Relationship Hacks

How Does HeartBreak Feel Like For A Man?

How does heartbreak feel like for a man

How do you stop hurting after heartbreak?

Getting over the past is an ordeal that has to be tackled by accepting what has happened has happened and choosing to get over it is the most ideal option. The heartbreak phase is a difficult period to navigate and the pain that comes along with it can be felt all over you just like having yourself covered in chilli pepper without clothes on, makes it seem like the partner we had a fall out with pierced our heart with hooks everyday till the relationship ended and they decided to ruthlessly pull out those hooks because of the grudge that is already in place.

Sounds like something that can only happen in movies, but that was how I personally felt when I was in these shoes. Break ups become so painful because of the future you have pictured together with the person and now that they have decided to opt out of staying by your side for all eternity, having to go back to the drawing board to plan out your life all over again with your partner out of the picture can be too much of an emotional ordeal to deal with.

Observers from generations to generations have maintained that time helps heal all wounds, let me hint you, saying this to a person who is currently having a fall out to their partner is the most unhelpful thing ever. Here are a few tips that can help you get over a break up faster;

Wallow: Crying doesn’t reduce your worth as a human, cry your eyes out, it helps lighten the load you have on your heart, stay back at home and isolate yourself from any social interaction. For the first 48 hours after the incident, never listen to whatever the peeps around you are suggesting you do, instead, opt to do what your body feels you need at the moment.

Reach out to someone: Staying for too long on your own while disconnecting yourself from the outside world won’t help a bit, instead of that, consider spending quality time with someone you have close ties with and you truly trust. Your thoughts can turn out to be your own worst enemy when passing through heartbreak.

Talking about your ordeal with someone with a great deal of experience in regards to relationship will go a long way in unloading what you have on your chest, talking towards anger and your talk-to person encouraging it is definitely a red flag. Ranting on about the sacrifices you made is a terrible mistake that will see you take one step forward and take three steps backwards. The best is to totally let go and get to spend time with people who makes you feel at home, understand what you are going through and never makes you feel like you have to pretend to be happy when you are not.

Delete your ex from your social media accounts: Now this might seem silly but it is actually effective. Blocking your ex from all the social media platforms you both sign up on is one of the primary steps towards getting over that one person that once held a special place in your heart. Reluctance in taking this step will see you unimaginably finding yourself on their social media page checking out what they are up to every day of the week.
I have a strong conviction that if the relationship ended on a bad note, there is no reasonable reason to keep in touch , delete their contacts so as to resist the temptation of hitting their cells up. You will feel a lot better after weeks of not contacting them.

How do you feel when you have a broken heart?

As it has been stated in the paragraphs above, emotional and physical pain is felt similarly. This literally means when you are experiencing heartbreak, your heart does hurt for real, it might not turn out to be your heart in particular but, somehow, you feel pains in your body and it hurts a great deal. This is no news as everyone who has passed through this situation at one time or the other can perfectly relate.

Over the years, studies have shown people can hardly tolerate the pain that comes with being heartbroken and the next thing that comes to their mind is locating the fastest route out of what they are currently passing through. The reaction is understandable as when we have common bodily ills, we seek out the medication that makes them relieve us as soon as possible.

Physical pain often indicates there is something wrong in our body mechanism, emotional pain on the other hand creeps in differently when we experience it physically, the only assured way to make the best out of the situation is to allow the pain crawl up on you because the aftermath is rewarding to you as a person.

How long does it take for heart to go away?

Time heals all wounds or so we’ve heard but when passing through the “break up” phase, recovery time differs from person to person, for an average individual, there is no specific recovery time frame.

The aftermath of every break up ranges from losing your appetite to actually feeling unwell. The human instinct actually wants to know the end from the very beginning and that is where the question of just how much time you need to yourself in other to get out of your down moment that came through as a result of the heartache you are currently dealing with.

When it boils down to the amount of time you need to spare to actually get over the relationship you just got out of, there have been unconventional approach to this and most individuals actually suggested recovery time can be as long as half the duration of the relationship while others thing four full blown weeks is just enough to get over any emotional heartache.

Circumstances surrounding the demise of a relationship are countless and the fact that social media platforms keep updating us about every move our exes make, this gesture can elongate recovery time by a stretch. A new study included in the Journal of Positive Psychology averaged 71 percent of 155 adults totally getting over their heartache in about eleven months before seeing the positivity in the negative occurrence. This was the period the surveyed individuals actually felt there is need to do something to help themselves.

Why does heartbreak hurt so much?

Most of the relationship ends on a wrong note, with no tangible reason at all and the most common phrase to end a relationship in the 21st century is, “it’s not you, it’s me” while they lead you on to actually asking you to be just friends with no emotional attachment whatsoever.

