Dee Love Paragraphs

100+ Inspirational Sunday Messages And Quotes

inspirational Sunday messages

Inspirational Sunday messages to your love – Whether you are on the road, sea or in the air. Why not share motivational Sunday messages to the one you care about.

Remember that these Inspirational Sunday Messages can serve as Inspirational Sunday Messages for motivation, Inspirational Sunday Messages for blessings, Inspirational Sunday Messages for support, Inspirational Sunday Messages to deal with challenges, Inspirational Sunday Messages for love.

Away from the Sunday morning text messages that you share. A motivational or inspirational Sunday message will go a long way in firing him/ her/ them up for the week. Doesn’t that just make sense?

Sunday is considered a day of rest. A time to reflect upon the week past and the upcoming week. It is a time to count our blessings and enjoy the beauty of creation that surrounds us. For many Sunday is spent with family and friends. Whatever your Sunday is spent doing, enjoy and be thankful!

We’ve  gathered inspirational Sunday quotes that you need to get you in the mood, not only for today but for the rest of the week. These Sunday quotes should be sure to set you up right for the week ahead.

What do you think?

Sunday is a weekend where almost everybody is less busy, relaxing at home. It is also the day when Christians go to church to worship. Either of the kind of engagement you find yourself above, you still need inspirational Sunday words to trigger your actions towards achieving your dreams in life. We have prepared some text messages for you others you may like to send them to. So, feel free to read and digest them for your benefit or send to those who are important to you.

Apart from the fact that these are inspirational Sunday messages, please note that these messages can also serve as funny Sunday messages, funny Sunday quotes, Sunday blessings messages, happy blessed Sunday quotes, beautiful Sunday morning quotes, happy Sunday quotes for friends, Sunday quotes for facebook, blessed Sunday morning quotes.

Inspirational Sunday Messages – for Motivation

1. Let this Sunday be a day for you to be happier but not a day to show anger or frustration. Remember, those that are cheerful have friends around them.

2. Be the reason why people are happy. Carry everyone along and never make people feel bad about them. Happy Sunday to you.

3. I hope you will find this weekend as cool as a precious ice cream so that your heart will be filled with lots of love and success.

4. There is no day that does not come with its own gift, if you are happy, open-minded and cheerful, you will find yourself been one of the luckiest people of your generation.

5. Sunday is a bright day for everybody, if you can do the right thing, sure good things will come your way and success will be yours for the rest of the day.

6. You will be fine no matter the condition. You will find peace in your heart and everything you ever wanted will be achievable if you can hold on to the will of God.

7. No matter how hot the weather may be, just don’t allow it to distract you from pursuing your mission in life. You can do it and there is no doubt about that.

8. Champions are not easily recognized, they are blessed people and no one can make you feel bad about yourself until you give them the chance.

9. Always stay positive, those who are great are wonderful people. You are a blessed person but if you don’t take action, nothing good will come your way.

10. Get something doing, and you will immediately begin to be independent of those who take you for granted. Today is one of the special days in life, make it work for you.

11. Our mission in life is to satisfy the Lord so that He will count us among His righteous people. Stand up and praise the Lord so that your life will be prosperous.

12. Many have been deprived of good things in life because they gave up in the middle of the road to success. You don’t need to take half-baked decisions in life.

13. Without courage, you cannot achieve anything in life; garner your courage together and do what people think you can’t do.

14. A person without a vision is like a pill of banana, he will only cause disaster to anyone that mistakenly step on him. Don’t stay at home doing nothing.

15. Make yourself important. Be the change that the world is searching for so that your generation will be celebrated forever.

16. Always get things done the way they are supposed to be done. Don’t panic that thing will not go fine, our thoughts sometimes affect our destiny.

17. The way you manage your imagination, that’s how your life will go. Always remember that nothing is impossible.

18. Get things done the right way and then you will see positive results in anything you are doing. You will be called a champion.

19. Great men are not easily seen talking; they make most of the noise silently. They explain things by action and give out the great result by their simple personality.

20. Put a smile on your face and go to church to worship your God. It is a good characteristic of a devoted Christian. Have a nice weekend ahead.

Inspirational Sunday Messages – for Blessings

21. I want you to smile always because it keeps you younger. No matter what the condition may be, if you can still make your face glow with laughter, it doesn’t matter.

