Dee Love Paragraphs

Sunday Afternoon Messages For Your Love

sunday afternoon messages

Sunday Afternoon Messages – When you want to check up on the one you love. Make sure it is clear, distinct and lovely. This is what care and love is all about.

Sunday Afternoon Messages

Your voice is the sound I want to hear everyday. The times we have been together has been special and incredible.This Sunday that we are not together makes me miss you more. I promise to give you my best all the time. Trust you way is going well, Good afternoon.

If only you know how much I love you. If only you know how much my heart beats for you. If only you know how much you mean to me. If only you know you mean everything to me. If only you know.

I feel different with you. I really can’t explain how you make me feel when I listen to you talk or whenever you are around with me. You always make me smile and I love and appreciate it. I love you forever and always darling, Good afternoon to you.

Anytime I say I love you, it does not mean I just say it to strike a conversation, but I say it to let you know that you are the biggest gift God has ever given me. I love you so much, good afternoon.

With me and you, it is going to be forever. Love is going to be a timeless affair between us. We will work on being stable together. Our friendship will build up every day. You will always bring joy and happiness into my life. I love you so much. Good afternoon.

I will keep falling in love with you darling. If I come back to this life again, I would ask God for someone like you who came into my life and changed everything about me. I appreciate you because you make me learn more. You support me and make me the best of what/ who I am. I love you darling, good afternoon.

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