Dee Love Paragraphs

Great Prayer Points for End of The Year 2020

Prayer points for end of the year

Prayer points for the end of the year: Looking forward to praying into the new year, then check out these prayer points for the end of the year.

In the next few weeks, we’ll be saying “bye-bye” to this year, and saying welcome to a New Year. And In today’s world,  there is little regard for what Christmas is really all about and so therefore to many, it is just another day.

The real reason for the season gives us, Christians, the ability to live our lives differently – in victory and with the help of God.

Let’s get to the prayer points for the end of the year.

Powerful Prayer points for end of the year

I have gathered  some Powerful Prayer Points that you can begin to pray in order to align your life with The Word of God for 2020

These prayer points are written to give you focus when praying and will help you to enlarge your conversations with God using His language – The Word of God!

1. O Lord, the year is coming to an end; do not end our life; put us in good condition and make us smile in the end. Happy New Year.

2. Lord, we are not sure of what will happen to us in the next few minutes; only you are aware of the hidden knowledge; bless us before the end of the year.

3. O the Almighty, you are the All-Seer the greatest, all the evils coming our way which we cannot see, stop them and convert them into a fortune for us.

4. We are answerable to your will; we are ready to comply with your way with our life and property. We call upon your Holy Name to bless us with our need and wants.

5. We are not perfect; we beseech your presence in our endeavours. Lord, come and purify our hustles to benefit us.

6. O Lord, make this world livable for us; do not let us face challenges that are greater than our souls. Bless with what we desire.

7. O Lord, this year is already at its peak; do not forsake me and my family members. Bless us with what will make us happy.

8. Our Lord, verily you are the one that will gather mankind on the day in which there is no doubt; I call upon you to bless us.

9. There is no other reason why my heart is full of light but for your blessing in my life. You are the blessed one that every soul should cry to. I want you to open new ways for me today.

10. Let this year be a perfect one for me; let the spirit of the year favour me in every angle. Lord, let your light shine in my life.

11. Lord, all the wishes of my family, let them be fulfilled this year. Put end to their poverty and misery. Bless them with what will benefit them now and forever.

12. O Lord, you are the one that protects your servant, protect us and our women; bless us with children and lots of properties.

13. Lord, do not remove your Light from our heart; always stay with us and make us feel the impact of your love in our life forever.

14. Lord, you alone with dedicate our life to, come and rescue us from extreme poverty, let us live a better life this year.

15. We are always in the mood of making things better; Lord we call on you to guide us in the best way to do it. Lord, we ask for your protection over our lives.

16. My life is dependent on you, hold my hands with your Mighty Hands, bless me with your love and elevate me above the expectations of my family and friends.

17. Lord, you are the only one that can bless me in spite of any situation I may find myself. You are the only God that can bring a soul out of the mess he put himself; we pray that you forgive our brother.

18. I want to be blessed with love and joy; I want to have a great reason to be happy all over my life. You are the most merciful; bless our company to be known all over the world.

19. We have no might except what you wish. We have no knowledge to make things work for us until your will is done. Lord, we ask you to bless us endlessly.

20. The entire world is in your hand and in your care; I am part of this universe, my brother and sisters are part of this world; our parents are not left out. Lord, we worship you and pray that you admit us into your Kingdom on the Last Day.

21. Lord you are the gatherer of the people, gather us among the most successful people on the day when every other face is in panic.

22. Lord, you are the fearless, you are the one who fears nothing; build my heart to fear no crowd as I prepare for this audition.

23. I am not skilful because I humble myself before you. I accept that only you are skilful, only you are the one who is witty and there is no other person that can stand you till eternity. Lord, I say, bless me with talent no one can compete.

24. The most gracious, come and bless my enterprises in this world. Come and shine your light in my life until I am completely satisfied.

25. Lord, let your praise wet our lips every time, let your glory fetch more success and prosperity in our life; make us one of the most lovely people in this world.

