Dee Love Paragraphs

Great Appreciation Messages to God

Appreciation Messages to God

Appreciation Messages to God: We cannot count those beautiful things that God has done in our lives, so we need to appreciate Him for everything so that this world and hereafter will be a great place for us to live. For this reason, I will be presenting this appreciation message for us to be able to learn, memorize to say to God in our prayers. A child who shows appreciations to his father shall enjoy his money. The Lord has done many things in our life that no one can do, not even our parents who love us most in the human race. This is high time we allow miracles happen in our life by always been appreciative to the will of God. So, come along with me as I write the messages:

Appreciation messages to God for 2018

1. Thank you, my creator, for you have done a lot of uncountable things in my life which no human can do. You change my life for good, removed hatred from my life.

2. I want to use this time to devotedly praise my Lord for sparing my life up till this moment. Many have died not that I am better than them.

3. I want to bless you O Lord for helping me escape death today, if not for your angels, I would have become something the people mourn.

4. Glory to the Lord the most beneficent. I appreciate His glory in my life. I can’t finish thanking God for He did a lot of wonders in my life.

5. I want to thank God for my life, you did not allow me to fall into shame while people were busy trying to see my downfall, you were right on your Throne, protecting me.

6. Lord, I appreciate your protections over me. When I was sick, you came to my rescue, delivered me and then restore my health once again.

7. I will be using this opportunity to praise the Almighty for good life He has bestowed upon me; you the Highest and there is no one like you.

8. Blessed be the name of the Lord who gave us the opportunity to excel in life in anything we undertake. I thank you, Lord.

9. I praise the Lord for His concern about my wellbeing. He shall be appreciated forever and ever. He will be glorified in my tongue till eternity.

10. I am here to praise the Lord for His endless love for me. I want to show my gratitude for He achieved for me of recent.

11. I will always be happy with myself because the Creator of the heavens and the earth did not forsake me. This is worth been celebrated. Thank you Lord.

12. I want to thank God for the good health He granted me. I want to show my appreciation to God for blessing me with children.

13. Thank you, my dear Lord, for the love you show to me. For a great Master to take you as His own means you are fortunate in life.

14. Thank you, Lord, I will make lots of charity, sacrifices just to make sure that you are honored for always being caring to me.

15. The Lord has given us water in abundance without demanding any cash; He gave us five senses to appreciate what He created in nature. Thank you, Lord, for this gift of life.

16. I praise the Lord and honor His glory for everything He has done in my children’s life. You finally put a smile on my daughter’s face.

17. Lord, you alone I will worship forever. You have done countless favors in my life and I will always appreciate you for the rest of my life.

18. I want to praise the Lord for this wonderful moment of my life. Today I am academically sound because the Lord gave me such privilege.

19. I honor the kindles of the Lord in this world. He took His time to cater for us, bless and purify of souls with charity.

20. Lord, you’re the best, the master provider who provided for those before us. Please accept my appreciation as I extend it for your bringing this wonderful woman in my life.

Appreciation messages to God for 2019

21. I will always be happy because the Lord has always been by my side. He never allows any harm to reach me. He sends His mighty angels to guide me all through the night.

22. Blessed be the name of the Lord for He has done a lot for me. He delivered my child safely for me, achieve my contract for me.

23. I want to say a big thank you to the most precious deity whose type is not more than one. I want to say I really appreciate your work in my life.

24. If not for God, I wonder where I will be today. He came for my rescue when I needed Him most. I bless the Lord with ultimate blessings.

25. Wishing you all the best now and forever. I will always be there to worship the Lord tirelessly. He is great indeed and the most beneficial God ever.

26. I honor you with complete compassion. I praise you for always been there for me. You are the kindest God, show your love for me.

27. No one can pay back the endless love that the Lord has shown to us; we bless Him for His great love for us. We appreciate everything He has done in our life.

28. Today I am rich, there was a time I was poor. Thank God for the gift of life and the good life I am living now. I will always appreciate you forever.

29. Lord the most blessed. You are the owner of a great Throne whose quality no one has. Your Throne is the Largest on heaven and the earth. Thank you for making me a believer.

30. We can’t achieve anything in life without the leave of the Lord if we find ourselves here today; it is not by our might.

31. We love you O Lord for the gift of life, we appreciate your effort in our life because without you everything will turn against us.

32. Lord, I want you to continue to bless me. How kind you are that the only thing you need from us is appreciated. Thank you, Lord.

