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Wedding wishes congratulations to sister

Wedding wishes congratulations

Wedding wishes congratulations to sister: Are you thinking of sending the best wedding wishes to any of your family or friends? Then check out our collection of wedding wishes congratulations that we have written for you.

Wedding wishes congratulations to sister

Marriage Idioms and Wedding Cliche Sayings

1. We are happy that you finally made it. We wish you much more love in life. May your home be filled with love, success, and endless joy.

2. Thanks for inviting us to a wonderful wedding occasion you shall be blessed, your heart will find the kind of rest that befits it. Congrats my sister.

3. Your home will be one of the best in this world. My wishes for you will profit you in such a way you can’t imagine.

4. Congratulations to my beloved sister, at last, your critics are put to shame, you finally became a wife. I am really happy for you.

5. What really matters in this life is happiness, comfort and rest of mind, I hope you will find peace in your home. Happy married life.

6. May your new home be the most peaceful one, the best ever, you are just a lucky sister for you to have met such an amazing husband in your life. I wish you the best of home peace in the world.

7. We wish you a lifetime of love and success, may your home be blessed with kids and good fortune. I wish you a successful married life.

8. My aim for this day is to wish you a lifetime love, peace and harmony. May you smile to celebrate this day on a special day of your life.

9. You are the most beloved person in this world, I hope that you enjoy this new way of life in good tolerance and understanding. I wish you the best of luck.

10. Thank you for the love you show to me when we were growing up. May the love you share with your spouse today grow stronger as you grow older together.

11. As you begin your new life with the one you love, I pray that you enjoy every bit of your time together. I love you so much.

12. May the impact of this wonderful day reach you in love, and success. I pray that your new life favors your existence and draw you close to God.

13. Thank you for inviting us to celebrate this day with you. It is a sign of how important we are to you. May you live together in peace and harmony.

14. May the love that is trending in your hearts fulfill the promises you made to each other in secret. I wish you a peaceful home.

15. Thank God that you finally make it a day after several days of prayers and panic. We thank you guys for counting us among important people. Congratulations on your wedding day.

16. May your home find the kind of peace it deserves, may it be filled with love, joy, success and great happiness. I love you like never before.

17. Thank God for your life and the day you were born and now that you are getting married. I wish you all the best.

18. You will never regret your coming to this world, you are the best of the entire sisters in this world. I really appreciate you beyond ordinary. Happily married life man.

19. The kind of love you deserve will reach you at the end. True love begins after the wedding. You are lucky that your husband is one of the most loving ones in the world. I know him very well.

20. To the newly wedded couple, you will last long with each other. I pray that your love will continue to be the best ever. Your love story will be better than that of kings and queens.

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21. Patience is a good reason to make a marriage a peaceful place to be. I wish you a good home that will harbor a good atmosphere for love and happiness.

22. Tolerate each other, don’t nag when this is not fine. All you need is to be with each other as friends so that peace will always reign.

23. I will rather say that couples should be in love with each other after a fight. None of you should sleep without forgiving each other.

24. Being into marriage doesn’t mean you should forget the love you had for each other when you were single.

25. Life is all about joy and success. Love is something I cannot tell the real truth about because it is complicated. However, if you need a good home, show love to your spouse

26. Make a special time bound for each other, that’s when love can be a good reason for both of you to live together forever.

27. A home that lacks respect and morality is a home that is already collapsed In a matter of time, you will see the end of it.

28. I hope to see you, I need you both unite in peace and harmony. Love is one of the most precious feelings that exist in humans’ heart Show love to each other for a better tomorrow.

29. The goal of your marriage should remain the same, your kids should be trained as due and your marriage should be maintained as supposed

30. Don’t Judge your spouse based on what people say about them, try and know the reason why they do what they do.

31. You may not have a better partner as your wife, what matters the most is that your wife is your best friend. She is your real personal adviser.

32. Make your home a peaceful one, rather than being a home of commotion. A peaceful family tends to more successful than a violent home.

33. Now that you are starting a new life, know that you really need a great reason to smile. You are all the best in town and the newest couples should behave better.

34. Don’t build your home into negligence, your spouse is better than your schedule in life. Have them on your mind all the time.

35. Your wedding is the most important thing, for now, don’t joke with, handle each other with respect and patience. When you have a misunderstanding, don’t hesitate to settle it within your immediate circle.

36. You are not perfect, don’t expect your spouse to be perfect either. Communication is a powerful tool to maintain a good relationship with your partner.

37. There are many reasons why you will always be peaceful in your relationship, one of which is the act of patience for each other.

