Dee Love Paragraphs

Monday Prayers For A friend in 2019

Monday prayers for a friend

Monday prayers for a friend: Monday is also one of the most precious days in the lifetime of a human. It marks the beginning of the working days and therefore can be called the first day of the working days. Some humans are religious, therefore can send some prayer messages to their friends, and family. If you are that type, here is the opportunity to send such text messages.

1. I beseech the most capable to bless the entire work of your hand so that you will benefit from it in an abundant manner. May He grant you whatever you desire and bless you with the opportunity that will change your life forever; good morning to my best friend of life?

2. You shall be selected among the best in your job today. As you hustle in this year, the Lord shall make the return favor you now and forever. Miracle will be your portion.

3. May the Lord bless you with whatever you desire in your heart so that you will be celebrated all over the world as a great leader and teacher. You have always been one of the most precious friends to me and your presence in my life is a great gift.

4. May the spirit of a special day shower your life with luck and breakthrough; may you find it very easy to achieve man things in life. As bright as this morning is, may your entire lifetime be brighter.

5. The Lord shall protect you against all evils and every single act of worship you perform shall be accepted by the Lord. You shall not be killed in this year in any other one.

6. Your happiness will have no limit; your face shall bright with sunshine. Any predicament coming your way shall be pushed away from you. No evil shall reach you. The Lord shall protect your belief in what you believe in, make you a great person.

7. You will not have any reason to despair in life; any of your sins shall be forgiven. The Lord is the best provider, may He provide your daily meal. May He count you among His beloved servant and admit into the brim of His Light.

8. Blessing of the Lord shall follow you until it catches up with you and endow your life with long life and prosperity. You shall not die mysteriously and no evil hand shall reach you by His grace. Good morning my dear friend.

9. A leaf is known to its tree, you shall be known to success; you shall be known with love, kindness, peace, and harmony. The Lord shall build your mind against all evils and make you resistant to poverty.

10. May the Lord always give you success in anything you are doing; so that the entire world will come together to honor you for it. The Lord will bless your way of life. Good morning friend.

11. I am sending you this piece of prayer this morning to show you how much I cherish our friendship. I pray that your wishes will be fulfilled by the Lord as soon as possible.

12. Lord, bless your holy Name upon the life affair of my friend. Grant her the best of her desires. Make her firm in your religion. Guide her way to your true path.

13. Give my dearest friend the freedom to access any glory on this earth, make things easy for her to do. I worship you, please accept my effort and make my friend succeed in whatever he undertakes.

14. No matter how long a mountain has stayed, it does not collapse easily, Lord, make my friend a strong rock that is not easily uprooted. Give him a stamina better that of an Iroko tree so that his heart will be fully concentrated in worshipping your holiness.

15. Put a smile on the face of my friend. Give her the privilege to explore the world will ultimate joy and happiness. Forgive her shortcomings.

16. You are the only holy hand that can handle the life situation of a person in the best way. Lord, bless my friend until he is finally rich and religious.

17. Save my friend away from your punishment. Protect him against any kind of suffering. In anything he is doing, let there be endless joy in it.

18. Grant my best friend the privilege to become the best in his working place. Let his entire effort yield fortune for him. Bless Him for great success, now and forever.

19. You are the best, the greatest and the one that everyone should worship. Lord, let the eyes that see this message be cover by your garment of light.

20. Lord, I beseech you to make the life of my good friend be purified and washed with the water of luck, prosperity, and breakthrough,

21. No one can uproot the tree you planted. I beg that you make my friend a strong pillar that cannot be destroyed by any force.

22. You are the greatest the most beloved and the one that can make everything easy for us. Bless me and my friend in this audition we are about to participate in.

23. There is nothing like you, O Lord. You are unique in your holiness. Make my friend unique in anything he is doing and uplift him in a way he does not expect at all.

24. May your aspirations and desires be fulfilled as we enter into another Monday, may the Lord ease your life affairs and crown your effort.

25. Blessed be the name of the highest God, the Cherisher of the heavens and earth. May his Glory affect your life in a positive way.

26. I beg the Lord on your behalf to make you strong in anything you are doing. To bless your face with calmness and light that makes it shine like a bright sun.

27. Sunshine shall be yours forever. Happiness shall dwell in your home forever. The Lord shall achieve many things for you of which you can’t comprehend.

28. As you start your home project, may the Lord guide you until you are completely done with it. May He keep making you excel in whatever you undergo.