22. Feel ok with yourself always. Things may not come the way you wanted but it doesn’t mean that you cannot still be proud of yourself. Soon or later, everything will be fine again.

23. Great people are always known for their courage, agile people are always blessed because they have faith in God. Have one of the most interesting weekends.

24. Hello, guy how have you been? I just want to let you understand that everything will be okay if you put your trust in God and then follow up with the right actions.

25. You may not be seen in a good position but it doesn’t really matter. What matters and at the same time bad, is when you accept defeat.

26. It is good to acknowledge the fact that some people are good at doing some things, but it is bad to say you can never be better than them.

27. There is this joy that should always be on your mind always—the joy of being a human and as human, there is always hope in life. Have a sweet Sunday ahead.

28. This Sunday is another opportunity for you to pray to God to show the simplest way to develop your God’s given gift so that you will become a commodity.

29. Make a purpose in life by identifying what you are born to accomplish in life. You can be great again even when you have fallen several times.

30. Try and see something worth spending your time upon in your mind. This is what we call vision. You must attain some height in life before you die.

31. I am using this opportunity to advise you that you can still be great if you so wish. Do not let the setback of yesterday, rule over your today’s fortune.

32. Make yourself comfortable, be the change you want to see and always be happy with yourself. Don’t give up on what you believe in.

33. Find a function for your heart so that it will lead you to a destiny that will benefit you in any moment of your life. Have a splendid Sunday.

34. Great men are not specially born, they put more effort to become what God has already designed for them to become if they can make a move. Just know this.

35. Your heart should be firm on the truth not upon what the eyes see. The eye may be misleading but a heart guided by the brain will not probably go astray.

36. We are given the gift of wisdom so that we will not live by what we see or experience but by what really matters at a certain time.

37. Take your action steps to fulfill the vision before us. Make your decision when it is the best time to do so, if you are the hesitating type, your decision may be taken by someone else.

38. A smile is like a gift that cannot be easily found anywhere on earth. If you are calm in anything you are doing, you will not be taken for granted for any reason.

39. This Sunday will be a kind of blessing that you never expected. It is will favor you more than you want. You shall be blessed forever. Have a great Sunday ahead.

40. Your thoughts are important in anything you are doing. If you understand the motif of doing the right thing at the right time, you will surely find a way out of distress.

Inspirational Sunday Messages – for support

41. Our mission in life is a great part of our success. It makes us feel comfortable because we have the vision to accomplish. Happy Sunday my dear.

42. An inspiration comes when you are happy with yourself. Success comes when you have something doing. Calmness comes when you keep no grudges with anyone.

43. Snub difficult people so that they will be on their own while you are on your own side with those who value you. Have a special Sunday.

44. Find a way to be independent of those who make you sad, they are not supposed to be part of your life; get rid of them in a handsome manner, before they get rid of you.

45. Don’t give up on whatever you believe in. It is by the grace of God that things are achievable, so try your best and leave the rest for God.

46. The way we look at things will make us determine the way we are supposed to live our life to meet the way of the great ones that came before us.

47. You may not understand the purpose of your life until you begin to be more aware of it. You won’t be aware of your life potential until you give an attention.

48. Our success is determined by the amount of faith we have in God. If you are the faithful one, remember that you will always need the inspiration of God to get things done.

49. Give your heart to the will of God so that every day of your life will be blessed for you. Don’t give up in what you believe in and your life will be filled with lots of love and success.

50. Great things to occur easily, they come with lots of efforts from our angle. If you want to be good in life, make sure you are really determined to be good. Happy Sunday.

51. Joy is when you are happy with yourself, and it will not come to pass until you forgive yourself of things that make you sad.

52. The way to the joy of this world is to be fine with yourself. Great things are not easily achievable until we are actually ready to make it happen. Happy Sunday.

53. The weekend is a blessing that we are supposed to grab with love and an open mind. It is a grace that should not be taken for granted.

54. Wishing you an inspired Sunday, full of love and passion for humanity. Make your day great with a beneficial smile. Happy Sunday friend.

55. Have one of the most precious days ahead, it is a great privilege that we woke up today to see the light of another blessed day in our life.

56. Wonderful things don’t easily happen, they are always been inspired by good wills and efforts that cannot be overlooked at all.