33. The great in battle, the omniscience God, I want to thank you for the life of my father. I want to say express thanks for his life.

34. You are the greatest God and beside you, none has the power to make me better in life. Thank you, Lord, for sparing my father’s life.

35. As you spare the life of our father to take care of us, we are also showing our appreciation for a great gift that is rare on earth.

36. The Lord has always been with us, blessing and appreciating us for being a humble servant. We will always be grateful to you.

37. The Lord has made it again; He gave me a wife just of recent, now He has just blessed my father with a promotion.

38. I want to especially thank God for His conducting our life. We appreciate you for the blessing of a newly born baby.

39. A child is a great gift from God, Lord we bless your holy name and praise you for this wonderful gift of a bouncing baby girl.

40. It has been long that the Lord has been with us without charging us for security. Tell me why I will not thank Him with all sincerity.

Appreciation messages to God for the new year

41. The Lord has always been our protector anywhere in life. We are thanking Him for everything He made possible for us.

42. We adore your holiness and purify our heart so that we can come close to you. We also appreciate you for this wonderful time in our life.

43. Great indeed is the Lord who provides for every living thing his food and shelter. We will always be thankful for this selfless gift.

44. No one can do what the Lord has done in our life; He is the most amazing in the entire world. His gifts don’t have limits. I must show my gratitude to Him.

45. We are praising you O Lord for this golden opportunity you gave to us to be celebrated today. Thank you for your protection all through our journey.

46. When I was learning, the Lord has always been by my side to help me understand every single process, I appreciate you for this wonderful privilege.

47. All glory belongs to the Lord, the most blessed the wonderful that takes care of His entire creatures without any bias. Thank you for fulfilling my heart desires for me.

48. I appreciate your love in my life, the way you protect my home from evil doers. I ask for your forgiveness in any way I have erred.

49. No matter what, we all need God in our life. This is a more reason for us to appreciate His work and wonders in our life.

50. The Lord has been our guardian; He has been shielding us against the evils from left and right. We thank Him for the wonderful care He shows to us.

51. Enemies have been searching for means to destroy me but you never allow them to succeed. I thank you for this great privilege.

52. I will always be thankful to God. He performs wonders in my life; He groomed me as a good servant, uplift me beyond my expectations.

53. The Lord is the one that every tongue must confess to. He is the one that deserves all praises. Glorify His Highness for always been there for you.

54. If not for the help of God perhaps most of us would have been miserable in this world thank God for this precious time.

55. You are the One that is unique still you gave me a unique result that got me this wonderful job. Thank you, Lord. I will forever appreciate.

56. The truth is that there is no one like God. He is so special and easy going. I will always love Him till eternity.

57. Blessed is the name of the Lord, He made everything easy for His creatures as a sign of a good wish for them. Glory belongs to you.

58. All honor and adoration truly belong to the All-Mighty God, who spared our life today after a short death yesterday.

59. We bless the name of the Lord for always been there in the toughest of times. He is named our rescuer for there is no one that can protect like Him.

60. Some people are blessed but think they have no business thanking God. They believe whatever they get is because they applied their thinking. In my own case, I direct everything to you O Lord.

Special Appreciation Messages to God

61. I rebuke that I should be ingrate before the Lord. May He find somewhere in His Holy heart show concerns about my life.

62. Lord, you are the most important being in the entire universe. Whenever I turn to you in prayer, you never hesitate to answer it. I appreciate your presence in my life.

63. Great be the name of the Lord, the greatest of all. The Highest of all the rock of protection. Thank you for always taking care of my family.

64. We glorify the name of the Lord for the wonders He has been performing in our life. I love my life because it is been administered by the Lord Himself.

65. I lay my life upon your Hands and you accepted it. Why won’t I be thankful for the rest of my life? Thank you for the Majesty.

66. If not for your intervention, those who wish me evil will have been the happiest today. May gratitude be shown by me to the Lord for the rest of my life.

67. I asked for small, you gave me big. I asked for less, you gave me large. I asked for comfort, you gave me both wealth and health altogether.

68. Whoever cannot thank God for everything He has done in his or her life will finally thank distress and misery. Thank God for this wonderful day.

69. Blessed is the name of the most praised by all tongues. You are the Highest of all the one worthy of being worshiped alone. Thank you for my life.

70. I appreciate His holiness in my job. I appreciate the highest God for bringing new life into me once again. thank you, my Lord, for everything you have done.

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