locations where they know their woman can quickly discover them and read. ISN’T THAT ROMANTIC?

Examples of sweet paragraphs to send to your girlfriend

Here are a couple of examples of sweet paragraphs to send to your girlfriend that you need to know to be able to share the sweet feelings of love

Appreciate her smiles and chuckles

The truth is, every woman loves her man to appreciate all those physical attributes that she possesses, and a way of getting her swelling in love is by just mentioning how much brings laughter into your life through her smile. I have heard from a of friends how the smile from ladies have given them headaches and made them want for more. The impact of a smile from a beautiful woman is amazing on men. Therefore it will not be a bad idea for you to appreciate that particular attribute from your woman.

Sweet paragraphs like:

Your smile has brightened my life. I can’t just explain the way I feel whenever you open those lips of yours in deep chuckles and laughter. The most special moments in my life are when you smile whenever you are around. You know what? I will make sure that I keep you happy everyday of my life, so that you can continue to smile in happiness, and whenever you are not here, just smile over the phone, or anywhere else, and I will feel it right from here!

Appreciate her weirdness

We all have our dose of weirdness don’t we? Something unique, strange and kind of odd. Not totally a turn off by the way, but something that is weirdly funny about ourselves or others. It may be from the way your woman sweats on her nose, or the funny way she dances, or the weird looks she gives when she is tipsy. Whatever that is, you need to find a way of writing sweet paragraphs to let her know that these are the weird, geeky things that has endeared her to you more. A more exciting and loving way of sending this to her is to first tease her about her weirdness and manners before going ahead to appreciate her. She may be a bit flustered at first, but she will warm up to the fact that you find her weirdness a part of her total package and you completely LOVE it.

See an example:

I know you may feel shy when you read this text, but I just want you to know that I am aware of how you snort when you laugh. It may be an unconscious thing on your part but I know it and I love you that way. Please do not stop doing that because with all of us comes different weirdness and peculiarities, as I have mine as well. I wonder what will have happened to our love if you do not have your bout of strangeness. I love the total package of you my lady.

Appreciate her Sense of humour

Every lady will tell you they love guys who has a huge sense of humour. Nobody wants to be found around a dull and boring kind of guy. So is guys, you can easily ascertain how compatible you are with your lover through her funny side. See, getting someone who can make you laugh is not easy, people even get paid to make people laugh. So when you find a lady with that deep sense of humour, always find ways of letting her know that you value and love her.

See an example

You have made me laugh in crazy ways. You have made me happy in the best ways. You are an answer to my prayers to God; that I find  companion that I can share love and laughter with. Your goofy self is what I crave for everyday of my life. Sometimes, I wanted to ask God why he packed fun and mischief into one single body. But I know why he did, he packed all this together to make me happy. You are my second half and an exciting personality to love. You need to know this, I cannot go through life without having you by my side. You are the definition of love, life, fun, happiness and laughter all rolled into one body. You are simply the best gift ever and I value your love. Thank you for everything. I love you!

A sweet paragraph to send to your girlfriend

I love the way you handle things, your work ethic inspires me. Just before we met I never had any plans for my life. But after you came into my life, everything took a new path and there was more focus on direction for me. You made me realize that as a team, there will be more focus and direction in making my dreams into a reality.  I am extremely happy today and very much grateful for your assistance and patience with me. Not everyone can deal with a difficult guy like me, yet you stayed because you saw potentials and because our dreams aligned with on another. You are everything I can wish for in a woman, and indeed I know that you are a blessing to me and my unborn generation.

I am sure my children will he happy, proud and excited to have you as a mom, and they will also be thankful for having you by my side to give birth to them. Life has not been fair to a lot of us, but you have made me realize that life is really unfair to everyone and the moment we seize to take responsibilities for what life avails us, the better in reaching our goals and fulfilling our purpose in life. You gave my life a new purpose and help me chart a new direction. You are indeed a queen and I am your king, because queens are meant for kings.

Before we met, I never thought I could ever meet or fall in love with someone like you, and what a ride has it been since then till now. We had our issues, you know? But that only made us better and stronger because a relationship can never progress if two individuals do not own up their acts and deal with issues as they come. I infact appreciate your maturity in dealing with issues and I value how you handle preferences and situations with an holistic view. You are a dream of any man, and I am super proud to have you as my lover.

When the time comes darling, we will both walk down the aisle together, because we both know that is the height of finding love and it is time to consummate our relatonship of so many years. I love you darling.

Now you have a sweet paragraph to send to your girlfriend. What are you still waiting for?


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