57. Don’t take any day for granted, they all have their significance. Sunday is full of enjoyment and rests while other days are also full of the bounties that come with them. Have an awesome weekend.

58. Wishing you a more interesting moment in life; may you find peace and harmony; may your days be crowned in love and passion. Happy Sunday.

59. Blessed is your face this Sunday, may the Almighty continue to elevate you until you reach the highest point in life. Have one of the most precious Sundays ever.

60. You cannot be satisfied in life until you teach yourself contentment. Holding grudges in your mind for others only makes you sad and waste your time. Happy Sunday.

Inspirational Sunday Messages – to battle challenges

61. I am inspired to let you know that, our life is surrounded by challenges but only a few great minds stand up to face it squarely.

62. Be it a day, two or more in wealth, always remember that one day, you need be with those that matter to you. Always be in good time with your relatives.

63. There are many reasons to shed tears in life, but the best way to tackle our life problems is by being close to God to rescue us from all evils.

64. Have one of the most entertaining Sundays that refreshes the soul with joy. I wish you a joyful moment that brings grace to the heart. Make this Sunday a fun fair.

65. With joy in my heart, I am praying that everything you need will be granted to you. I ask the Almighty God to bless you beyond extraordinary level.

66. I pray for your uplift in this season. May you be filled with lots of love and passionate co-existence that will create a good relationship between you and your family? Happy Sunday.

67. I wish you the best of all days in this world and pray that everything you desire will be easily given to you. Have one of the loveliest weekends that you deserve.

68. Great thinking comes with lots of patience and calmness. If you can’t get rid of the fear in your heart, you will find it difficult to excel in life.

69. Make this Sunday as one of your chances to build a better future, let it be a great impact that will last you forever. Have a wonderful time ahead.

70. We will be fine only if we know how to make it happen. We are not that happy because we think this life is way too big for us to handle. Happy weekend my friend.

71. Happy Sunday, the day is brighter and beautiful; enjoy in its glowing light.

72. Hey! The day is colorful full of many beautiful colors to make our days brighter. Happy Sunday everybody.

73. The beautiful moment is like a gorgeous Sunday; it puts a smile on everyone’s face for a better day ahead.

74. Wonderful faces are seen smiling early in the Sunday because the day surely will be bright and shine. Happy Sunday guys.

75. What’s up a friend, it is another opportunity to write the mistake of yesterday and embrace the success of today. Happy Sunday.

76. I am so much happy about this day; it is full of light, joy, and happiness. Have a wonderful day ahead. I love you all.

77. Hello, have you taken your coffee this Sunday? It is high time we get the energy for the day job. Happy Sunday lady.

78. Have blissful Sunday kisses from your darling husband; I just want to ensure that you are fine. Happy Sunday sweetheart.

79. I wish to say an awesome Happy Sunday to my precious lady; I hope your night was full of fun and enjoyment. Happy Sunday.

80. This beautiful day will be a success in your life and want to say hello to those who matter to me and then I remember you are number one.

Inspirational Sunday Messages – for love

81. The Sunday is still glowing like a polished gold; let your remaining part of the day shine like sunshine. I love you.

82. Make this beautiful time of the day as an opportunity to warm up your spirit to do the job of the day. Happy Sunday sweet.

83. Happy Sunday to my Happy friends, I love you all and wish you many success in life; happy to see your face in the next few minutes.

84. I miss you all through the night and wish to see your beautiful faces once again. I hope you guys had a beautiful night.

85. The only way I can reach you to my satisfaction; it is to say I love you this Sunday so that I will see the impact on your face in the bed. Happy night.

86. Loving you is the portion of my illness; please make my day a precious one and I will be happy for the rest of my life. Happy Sunday.

87. Let this day of the week mark the beginning of your joy by improving on your potentials; try and become the best in anything you do.

88. Happy Sunday, wishing you the aroma of love that will not end until the end of time; your success will have no limit.

89. I am actually happy today as you hope to celebrate the most precious day of the weekends; happy Sunday my love.

90. I am happy that you are already planning to come back home; I want you to take advantage of this day for your success.

91. People think that it is always easy to make things happen; no, the truth is that you cannot make a building on; everything without foundation; everything comes with love.

92. I want you to have one of the most interesting moments in this world; as this Sunday glows in the glory of a new millennium; may your face be embarrassed with lots of smiles.

