Happy new month Lifestyle

Happy New Month Messages To My Boyfriend or Girlfriend

happy new month messages to my boyfriend

131. The most important in our life is time. A time lost can never be recovered, but the time we have right now, we can use to the best of our abilities. I pray that this new month will be the best and the most unforgettable of your months yet. May you bless you in amazing ways this new month. Happy new month sweetheart. God be with you.

132. whether it is a rainy October or a hot June, this new month will bring special and great feelings to you. May you never lack anything good in this new month. May every second be filled with amazing expectations of great things to come. Enjoy the new month sweetheart. God has already started performing wonders in your life. Claim it.

133. The new month is here again. How stocked up are you? What new plans are you working on and how do you intend to be a better version of yourself in this new month. May God be with everything you do. Happy new month my sweetheart.

134. New month brings the opportunity for us to refresh and do a re-calculation of how the old month has gone. It also helps us to reboot on the past mistakes and see how we can use that to improve on the future. It gives us the reason to leave the last month with its failure and focus on the new month with zeal, passion and enthusiasm. Nobody can make your new month better for you if not you darling. Happy new month and enjoy the rest of it my sweetheart.

135. The new month gives us the reason to put some past failures in the bag and focus on new targets. I am wishing you the most successful month ever. May God’s light always shine on you and may you have reasons to be happy for the rest of the month and the remaining months in the year. Happy new month baby.

136. The last sun of this month will soon set and we will welcome the dew of the new month that will make our ground wet. Today I wish you all the success and happiness that comes with a new month. I pray that the almighty will shower you with his blessings and grace. This is your month. Receive all the greatness that comes with it. Happy new month sweetheart.

137. Just as the new month has started right now, let’s all lift up our voices in prayers to God to pray for a peaceful month. We pray for happiness and new things everyday. May the guidance of God follow you throughout this new month and may the blessings of the Lord never depart from you. Happy new month darling.

138. This new month will bring a lot of opportunities to me and you. May these opportunities push us towards attaining our level of richness and greatness in Christ Jesus. May all our efforts in this new month lead to great achievement in Jesus name. May we be a living testimony to everyone that’s around us by the grace of God. Happy new month Dear.

139. Whenever I see the new month creeping in, my heat prays for you and my spirit lifts its voice to God to wish you the best month of your life. I pray today that you will always stay happy and that sadness will never have a place in your life. I pray that no trouble will come your way in this new month and you shall surpass all your expectations in Jesus name. A great and pleasant month is your darling. Happy new month to you baby.

140. The new month will always bring forward its own challenges and frailties. I have this belief that in this new month all challenges that comes your way will be stepping stones to your greatness and the goodness and mercy of God will be your portion for the rest of your days and years on this earth. Have an amazing month. May god be with you.

141. You should always know that the new month brings to us opportunities to look forward and remember what lay ahead of us in the future. Always let this happy new month message be a reminder of the fact that our time on earth is short and we have a lot to do. I hope you find your way in this new month and find fulfilment in whatever you lay your hands on. God will be with you and bless you dear. Happy prosperous month to you.

142. Our month of happiness is here. Yes! Be prepared and get set right now to put together all sacks that will house the blessings that God will share with you today. Always help others with God’s goodness on your life. It is not for you alone to share but also for people who are around you and are less privileged. May God bless you as you do so in this new month. Happy new month to you.

143. Remember in this new month that you’ve only got to live once. Have all the fun you want, forgive people who offend you, smile to everyone that comes along your way. May God be with you in this new month and may you never be lost when it is time for the blessings of God. Happy new month dear.

144. As the month starts today, here are my prayers and wishes for you. May you be healthy and sane in this new month. May you attain all your set targets and goals in this new month. May you stay elated and delighted throughout the month. May God give you the grace to learn new things, and may you be a living testimony to family, friends and colleagues. Happy new month dear.

145. Our objective in this new month is not just to only have a new month but also to have new objectives and new goals. The new month brings new vigour and motivation to get things right yet again. Happy new month to you, I hope you will do the right things in this new month. Go with grace, God is with you.

