Dee Love Paragraphs

Sweet Good Night SMS in English

good night sms in english

Romantic good night SMS

Now is the time to send a couple of romantic good night sms for the one you love. Who wouldn’t send?

21 The dreamy land calls you. The fairies beckon at you. The place where the lights are so bright and the breeze is so nice. Between all the dream you hear me calling your name. Good night baby, dream on.

22 I pray that you have the most amazing dream
I pray that the new day refreshes you
I pray that you have the most beautiful dream
I pray that tomorrow bring in new things and you remain brand new
Good night dear.

23 Saying good night to you does not mean I’m saying good bye. I will always be here, and you will see me whenever you star into the dark sky. Don’t you ever have any reason to cry, as I will be back in no time. Have a happy night rest. I love you.

24 As the day comes to a rest, so is it time for you to come to a rest as well. You can’t defy the law of nature to ignore the call of nature. As you lay your head to rest this day, I pray that God supports you throughout the night. Good night my love.

25 Just as you move tonight towards your bed
Just make sure you shut your eyes and try to rest
You should know that I will be with you even in your dreams
To show and let you know that I am always within reach
Good night my dear, sleep well.

26 The night provides us with time to dream about the future
And allow to see way beyond the face of nature
Just as you are about to enter into the dreamland
I pray that God protects you with his mighty hand
have a good night rest dear

27 The morning and noon provided the opportunity for you to chase your dreams
But now that the dream is knocking and saying it is time for you to sleep
You now must go to bed and see the vision of tomorrow that you need
Good night dear, have a lovely night rest

28 The sun is off and the moon is here
The night has come telling you to head over to bed
May your tomorrow be bright and may the night welcome you right
Have a good night rest dear, may the night never be your enemy

29 The night has come knocking again, telling you it is time to drive off into dreamland
Just as you enter bed tonight. Know that my arms are around you, to guide you to bed
Have a pleasant night rest dear. Rest well. I love you always.

30 I wish that you get the opportunity to dream your dreams this night
Just as you are about to sleep tight this night
I am here praying that all your dreams come true
And that God watches over you and protect you from the harm of the night
Have a lovely night rest dearie

31 Me and you, will fly together
Over the mountains and the hills
As we sleep at the same time and drive slowly into the dream land
I will be holding you tight, so that you don’t fall from the high cliff
Good night darling, sleep well.

32 The day may end on its own
The night may decide to forge its own path
But know today that even when my love goes astray
It will always find its way walking back to you
Have a pleasant night rest my love
May God protect you this night as you go to sleep.

33 Another great night is here again
A night to sleep and rest away from the worries of the week
As you lay your head to bed this night
I wish that you find your sleep heavenly and beautiful
Sleep well and have a good night

34 I hope this good night sms makes you happy today
Just as you have made me happy with a good night message
I know that with you by my side every day
I will never have a bad and terrible day
As I am wishing you a good night rest
I hope that you have an amazing day tomorrow

35 In this life there will always be tension
But please don’t you ever day that you want to mention
And try to bring this to other people’s attention
Remember that the real tension will come when we continue to mention
Stay positive, have a pleasant night rest

36 Sun has gone after saying with you for so long
the moon is here now to keep you company so embrace it
The stars are out and should guide you as you go to bed
Good night baby, may your night be as lovely as your mornings

37 Sun had left to sleep. Stars have come out so sharp and bright
The white sky has gone off and the dark sky is here now
And very soon, the cool breeze of the night will overwhelm you
And push you to sleep. Have a great night rest dear.

38 Are you going to bed already, please take your time and read my good night sms
May God showers his protection and guide you through the dream land
may you wake in good health tomorrow
Have a blissful night rest. God is with you in your sleep already.

39 I am sincerely sorry for disturbing you now
But wait a minute, am I disturbing you at all?
I am only sending you my goodnight wishes and praying to God
to please be with you as you lay you head to rest
have a pleasant night rest darling
Sleep tight

40 Now it is time to say goodbye to a beautiful day
And welcome a beautiful night as well
So don’t you worry or despair about how tomorrow is going to be
Because God is on your case and he has everything handles already
Have a pleasant night rest dear.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    April 2, 2023 at 11:35 pm

    How was your day

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