93. I wish you the loveliest time ever; you are the most heartwarming chocolate I have ever met in my life; take this Sunday as a day for total enjoyment rather than sadness.

94. I want to be yours for the rest of my life that’s why I will not give up on you even for once. You are my beloved angel. I love you with all my heart.

95. Rice up for a blessed day; put a smile on your face so that everyone around you will enjoy the love that flows on your cheeks. Happy Sunday.

96. I want to shout a big happy Sunday to everyone; may you continue to be loved now and forever. I wish you a great Sunday.

97. I am happy for your life because it reflects a good fortune ahead; I love you so much that everything about you entices me, Make this Sunday a sweet one for you.

98. If you believe in the words of God and then follow the guidance; you will not live a miserable life or live a distressing life.

99. Great people are always the most beautiful because they smile always; they are always happy no matter what happened.

100. I am wishing you a very precious moment in this world; your blessing is close so thank God and don’t be sad.

Inspirational Sunday Messages – for your every Sunday

101. We can always be what we wish to be; it is a fact that cannot be overwritten by anyone. Happy Sunday.

102. Make sure you have a smile on your face this morning; an inspired face is a face beautified. Happy Sunday my love.

103. I want to be happy all the time; this is why I am always being concerned to see you smile. Happy people are the most successful.

104. Enjoy the bliss of this gorgeous weekend; it has a lot of flowers and roses; you can also enjoy the fragrances of the day. Happy Sunday.

105. True happiness is when you are always contented with what you have. Never mind what people say but what really matters is that you are happy.

106. Some people want to see you cry; never dance to their tune, keep on moving until you finally reach your goals.

107. I am pleased to be yours forever; this is an inspiration from the bottom of my heart; happy Sunday and enjoys love.

108. People want your downfall but you need your own happiness; fight for it until you finally get it.

109. Love may be wicked as some people said; but when it is mixed with hope and trust in God, the mission will be accomplished.

110. Thank God for this wonderful day; I love you so much and for this reason, please put a smile on your face. Happy Sunday.

111. Kings are those who are always happy no matter the situation in their life. I hope you are a royalist too?

112. My sincere Sunday greetings go to you; I want to be the reason why you are happy all through the day. Happy Sunday.

113. Good day sweetheart; relax this Sunday to wash away the stress of yesterday so that your energy will be boosted for tomorrow. Happy Sunday.

114. What brings joy to the heart is no more than love and respect. Love and respect yourself and your life will be better.

115. Happy Sunday to the most interesting main my life; your thoughts in my heart inspires me to love you the more.

116. The pearl of my heart, today is not for sadness it is for joy and happiness; always put a smile on your face. I love you.

117. The best time to say hello is in the morning, the most interesting time to say get up for good is Sunday. Happy Sunday.

118. I love your smile whenever I see your face why not let others see it today so that they will also be happy as I do.

119. Sunday is a day for joy, happy Sunday my friend; it takes only the courageous ones to smile when things are hard.

120. Today clears out the stress of the whole week; relax your body to enjoy the holiday of a beautiful Sunday that smiles at you.

Lovely Inspirational Sunday Messages

121. If you relax your brain this Sunday; it will be boosted for tomorrow hustle. Always enjoy your weekends because it worth it.

122. Sunday is sunshine; let it shine on your health and wealth. Sunday is a comfort; enjoy it like never before. Happy Sunday.

123. Don’t just relax on Sundays; do what makes you smile; tomorrow may be too late to enjoy yourself. Good morning, happy Sunday.

124. Good to hear from you and have a wonderful Sunday enjoyment that never ends; happy Sunday I love you all for whom you are.

125. I love every one of you. I miss you guys just within these two days; have a wonderful and pure Sunday with your family.

126. It is not easy to see sunshine; as you see this Sunday, it is a great privilege worth been celebrated forever. Happy Sunday my friends.

127. I am happy to have seen you grown this way; it is my pleasure that you are sound and happy. Happy Sunday younger brother.

128. Sunday may be for relaxation, but there are many things to learn to make Sunday an extra great day. Happy Sunday to my friend.

129. Sunday is a day to rejoice, it fuels your energy. Be grateful for your achievements on Sunday, enjoy with your family, friends and make sure you take some chocolate.