146.I have made no resolutions in the last month, this month provides the perfect time to make my new month resolutions to be better than yesterday and last month. What are your new month resolutions, I hope your requests come answered. Have a happy new month. God’s blessings on you and family.

147. Sometimes we get so busy in life that we are left completely unaware how life is flying by. The new month gives us the perfect opportunity to check up on family and friends that we have failed to check up on for some time. Remember to wish your loved ones a happy new month now. Happy new month.

148. The new days in the new months bring the perfect time to transform our life, thought process and direction. I remember you now and I pray that the new month brings all the goodness that you have always wanted and may sadness never be your portion in this new month. Happy new month to you. Have fun darling.

149. I have a feeling that this new month will be the best month of your life. I believe so much in your abilities and I pray that all what you have asked from God will be given to you. May all your dreams come true in this new month. Rise and shine darling, happy new month to you.

150. Your month is here and fortunately for you it is your birthday month. I hope that I am the first person to wish you a happy birthday in this new month even though I may not be the first to wish you a happy new month. May God be with you and make your dreams come true. Happy new month dear. Believe in God to make all what you have requested for happen. God will do new things in your life in this new month. Amen.

152. I pray that the wounds of the previous months be healed in this new month, and that the almighty God will drive away all the calamities that may come your way. You are a riser and you will indeed rise in this new month. The mercies of the Lord will be on you as you walk through the month. Happy new month to you.

153. Always know this, time will never stop for you. No matter who you are, you need to take advantage of the sweeping time to achieve what you intend to achieve. Remember that even as time passes without us knowing, my love for you will remain here forever. Happy new month my love.

154. Just as you do in the last months, please keep smiling so that your smiles can lighten up my day and bring me enough passion to forge ahead in my dreams. I pray that God will never make anything sadness come your way in this new month. Happy new month my best friend.

155. Month has started like a vehicle waiting to be ignited, so get into the car with the keys that God has given to you, turn on the ignition and move in the path that has been chosen for you. You are safe already because God is looking down on you to protect you from harm. Happy new month dear.

156. Ignore as much thoughts of the last month as you can and look forward in the new beginnings that new month has brought to you. The promises of God on your life will be fulfilled in this new month. God’s got you dear. You are blessed in all ramifications. If you believe in the words of God, you will always overcome everything and anything. Happy new month dear.

157. New month, new hopes, new fun, new opportunities, more money, more hustle and more fulfilment. God is with you and he will protect you as you move along the path of righteousness. Remember to ignore anything that may want God to turn his back on you and focus on things that are right in the face of God. He will bless you if you do his will, and follow his commandments. Happy new month to you.

158. Try to strive as much as you can, the earth will not wait for a lazy man, and a lazy man will always be left behind because more people keep fighting every day to be better than how they were. I pray that in this new month, you will attain that height that you have craved for. Happy new month to you and family.

159. The first thing you should do in this new month is to pray to God to commit your journey to him. When you do this, trust me, all your matter is settled already. You can never achieve anything on your own unless God is interested in your case. He will support you in every way beyond your imaginations.

160. I wish you the very best of opportunities to achieve what you have set out to achieve in this new month. God will be with you and will bless you surprisingly. Trust in him for greater heights. Happy new month to you.

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    February 7, 2018 at 9:19 pm

    The messages are really mind blowing oo. So cute

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    July 13, 2018 at 7:48 pm

    This messages are really awesome and mind blowing. So cute

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    Kemi Afolabi
    August 9, 2018 at 2:25 am

    Nawa o

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    January 9, 2019 at 8:18 pm

    Nice write-ups. Love it from Freshschoolnews

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    June 11, 2019 at 11:59 am

    Nice collection, it really amazing

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    November 22, 2019 at 1:09 am

    Interesting Collection, Thanks for sharing.

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    June 3, 2023 at 4:07 pm

    This messages are really good for me

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