Relationship Hacks

How to Game a Beautiful Lady in Public

how to approach a beautiful lady in public

If you have been reading numerous guides on how to approach beautiful a lady in public and all effort seem futile. Then you need to get in here right now for a one-stop solution!

Step 1: Make sure you are always looking dope

I mean nice cuts, awesome outfits. If you are in shirts, it should be a clean, starched and ironed shirt or pants.

Make sure you don’t look like all these ICAN students with an almost faded trouser or guys hustling in TinCan in Apapa looking ragged and shit.

Step 2: Use deodorant

This isn’t only for people with body odour. The climate here in Nigeria is not favourable, man! One moment you are fresh and the next moment you are smelling like a goat (Due to heat)

You don’t wanna approach a beautiful lady smelling like a dustbin, Do you?

Have you read this: How to Plan for a Successful Relationship

Step 3: Be at the right place

You have to know when you approach a lady (especially a beautiful one). Don’t go running after a girl on the road. Like dude, who raised you?

You are a gentleman. Carry yourself with pride. She needs you more than you need her (facts only)

A right place like a party with mutual friends, concerts, seminar, a park and at church (yeah, I know)

Step 4: Your first impression will determine your situation with her

how to approach beautiful a lady in public

You gotta come up with a word that will definitely get a reaction from her. Don’t say “you are beautiful” or “you look familiar”.
Guy!, if I’m the lady I fit swear give you!

You can say something like “Hey, you got the time there?” Or “do you always look this good or today is just a special occasion?” (This will bring reaction)

If she tells you the time, you can joke about it. For example

Her: it’s 5pm
You: Oh, alright… so what time do I get to pack my bags to your house?

(Make sure you are smiling while saying this so she can get the sarcasm)
If she doesn’t get your sarcasm, abeg leave her. She is dull and not gonna be your kinda woman.

Have you read this: How to Write a Love Letter to a Girl for the First Time

Step 5 on how to approach beautiful a lady in public: Make her laugh

how to approach beautiful a lady in public

Trust me bruh, the moment you make a random woman laugh the first time you are talking to her, it is DONE and DUSTED.

Don’t go all comedian on her though. If you don’t watch it, you are gonna land in the friend zone.

Just say something to make her laugh. Don’t be too funny or serious. Loosen up and show your alpha man qualities #TeamAlphaMaleOnly

Step 6: Fake a phone call during your conversation

how to approach beautiful a lady in public

Okay, this is the ultimate play code. I shouldn’t even be giving out this tip but well… y’all shouldn’t say I never done anything for you.

During your “phone call”, just tell the “person” at the other end of the line to call you back or you can ask to call’em back. Guy!! Trust me, she might not show it but she feels special already.

A woman loves it when she gets attention especially from a mystery man she is just meeting.


Have you read this: How to Handle Rejection from a Woman

Final step on how to approach beautiful a lady in public: Leave her wanting more (cut it short)

how to approach beautiful a lady in public

how to approach beautiful a lady in public

If you think you know how to approach beautiful lady in public and still have not put these thoughts into use, then you really do not know how to.

You are a gentleman. A gentleman always has his shit on lockdown. A gentleman gives ’em one at a time. A gentleman keeps it short and interesting.

You are allowed to spend a maximum of 15 minutes talking to a lady you are meeting for the first time. Anything longer than that will always lead to ‘falling hand’. (Except you are both on a journey in a distant location)

Just tell her “Err… I’ve gotta go now, do you mind if we continue this conversation some other time?”

Note: you didn’t ask for her number but you just did.

I bet you 99.9% of women will oblige to this.

Here are my tips for you on how to approach beautiful a lady in public, do you have additions to my post? Let me see your comments below.

About the Writer - VizKiz

Olanrewaju Victor, (known by his screen name VizKiz) is a Lagos based Accountant and Social media influencer who is familiar with the odd way things are being done in this century.

After series of personal interviews with different guys on how they will approach a lady they like in public but didn’t get encouraging replies, he decidesd to write his first article on How to game a lady in public and look cool with it to help the average Nigerian man step up his game.

In his words: “True Love isn’t something you get cheaply, you have to take your time to find the right one”.

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    November 6, 2019 at 11:21 am


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