130. If you spent your Sunday well, it will bring anew week full of love, passion, and energy to do your job. Happy Sunday.

131. Don’t feel relax, whatever that is good for your soul, just do it so that it will make you a better person tomorrow. Happy Sunday.

132. Take it slow this Sunday; never lose the chance of relaxing your soul for a better work done the next day.

133. Let’s appreciate the blessing we have today so that it will not be a thing of regret tomorrow. Have a nice Sunday.

134. This is a beautiful Sunday; we thank God for granting us a special day to refuel our body and soul to serve our nation.

135. Sunday is one if the best day of the week because it comes with lots of opportunities for us to organize for the next days.

136. Start this noble Sunday with a smile on your face; relax, enjoy, cheer, play and don’t worry. Put your trust on God for He is always there for you.

137. Don’t worry about the past; today is a new opportunity to refresh your body and spirit; it will yield a positive result if you understand.

138. Let every single day count in your life; never mind the way you feel when things are not going on fine; make sure you are always happy.

139. Never mind the current situation in your life; in as much as there are love and inspiration, you will always find your way out of every problem.

140. Fill your soul with positive thoughts so that you will able to go far in life; you cannot be wrong if your judgment is clear about life.

Inspirational Sunday Messages as short texts

141. If Saturday fails to make you rest; never make the mistake of spending Sunday without your spirit being relaxed for Monday.

142. Sunday is a wonderful day; it gives you the chance to refresh and think ahead of the next one. Have a blessed Sunday.

143. I need to rest because it is Sunday; I have 100% reasons to relax myself this moment. I am so much happy for my body.

144. Wow, it is Sunday, another opportunity to make my Monday count. Happy Sunday to all my pals; enjoy the atmosphere; it refreshes your memory for the next day.

145. All work and no enjoyment give the heart an attack. Give yourself a break today and enjoy the moment with your family. Happy Sunday.

146. Wake up early on Sunday, pray to God, be patient about anything that happened to you and then bounce back to enjoy your weekend.

147. Your smile is very important to people around you; always make good use of your Sundays, so that smile will glow on your face on Mondays.

148. Saturday, Sunday and Monday are brothers; they are connected in a beautiful way that makes your day a treasure with lots of love.

149. Let this Sunday be your means of love and kindness; do not let it go without making a good thing out of it. Happy Sunday.

150. Have a glowing Sunday to relax your soul; you are so refreshed in spirit and body. This is a cool story to hear always.

151. It’s a new day. I’m alive. I’m blessed. God is good. God is great. Have a blessed Sunday

152. A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have. Happy sunday.

153. Happy and blessed sunday. May you enjoy the blessings and favour of God today. Enjoy the beauty that this day brings.

154. Faith. It makes things possible, not easy. Be strong and courageous. For the lord your God is with you wherever you go. Happy sunday.

155. Breath in, breath out, today is going to be a blessed day.

156. Its a beautiful Sunday morning and a great opportunity. Thank the lord for reminding us of how blessed we are.

157. Give and accept pleasure, happiness, and laughter. Because today is sunday. Good morning!

158. Always find time for the things that make you fell happy to be alive

159. A Sunday we’ll spent brings a week of happiness and content.

160. Sunday is the perfect day to refuel your soul and to be grateful for each and every one of your blessings. Take a deep breath and relax your family, your friends and a cup of coffee.

Amazing Sunday Messages to send

161. It’s sunday, therefore, I’m 100% motivated to do nothing today!

162. Sunday should come with a pause button.

163. It’s not a Sunday unless you completely waste it then feel really sad around 8PM.

164. My Saturday was going pretty well until I realised it was sunday.

165. Today is Sunday. Share this and within 7 days you will get another Sunday. It really works. My friend ignored this message and he got a Monday writhin 24 HRS.

167. I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday.

168. Warning : Going to sleep on Sunday will cause Monday

169. My Sunday plan : I’ll sleep until I’m hungry and then eat until I’m sleepy

170. God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost. If he ask you to put something fown. It’s because he wants you to pick up something greater. Blessed Sunday. God bless you.

171. Let all that you do be done in love. Happy sunday.

172. Sunday is all about relaxing. Happiness will be overloaded when you will do the desired things you want to do.

173. Sunday blessings, God bless your day with smiles, laughter, sunshine, mercy, kindness, and peace. Enjoy your day.


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