Lifestyle Relationship Hacks

Ten Common Relationship Problems in Today’s Relationships

common relationship problems

5. Infidelity

Most times, when there is a break up in a relationship, it is usually because of the ‘other’ person. Infidelity is a nagging problem in today’s relationships, among both dating couples and married ones. Nowadays, many people cheat on their partners and have affairs outside their relationships and while some are remorseful about it, some aren’t.

Some people do not even see anything wrong with cheating on their partners, they see it as having varieties of life. Contrary to popular beliefs, infidelity in a relationship is not only limited to the men but it is also common among women.

Men and women alike now cheat on their partners thereby putting their relationship in jeopardy. While some cheating cases are caused by sexual incompatibility, others are purely due to lust and indifference on the part of a partner. Any relationship that would stand the test of time requires that both partners remain faithful to each other no matter what. When you cheat on your partner and they find out, their trust in you is bound to dwindle.

6. Priority Issues

To some people, their work is more important to them than their relationship. They have their priorities all wrong and it leaves their partners feeling somewhat alone and depressed.

Lack of ability to prioritize is a very common problem in today’s relationships and this is why it is important for couples in a relationship to set their priorities right. Although, this might seem like something that shouldn’t be an issue, it most definitely is.

Placing other things above your partner can make your relationship run into problems in the future. If you do not prioritize your relationship and put it above other things, it could cause you and your partners to drift apart and spend less and less time together. You need to put as much energy as possible into your relationship and do things as expected of you.

Make your partner a priority and they will love you for it.

7. Unnecessary Arguments

For any relationship to work perfectly, it is very normal to get into arguments and sometimes, fights. But the only thing is, arguments and fights must not be turn into a regular part of your relationship. Getting into arguments is something that is necessary in a relationship and in fact, when you do not have occasional arguments, it means that communication is lacking in the relationship. However, you must not make the arguments constant and regular. Most times, many couples have the same arguments over and over and this sometimes leads into fights. Excessive argument is a problem for any relationship and it usually fires back. When you get into arguments, try to thrash the issue out with your partner and if it turns out that you can’t, then be the bigger person and let the argument or cause of argument slide. But, no matter how hot an argument is, never let it proceed to a physical or verbal fight. Do not get insulting or abusive with your partner. Tending towards insults or abuses will only let the argument or fight proceed longer than normal.

8. Division of labour

This is another one of the common relationship problems couples have in relationship today. The refusal to split errand and chores with your partner serves as a potential problem in your relationship.

A very popular belief among people especially in this part of the world is that the house chores and the errands in the house must be done by the woman. Well argument on the enforcement of this belief is reasonable or not is a gist for another day, it is necessary that as a man, one must always endeavor to help with the chores and errands.

The same way it is expected of the woman to share the financial responsibility with the man is the same way it should be expected of the man to help around the house. House chores and errands should not be made a one-person thing. There should be a fair distribution of chore between them especially if they both work the same hours.

You should be able to discuss what you can help with or what you would love to help with around the house. You can even exchange chores between each other and when one person helps out on a area of lack today, the other can help out tomorrow.

This way, you avoid making your partner feel like a slave or subject in the home. And even more, it helps to grow a deeper bond between both of you.

When only one person does all the chores, it makes the marriage or relationship prone to arguments and issues.

9. Different Beliefs

Varying beliefs amongst partners is also a common cause of issues in relationships today. When you and your partner share different political beliefs, different religions and varying ideologies, it is likely to lead into endless and nonstop arguments which could in turn become bigger.

Thus, you must learn to respect your partner and their beliefs if your own view is different from theirs. Although, dating or marrying someone who is of different views and ideologies from you might seem impossible, it is actually possible as long as you both learn to tolerate each other’s beliefs.

10. Jealousy and Possessiveness

Many people are so possessive of their partners and they flare up with jealousy if they so much as see their partner with another person. Being jealous and possessive is a nagging problem that is prevalent in relationships nowadays and it can see a relationship go from sweet to sour in the blink of an eye. An overly jealous and possessive partner will definitely become overbearing, always interested in every single details of whatever their partner does. It is very good and normal to get jealous in a relationship however it must not become too much. If you are the overly jealous type, you must learn to put a leash on your jealousy and let love thrive.

These are ten of the most common relationship problems nowadays and the best way to work on them. Got any other addition on the common relationship problems in today’s relationships? Share your comments below.

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