While others are in a stable romantic relationship, they had to deal with the death of a loved family member and individuals they really look up to. How people define their relationship with others is at their own discretion but, one common thing about every relationship is the heartache that follows after it comes to an end.

Heartache is a term collectively used to quantify anguish, distress and crushing grief often associated with the pains that follows after an existing love relationship has been strained beyond its capacity. The pain varies from person to person, for some, it comes light and it will go away after a couple days probably because the relationship was not that deep to begin with while for others, the pain is so intense it can make them feel the same way as being hit by a wrecking ball. In a controlled survey where people who just got out of a relationship were shown pictures of their former lover, there is an occurrence of extreme heat in the arm area for all the surveyed individuals.

Can one die of heartbreak?

The way reality sets in just a day after you lose your beloved relation is a sweet-bitter experience that is enough to make even the most heartless set of individuals on the surface of the heart cry. People dying due to an heartbreak is not an uncommon phenomenal as there have been instances where romantic partners died hours after they lost their soul mates to the cold hands of death and there are medical explanations to back this up.

There have been countless joint funerals of couples around the globe; the set of couples in this context didn’t die on the same day, in the same place, via the same incident. These couples died hours, days, and weeks after the demise of their beloved partners. The feeling of how to stay behind and indulge in activities the two had earlier been indulged in without the other in it sinks the heart and from there, heart complications begin to arise and in the worst of cases, when the affected person is not placed under intensive care, the end result is death as they will wallow in their own thoughts, get disconnected from the rest of the world and refuse to do anything at all no matter how minute.

How to survive a breakup

As emphasized from the beginning of this article, the feeling of falling out with the person you love is one of the worst things to ever happen to man. The feeling makes us feel horrible from the inside and emptiness crawls in at its own pace. By learning how to cope and get over heartache, you stand the chance of being victorious in the end as not everyone that goes through heartache recovers from it. Here are a few things to do in order to get over heartbreak as soon as possible;


Crying is not a sign of weakness, it is instead an act that helps melt your bottled up emotions. The more you cry, the better you feel and the heartache will be gone in no time.


Avoid putting all the blame on yourself, it takes two to tango and that concept applies here as you can not decide to breakup without your partner’s consent, so accept the fact that it is over.


As earlier mentioned, bottling up your emotions and refusing to let them out is dangerous for you. Discussing what you are passing through with a trusted person will help a great deal.


Hanging out with people who makes you happy and at ease will surely help in your down time.

How to get over an Ex you still love

Dealing with a break up that happened after all the love have faded is a stressor on its own, talk more of a break up where you are the dumpee and you are still in love with the person that shattered your heart into pieces. When experts air their view about how to get over an ex you still love, their answer is mostly the same and what they always advice is to indulge yourself in work, get a new hobby and initiate a do no contact strategy.

As there is no one way approach to every of the problems, so is the workaround up there, it doesn’t apply to every break up especially when you have invested so much emotionally and other sacrifices that comes with being in a relationship. Research has proven the most difficult break up to navigate through is the one where you are still in love with the person. One of the many reasons why you can love someone who doesn’t love you back is when the person fulfills a need you do not have the strength to take care of all by yourself.

In other words, self discovery in the sense that, you have to search deep to figure out what is missing in your life now that you are all alone, then, filling out the empty space by spending quality time with family, friends and work colleagues will definitely take your mind off your feeling. Having a diary where you jot down your feelings at every point in time then getting back to those jottings to reflect over them helps to get over a break up faster.

Side Effects of a Broken Heart

YOU HURT FOR REAL: You will probably experience chest pains, palpitations and hypertension, all these will make you feel like your heart is actually broken in the literal sense of it. These mostly happen because you are caught off guard by the physical pain emotional pain can trigger.

ZERO MOTIVATION TO GET OUT OF BED: Staying in bed for the most part of the day becomes your new pleasurable activity.

YOU RARELY GET TO SLEEP: You become so drained emotionally and physically but your body won’t allow you to sleep and none of the tricks that used to get you to sleep in times past will lose their magic touch.

EATING DISORDER: You suddenly develop a weird eating habit in the sense that sometimes, you eat more than your stomach can take and at other times, you barely take a spoon out of the food that is in front of you.

What do you think? Got feedback or comments?

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Mark Hillyard
    January 27, 2020 at 6:25 am

    I don’t understand why you wrote, “Emotional pain that is severe enough can lead to the bogus medical term referred to as broken heart syndrome”. I went through six months of “heart attack” before I felt it ease up. Takosubo is very real and makes you wish you could just sleep for a very long time as that’s the only time it does not hurt. I guess not everyone is affected the same, but it seems to me after reading some articles on the subject that none of the authors have experienced “heartbreak”… I was married 22 years and she just disappeared on day and never came back and never said goodbye, kind of fucked up, don’t you think/

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