26. You are the greatest the one that we can run to when things get out of hand. We have no strength to stop the tyrants; they are overpowering us every day, please come to our rescue and destroy them with total destruction.

27. I cannot do without you Lord, I ask you for the blessing that is always with you, I beg of your love in my life.

28. Let loose your happiness in my life; make me become a giant of knowledge. Lord, give me the wisdom to lead my team in the best direction.

29. Lord, I am planning to open a company; you have foreseen everything that will happen to it; please protect it away from the hands of the enemies of progress.

30. There are enemies and bad wishers everywhere, Lord; I am begging you to protect us away from them. Put your love in our heart so that we can live together in peace and harmony.

Special Prayer points for end of the year

31. The way to my promotion is with you, O Lord, bring it to Light and push your glory to my home to dwell forever.

32. Lord, this year is ending, please accept my prayers; grant me with a beautiful woman to call my wife.

33. You alone I can tell my problem, you alone can solve my problems. You alone I can run to when things are not going fine in life. Come and take control of my life.

34. Lord, save me from any trap set for me by the enemies that are unknown to me. Do not put me to shame in the presence of my foes.

35. The plans I made to live up to the glory you set wait for me; Lord let them work before the end of this year. I praise your Holy name forever.

36. Set your plan in my life for your plan is the best. There is no one more mature than you are. You are the most knowledgeable. Every source of knowledge comes from you.

37. Prepare my life to meet you on the Day when there is no other smiling face but yours. Guide my life with your love.

38. Let your name be glorified in my life; change my life for good and protect my children from all kinds of evils.

39. Shape my life in the best way; join me and my lovers in a place specially made by you. Put your mercy in my heart so that the world will benefit from what you bless me.

40. Thank you Lord for the good works you have been doing in my life; thank you for your kindness in my life.

41. I bow down before you and worship you alone. You are the only God that exists and there is no other one beside. Give me my daily bread in the right proportion.

42. Lord, bless this year for me so that I can be celebrated among the most successful people in my era. Embrace me with your light so that the world will see the effect of your love for me.

43. I wake up this morning to establish my gratitude to you; I want to be selected as one of the luckiest members of my community.

44. Lord, you are my power, the only master I rely upon in all of my affairs in life; bless me with abundant joy.

45. I am praising God for this wonderful moment; I am praising you for the gift of life and the entire freedom you achieved for me.

46. I will praise the name of the Lord until death takes me away; I will worship Him until eternity. Lord, provide for me all that my heart needs.

47. The God of miracle has made everything easy for me; your love in our life has given us rest of mind and the goodwill to live peacefully with each other. Lord, bless us more and more.

48. O Lord, the death cannot worship you; only the living does. Lord, protect me so that I will live long to worship you.

49. My joy is that I came into this world not knowing that it exists and then became happier when I realized you are my God. Grant me everything I need to make this life livable for me.

50. I want to receive the blessing of the Lord this morning to make my day brighter and stronger in achieving my mission for the day.

51. I devote and commit my family unto you, Lord, take control of our life affairs; let us walk to places of fortune and goodwill.

Great Prayer points for end of the year

52. Make us fortunate in this world; let us have comfort and breakthrough in anything we are doing. Love us, bless our hustles and make it benefit us.

53. Heavenly God, the Alpha and Omega, I beseech your Name to shine the light of prosperity into the life of our family. Let our dealings with each other come with love.

54. Lord, I call upon you to quench the fire of misunderstanding between me and my in-laws; let your mercy come into our life once again.

55. You are the one whom when you purify a soul, no one can stain it forever. You are the master uplifter; lift me up above my enemies.

56. You have the hand of power; shower your strength and energy on me so that I will do my job until I get promoted to the position I desire.

57. Lord, have mercy, forgive my dad and make his grave cooler than the best air conditioner. Open the air of the paradise him.

58. You are the owner of the heavens and the earth. You alone the whole world bow before; you are the most worshipped everywhere; Lord, raise my status so that the whole world will recognize me.