38. To make a perfect match, always joke with each other, constructive joke is the best for both of you.

39. For a marriage to remain peaceful, couples must be devoted to the sole reason why they were married in the first place.

40. When there are love and tolerance in marriage, you will find your way out of all troubles. You will be best parents in the world for your children.

Marriage Quotes and Prayers

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41. The Lord that actualized this day for you shall always be with you all your married life. May you reap the fruit of love in your marriage.

42. The kind of love that reigns in your heart today shall be the type you will enjoy until eternity. You will never forget your mission to make a good home.

43. Success is still a key choice in life, you had the courage and the Lord shall bless the result for you. Happy married life sweet Heart.

44. May your home make a better impact on your marriage. I wish you the best of luck that will affect your marriage.

45. The creator of the heavens and earth shall purify your wedding and put everlasting love and peaceful coexistence between you both.

46. We thank you for the life of our newly wedded couple, may their new life see your favorite from every angle of life. May they test the blessing of your honor.

47. Lord, we pray that you hold the new couple safely in your hands, let their affairs be governed by your mighty Hands.

48. Welcome your holiness among them, let your mercy dwell in their hearts forever. Happy married life.

49. Thank you Lord for bringing these amiable partners together on this day, may their stay in each other’s life be the coolest ever.

50. We committed ourselves to you and now our marriage is committed onto you Lord. We pray that you accept us in all we are doing.

51. Lord, our prayer is to see that you bless the couple with riches they never imagine, Protect the marriage from failure too.

52. Lord, bless this beautiful couple, make them happy at the end of the day. Wishing you the best in this world.

53. Your marriage will always be the most blessed one among every other one in your environment. Everyone shall emulate your marriage life.

54. Your mission for this marriage will wash away in vain. You will last for each other in peace. The Lord shall monitor your affairs and grant you success in your marriage.

55. All kind of success shall follow you until the end Your marriage will work than expected. You will never regret your steps in life. Happy married life.

56. May you find it easy to take care of your home. Wishing you the best in life.

57. As you both begin a new life, it shall be well with you in all aspects of your life. You will find peace and harmony in all you do together.

58. May the Lord feel your marriage with a spiritual encounter that will make it last longer than you ever think.

59. You shall have everlasting sweet moments with your spouse and many years to come, you shall be blessed abundantly.

60. May you find the effort put on your wedding working well for you; every day and night, success will always be yours forever?

61. I dedicate this day to you as a beloved angel, may your face glow in peace and harmony. You will find it easy to enjoy this world as you plan.

62. Thank you Lord for the realization of this day, you are the reality and now today is possible, bless them in their marriage and make them happy.

63. The golden moment of your life has arrived; you must be a man to take care of a home. I wish you peace and good fortune on your wedding day.

64. The Lord that protects shall guard your marriage against all evils in life. He shall bless your marriage in a way you don’t understand.

65. To the most beloved God, we are not capable of praising you as due, but we want you to accept our prayers, bless this marriage so it can work.

66. Thank God for being there for us, we really appreciate the Lord for the kind of love shown to us on this day, happily married life.

67. May you both find joy in whatever you are doing, the joy that speeds up love and passion between partners shall never lack in your marriage.

68. We dedicate your wedding to the Lord, the most merciful to handle it in greatness; we pray that He puts a smile on your face.

69. Lord, shower your blessing on this marriage so that it works better than a German machine.

70. We beseech your name on this union, let it last more than the couples think, give them divine guidelines to manage the marriage as due.

71. You are the Creator of this two, you are the one that puts love between them, please put respect, peace, and harmony between them to last long.

72. Sunshine will be your friend now and forever, there will be an overflow of love, wealth, health and sincere understanding between you and your spouse. Happy married life.

73. As you walk on the lane of love, I pray that the vehicle of divorce never parks to give you a lift. You shall walk to the promised land of love.

74. The rain of love shall not cease to fall on you. Every single day of your life will be of genuine blessing gushing out of the rock of passion, love, understanding, good communication and tolerance. Happy to see you getting married.

75. The Hands of God is the mightiest, may He touch your life with them. May the Light of God reign in your home bringing love, joy, and beautiful kids as you desire.

76. You shall be happy in due time as God’s time is the best. You will always find it easy to get things done as a couple.

77. May the warmness of the sunshine find a way to reach your souls, may you find endless peace in all you are doing. Happy married life.

78. I pray that before we meet again, everything that will bring success to you will not pass you by. Happy married life my angel.

79. May the Lord bless you in all ramification of life, you will never find it difficult to settle any misunderstanding as it arises in your marriage.

80. The fruit of your home will not spoil, your effort will not tremble, and failure will not reach you. As you aspire to be successful in life, may the Lord make it easier for you.

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