29. I ask the Lord to bring joy to your home so that you will enjoy the grace of the Lord in your life. You shall not in any way have a setback in what you believe in.

30. Glory to the Lord. Happiness shall always find its way to reach you. You will be given the chance to win this life battle by His Might that no one has.

Monday Prayers for a friend –  Business

31. May the Lord make your business easy to grow; your sales shall profit you and your income shall not fade away. Good morning my great friend.

32. May you find peace in your heart as you run your business; every secret that guide a successful business shall be revealed to you by the Lord.

33. Whatever it takes for a business to be success shall be inherited by you. You will not regret why you live on this earth. Your business shall be patronized by everyone that knows about you.

34. May the uniqueness of the Lord speak in your business so that the whole world will know about it, may the Lord be more concerned about lifting your business to the top.

35. Lord, I pray unto you to bless your servant, a son of your servant, a friend of your servant. Prevent his heart from deviation, engage him in goodness, and make his heart incorruptible.

36. I beseech the Almighty to beautify this morning time for you so that you will find the comfort you need. You shall be showered with long life and prosperity.

37. Blessed is the one that comes close to the Lord, may you find yourself devoted to the Him the Greatest. You shall not in any way be astray. Your Lord shall unlock His gate of abundant success for you.

38. I pray that your little hands will be held by the Mighty Hands of the Lord. You will not be influenced by evil thoughts or evil people. The in and out of your secret will not be revealed to anybody.

39. Lord, protect our secret and make us leave any bad habit before it completely becomes part of us. Help us gain the fortunes that are scattered around in this world.

40. Lord I am calling upon you to achieve the mission of my friend for him. He has no home of his own, please shelter him. He has no clothes of his own, please clothe him. He has no wife; please bless him with a good one.

41. Make my friend one of the most beautiful face and attitude on earth. Through her, Lord help others to grow. Give them the chance to be happy once again.

42. You are the omniscience of all things. You alone have the purest knowledge of everything. I call upon you to give my friend a clear understanding of the course he is pursuing.

43. Your power overshadows your entire creatures; let loose your might upon my friend so that none of his enemies will overpower him in anything they have in common.

44. Lord, he is not competent enough, make him competent. He is not knowledgeable enough, make more knowledgeable. He is not happy enough; let his heart be filled with lots of joy.

45. God, I want you to specifically look into the matter of my friend and give him a master customer care so that his life will remain pure and steady all through his lifetime.

46. There is no one like you, heaven and earth no one is comparable to you. As you honor yourself and raise your honor to the highest point, please come and do a similar thing to my friend so that he outshines his competitors.

47. Lord, there is no one that can stand against your decision. Please, decide good things for my friend. Bless my life and make me one of the most beautiful people ever on earth.

48. You shall be blessed forever. You shall not suffer the sins of your fore fathers; your heart will be cleansed with the water of comfort. Good morning friend.

49. You will not live to regret in this world. You are the most beloved friend I have and it is the reason why I wish I could just be there for you always, may you find this morning more comfortable for you.

50. May I use this opportunity to let you know that you have always been a good role model? Yes, you are my best friend and the most beloved companion. I seek for God’s mercy upon your life, so that you may succeed.

51. I beseech the God of wonder to do wonderful things in your life. I beg Him to bless you because He is the Lord with a blessed garment of light.

52. Lord you are the discoverer, please discover a new job for my friend. Discover new life for him. Discover new beginning for him so that he will live forever to praise you.

53. Lord, you are the owner of the day of resurrection. I beseech you to select me and my friend as part of the luckiest ones on the Day your eyes will not been seen on the floor.

54. I beg you O Lord; do not be angry at my friend for any reason. Overlook his mistake, melt his heart so that he wll be humble before you and men, Let him live in humility.

55. The Cherisher of the Throne of treasure, I am here before you this morning to seek for your help upon the life of my friend. Shower him with your grace so that he will make it in life.

56. Builder of destiny, build the destiny of my friend to the fullest point so that he will be independent of every human in terms of finance. Bless others through him.

57. Opener of ways, open ways for my friend to see your glory. Open doors of success and fortunes for her. Let her celebrate your grace in her soon.

58. You are the one whose power overshadows everything, please come to the rescue of my friend and never let him be overpowered by his folks.

59. Give him a great comfort on his mind so that he will taste from the water of love and life on the Day when there no other person in possession of them saves you.

60. Love my friend, make him out of joy smile always. Do not test his faith beyond his capacity. Do not make him go astray, grant him wealth that will make him enjoy this world in an excellent way.

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