59. Come and bless my life with many benefits. Let my life be led as a champion and a role model for people to do the right thing. You are the greatest the most beloved.

60. Lord, I am given whatever I need but I still need one thing—contentment. Lord, bless me with the ability to be happy with whatever I have.

61. Your Face is far away from me and I am the cause; Lord, forgive me and embrace me like a father embraces his son after reconciliation.

62. Lord, I want you to build my life with confidence so that I will not be scared of anyone but you. Clear the entire disease in my heart so that I will have rest of mind.

63. A heart with God is a heart at rest; draw me close to you; make me your agent, transform me into your noble servant and block all sins from my life.

64. Your greatness will forever be worshipped. No one has your attribute, no one has your might; you are the most honoured. I pray that you make the entire world honour me living and dead.

65. Lord, I want to see your Face on the Last Day. I want to be exempted from those who will panic on the day in there is no shade but yours.

66. My request from God is to give me everything I need in life; let my life be lived in peace and harmony. I praise you forever.

67. Glory be to the Lord, May your glory reach me and my entire family until the Last Day. Bless our hustle and always give us the ability to do the right thing.

68. I want to be happy in this life, I am begging you, Lord, to make it possible. Lord, bless me with endless love.

69. I am standing before you O Lord to please bless me with all that I need with love and a good wife that will support my dream for me.

70. Great indeed be yours forever O Lord; I beseech you for the best in this world. Love me beyond the sky and take me to the land of success.

Unique Prayer points for end of the year

71. All arrangements of the devil concerning my home shall not stand neither shall they come to pass in the name of Jesus.

72. I destroy all effort of the enemy to frustrate my work, in the name of  Jesus

73. Thank You Lord that I am alive to see the end of 2019.

74. O Lord, whatever I have done this year that grieved Your Spirit and can make You turn Your face away from e, Father please be merciful to me and forgive me.

75. O Lord, purge my spirit, soul and body of all contamination. I rededicate my life afresh to You. Fill me with a renewed love and passion for You. Let me be on fire for You as the year draws to an end.

76. I refuse to be downcast and disturbed. I refused to be discouraged about those things that didn’t happen in my life this year. I shall not take the grace of God for granted. My soul, rise up and give God praise for His goodness, mercy and faithfulness.

77. Father, I give You thanks for every testimony I got in 2019, every evil I was spared from this year.

78. Lord, as I praise, thank and worship You, make me whole from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet. Send an ambush to the camp of my enemies who don’t want me to see 2020,  who don’t want me to end 2019 rejoicing and celebrating.

79. I decree and declare that it is well with me this last month of the year. It is well with my spirit, soul and body. I have peace like a river. I refuse to be troubled, weighed down and discouraged.

80. I declare that I, my family members, church members and all loved ones will not be victims of end of year tragedies and calamity. We shall not end this year in sorrow in Jesus mighty name. AMEN!

81. Father, whatever You have not planted in my life that is determined to follow me into 2020,  let the fire of the Holy Ghost consume. Deliver me totally and completely from the Egyptians I see today. Let me see them no more. Let them ‘Egyptians’ of sickness, barrenness, failure, lack, poverty, debt, stagnation and besetting sins all drown with 2019

82. Let all those who are against me without a cause in my place of work turn back and be brought to confusion, in the name of Jesus

83. I close every door through which the enemies have been working against my work, in the name of Jesus

84. No weapon of Satan and his agent fashioned against me shall prosper in the name of Jesus.

85. Lord, I thank You for bringing me into 2019. Thank You for Your divine protection that is assured over my life and family throughout 2020.

I strongly believe that the above prayers will bless you as you draw nigh unto Him and prayerfully walk through the remaining part of this year and walk into the New Year.

You can also contact us for further insights/deeper understanding of prayer and powerful prayers for your life. I wish you all every blessing of heaven over this season and beyond.

Do you have other prayer points for the end of the year to share with us as the year is gradually coming to a close? Feel free to share these end of the year prayers pints with us.

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